push the person above u on an FF character

Hey, that thing tickles!
I push you onto a Mesmenir.
(um, when a character is pushed on someone, does that character always attack, so that is a safe assumption, or does it depend? Just in case...)

Is he going to use that gun? I'll just concentrate, and if he reaches for it, I'll get ready to dodge every bullet until it runs out of ammo, then it would be easy win from there.
Remember you gotta push, Bolt!
I'll return the favor and push a moogle on you.
Where are you getting all of these moogles from? There's lots of other FF characters, too. XD

I push Cait Sith on you.

Oh noes, how could I be that cruel!? :wacky:
Cruelty just happens. It's a part of life.

I push Rinoa on you.