Pummel Phay Z'or the Paissa!


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Jun 26, 2008
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Meet Phay Z’or!

Phay Z'or the Paissa.png

Phay Z’or the Paissa is a Plutonian Paissa extremist.

Remember those jokes that people made about the celestial body of Pluto looking like a Paissa? There’s a reason for that. To the extremists, Pluto is the Paissa Homeworld. Earthlings have conspired to destroy Paissan heritage by: demoting Pluto via removing its status as a planet; training to murder Paissas in a video game which misrepresents the species; neglecting to teach the real history of the Plutonian Empire (before they caught the common cold and had to retreat).

Phay Z’or is a Plutonian Paissa who is fed up with the treatment of Paissas in the Earthling video game franchise ‘Final Fantasy’. The only survivor of his House, Phay of House Z’or, has woken from cryosleep after an 88 year nap (during which his mind concocted the perfect plan to restore dominance in the Solar System). He is now heading straight for us, Final Fantasy Forums, as the Earthling digital consciousness known as ‘Google’ has misled him into believing that we are responsible for the treatment of Paissas in FFXIV.

Phay intends to zap us all! We must shoot first!

Simply make a description of an attack and I will draw the injury in.

Someone may post...
‘Phay is attacked by oglops’

Consequently, I would draw:
Phay Z'or the Paissa - Example turn.png

Be creative! Be warned though, Phay is strong and can withstand much. You can track his current status at the bottom of this post.

To give order to this game I will be using dice to determine how much Phay has been damaged for each attack. (I will be using this website for the rolls: http://www.random.org/dice/).

Phay has a starting HP of 40. Each attack will minus whatever a single die rolls to Phay’s HP.

Each person can only attack only once until the next calculation period. These calculation periods (or Turns) will essentially be whenever it is that I have been able to draw Phay’s injuries and calculate his current HP.

Phay will also be healed during a Turn. 2 dice will be rolled and the sum will be added to his health! Kill him before he regenerates!

The person to land the death-dealing blow on Phay will be crowned the winner. The player who deals the most damage throughout the entirety of the game shall also get a prize.

Some further rules:
Do not ruin this by requesting naughty things to be done to Phay. Anything too rude and vulgar to depict in drawing will be ignored.
Also, any crazy commands such as ‘decapitate Phay!’ or 'Thanos snaps his fingers', while they will be drawn, he will not be insta-killed by such moves. The ‘healing dice’ of a Turn will do much to restore him.

1st place - 50 Gil - 5 BWP
2nd place – 40 Gil - 3 BWP
3rd place – 30 Gil - 2 BWP

25 Gil and 1 BWP will be granted to anybody who has entered this game after their first command, but no further payment will be made after any following turns.

Let’s kill him!

Current state of Phay:
Phay Z'or the Paissa - Round 3e.png

Total HP = 0


  • Phay Z'or the Paissa.png
    Phay Z'or the Paissa.png
    30.5 KB · Views: 342
  • Phay Z'or the Paissa - Heal 1.png
    Phay Z'or the Paissa - Heal 1.png
    41.1 KB · Views: 357
  • Phay Z'or the Paissa - Heal 2.png
    Phay Z'or the Paissa - Heal 2.png
    43.2 KB · Views: 339
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A swarm of ass blasters from Tremors 3, come and swoop at the head of this creature and attempt to claw the hair on his head out.
Spider Queen @Six intercepts this furry terrorist as his space vessel passes Saturn.
>.> I am going to enjoy this personally. Makes me think of creative ways of harming @Shaissa.

Feeds Phay Z'or to a hungry Eorzean family of 4.
*Makes a cutting remark that will, without a doubt, cause a lifelong wound that will fester in the mind of the victim far beyond what any physical harm could achieve.*

(Inflicts Damage Over Time)
Turn 1:

Phay Z'or the Paissa - Round 1a.png

Phay Z'or the Paissa - Round 1b.png

Phay Z'or the Paissa - Round 1c.png

Phay Z'or the Paissa - Round 1d.png

  • A swarm of ass blasters from Tremors 3, come and swoop at the head of this creature and attempt to claw the hair on his head out (@Soulcorruptor )= -2
  • Spider Queen @Six intercepts this furry terrorist as his space vessel passes Saturn (@Linnaete) = -5
  • Feeds Phay Z'or to a hungry Eorzean family of 4 (@Espurr) = -6
  • Makes a cutting remark that will, without a doubt, cause a lifelong wound that will fester in the mind of the victim far beyond what any physical harm could achieve (@sly) = -6

Total HP = 21


Healing dice:
6+1 = 7

Phay recovers 7 HP!

Phay Z'or the Paissa - Heal 1.png

Current HP = 28

You may now request your next moves!
who is doing this to me!?!?!? :sad2:

I should win cause this is me.!!!

Hugs the Paissa to make him better
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*Cooks up a huge batch of Bacon for everyone, then pours the scalding hot grease over the condemned.*
The paissa is kicked off a latter by all the ceglings trying to escape from a graboid(tremors) and the tentacle tries to drag the paissa underground.
Adding to @Shaissa's post

Watches as the Phay Z'or suffers from being hugged by Shaissa the smelly, robotic paissa.
Summons Tomberry SR to cut a giant slice of Ninja Turtle's special Pizza that Paissa will have to eat
This Pizza slice is so caloric that Paissa gains extra weight that slows and damages him
Phay Z'or is invited to a critical peace summit with Supreme Pom Leader Kim Jong-Mog.

Kim Jong-Mog wins key concessions, the key one being that Pluto is to cease its provocative joint military exercises with Neptune.
Turn 2:

Phay Z'or the Paissa - Round 2a.png

Phay Z'or the Paissa - Round 2b.png

Phay Z'or the Paissa - Round 2c.png

Phay Z'or the Paissa - Round 2d.png

Phay Z'or the Paissa - Round 2e.png

Phay Z'or the Paissa - Round 2f.png

  • Hugs the Paissa to make him better (@Shaissa) = -6
  • *Cooks up a huge batch of Bacon for everyone, then pours the scalding hot grease over the condemned.* (@sly) = -4
  • The paissa is kicked off a ladder by all the ceglings trying to escape from a graboid(tremors) and the tentacle tries to drag the paissa underground. (@Soulcorruptor) = -2
  • Watches as the Phay Z'or suffers from being hugged by Shaissa the smelly, robotic paissa (@Espurr) = -1
  • Summons Tomberry SR to cut a giant slice of Ninja Turtle's special Pizza that Paissa will have to eat This Pizza slice is so caloric that Paissa gains extra weight that slows and damages him. (@Duhemsounds) = -3
  • Phay Z'or is invited to a critical peace summit with Supreme Pom Leader Kim Jong-Mog. Kim Jong-Mog wins key concessions, the key one being that Pluto is to cease its provocative joint military exercises with Neptune. (@Linnaete) = -6
Total HP = 6

Healing dice:
4+3 = 7

Phay recovers 7 HP!

Phay Z'or the Paissa - Heal 2.png

Current HP = 13

You may now request your next moves!
Hits Fatty P with a sock full of nickles.
Punts Phay Z'or into a pit of hungry alligators
Leaves Phay Z'or out on a cold night so his body heat lights him up like a ballon so some Shrikers(tremors 2) can attack him.
Phay Z'or scores an own goal, bringing dishonour and shame to his family and to his people.
in case 4 people dont killl it....

Prays to the almighty Paissa god, to at least send the paissa to Paissa Heaven for its death was very cruel and unusual
Turn 3 - THE END

Phay Z'or the Paissa - Round 3a.png

Phay Z'or the Paissa - Round 3b.png

Phay Z'or the Paissa - Round 3c.png

Phay Z'or the Paissa - Round 3d.png

  • Hits Fatty P with a sock full of nickles (@sly) = -3
  • Punts Phay Z'or into a pit of hungry alligators (@Espurr) = -2
  • Leaves Phay Z'or out on a cold night so his body heat lights him up like a ballon so some Shrikers(tremors 2) can attack him (@Soulcorruptor) = -4
  • Phay Z'or scores an own goal, bringing dishonour and shame to his family and to his people (@Linnaete) = -3

And then… The killing blow:

Prays to the almighty Paissa god, to at least send the paissa to Paissa Heaven for its death was very cruel and unusual (@Shaissa) = -5

The Paissa God closes Phay Z'or's eyes and lets him die in peace. A mercy killing.

Phay Z'or the Paissa - Round 3e.png

The Almighty Paissa God accepts Phay Z'or's immortal soul into Paissa Heaven...

Total HP = 0

Phay Z'or is dead!


1st place - 5 BWP + 5 CT = @Shaissa
2nd place – 3 BWP + 3 CT =
3rd place – 2 BWP + 2 CT =

I also said that the person who deals the most damage to Phay over the course of the game shall get an extra award. After working this out it turns out that Linnaete also dealt the most damage! She shall gain 4 BWP.

Here is the list of damage dealt:
  1. Linnaete = 14
  2. sly = 13
  3. Shaissa = 11
  4. Espurr = 9
  5. Soulcorruptor = 8
  6. Duhemsounds = 3

All participants gain 1 BWP + CT for general participation.

Thank you all for participating in this year's monster slaying competition!

Feel free to mourn (or gloat) the passing of Phay Z'or the Paissa here as this thread shall now become a memorial.
There is a great Irony that Shace's move killed it.