Playstation PSN ID Thread

Mine is Insanctified

When you add me, tell me your from FFA so I know whose

The games I'm playing at the moment are Metal Gear Online, Street Fighter IV (I'm nearly ALWAYS on this atm), and Soul Calibur IV

(Wonders if posting here is considered reviving an old thread, given that it's a sticky) o.o Doesn't hurt to try though, right?

For...anyone still on this particular thread....(cricket sfx) my PSN name is MonayMan...Anytime my Ps3 is on, I'm online, so....yeah.

Meeee! I'm absolutely addicted to the PS3 at the moment...especially Playstation Home...especially the Japanese server of Playstation Home...xD

I'm xigbar93 (Wonder where that name could come from? :eek:) on there. I'm in Home, like, all the time. That or playing Final Fantasy. Just tell me where you're from if you add...because my buddy list on PSN is turning into my MSN list...a bunch of people I cannot remember who are. xD

Oh! And I have an anime club on there too. =D Search Anime/Manga for Nerds. Yep. Shameless advertising.
Only just joined so sorry for posting in such an old thread but mine is currently
Who-are-you-2 on my brothers PS3
I'm not sure what the PS3 is like with recovering tags like the xbox 360, but if I can't recover it to my PS3 if/when I get one then I guess I will have to change it...
My PSN name = Ashadelo.

Please if you add me in the message let me know you are from so I know who it is ^^ or at least a general idea.
My ID is Jimmy_bankai

Feel free to add me, although i only have one game at the moment.
Mine's perceptrio. I usualy play Killzone 2 or demon's souls. Sometimes little big planet if I'm really in the mood lol.

I play a ton of games. I have Killzone 2, Resistance 2, Littlebogplanet, Burnout, Warhawk, Resident Evil 5, etc that I play online.
PSN ID: Vicophine

I play Resident Evil 5, Resistance 2, Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet, and many, many other PSN and PS3 single player games :) Feel free to add me.
ID: Coldbid

Come on, no one plays MGS Online? =(
Come Friday ill be playing Killzone 2 and NGS2 (which also has an online) so more chances u might see me then!
PSN is o__Sephiroth__o and only online game I got are Resistance 2, MKvsDC, SF4, and COD4.

I am not a robot :gasp:

I going to be playing MW2 and AC2 in the near future but I'm usually goofing around on the 'popular' games. :ryan:

Just send me a message telling me who you are as well. :ahmed: