

Aug 3, 2007
United States of America.
Okay, so, I haven't been able to play FF7 since around 2000, and can someone refresh my memory on the importance of "Zack"? He seemed like a character who was just there to me. I know there's a love story involved. But what was his connection with Seph?

Also, if anyone knows where I can get another copy of FF7, please let me know. I'm DYING to play it again.
Zack was a FIRST CLASS SOLDIER who was Aries 'first love'. I don't think their relationship was too serious but we can't say anything until Crisis Core comes along on the PSP and clears that up. From what i gather, whilst their relationship isn't serious, Aries has feelings for Zack and Zack has feelings for Aries.

Aries likes Cloud because he reminds her of Zack.


I suggest Ebay for FF7. Don't worry about not recieving it, i ordered my games from there and i've never had a problem. Look for a seller with good feedback and when you get your game, NEVER SELL IT. I can't stress that enough. I sold my original FFVII >_< and it was the worst mistake i ever did, so i went and bought it again sometime later.
Like the other two before me said, Zach was Aeris' first true love and a 1st Class SOLDIER, who traveled with Sephiroth the day he went mad. He was killed by Sephy and allowed Cloud, who was just a low guard or something like that, to take the Buster Sword. That's how the Buster Sword came into his possesion.

Look on Ebay for FF7. Always look for either 100% Feedback or at the least, 99.5%.
wasn't Zack also the base model that formed Cloud? and all his memories were used to give Cloud a past.