PSP Version any good?

PSP Version any good?

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Its a OK game, if you like very very simple RPG type games this is for you.
make sure you get the stratagie guide also if you decide to get it
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gd game its just a better graphics version of the original but with m ore caves making it last longer
Strangely enough I just wrote a review on this game for FFK. It's not that different from the previous ones, if you've played these and dislike them then there's not a big chance this one will change your mind.

It's a simple game with a simple story and simple gameplay but quite addictive once you start playing, and the sprites are very well done, especially the boss sprites.

EDIT: I can send you the review if you'd like, Sever Off, just PM me.
Since Aztec made his "worth getting" thread i'd though he'd closed this one, turns out he hasn't so....

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