Quick facebook question


White Mage
Oct 2, 2008
I wonder if someone can help me. I have a recently deceased friend who is on my Facebook. His name keeps appearing on my "reconnect with him" list. Is there a way I can stop this without being so harsh as "unfriending" him or blocking him, because whenever I see him I get this little jolt of hope, followed by a jolt of pure pain
I have the exact same problem, I can sympathise =/

I know ages ago (on old face book) on the news feed when people posted stuff, there was a little option to 'see more' or 'see less' from this friend, not sure if that's still an option.... though, obviously, they won't be posting anything =/

Try having a look round their profile, see if there are any options to see less? If not, it's ust something you might have to deal with. It makes me wince when I see my friends name pop up, so I unsderstand it's not easy
Ouch. I'm sorry to hear that, and that would be a problem.

I'm not sure if there is a way to stop that without unfriending a person. That said Facebook is odd in how it chooses people to show on the "reconnect with this friend" thing on the homepage as it always seems to pick two or three friends and then cycle those same few people, ignoring the rest of your friendslist.

Perhaps it is something you can try and contact Facebook about.

Actually, it just occurred to me as I was typing this post that I think you can stop them from showing if you click the x in the corner. If you hover your mouse over it it will say "do not show this suggestion", so I'm guessing that this should block it either for that person or for the entire "reconnect" suggestions.
I've had a look, both on his profile and on my settings, but there doesn't appear to be anything
Like you said, painful, but I think I'll have to deal with it :(

Sorry, Argor you were posting the same time as me. I'll have a look next time he appears
He's appeared six times in 2 hours, with different people cycling with him
Actually, it just occurred to me as I was typing this post that I think you can stop them from showing if you click the x in the corner. If you hover your mouse over it it will say "do not show this suggestion", so I'm guessing that this should block it either for that person or for the entire "reconnect" suggestions.

Ive tried that, it just cycles to someone else til it gets bored of suggessting people/things. Then they come back next time you sign in. It's most irritating. That re-connect feature really is rather pointless
Ive tried that, it just cycles to someone else til it gets bored of suggessting people/things. Then they come back next time you sign in. It's most irritating. That re-connect feature really is rather pointless

Ah. That's ridiculous. In that case perhaps contacting Facebook might be the only thing to do, but I'm not sure if they'll be able to do anything or if they really have any control over what that feature chooses or anything.

They should make it so that you can ignore that feature entirely as it is pretty stupid anyway.
It is pointless, I just tried it. It's "do not show this suggestion" for that page, but when you refresh a couple of times, the same person is back

Could it be something to do with the amount of times a page is visited, compared with the amount of times you've posted something? Cos of the poor lad dying, a lot of people have visited and commented since I last did
Could it be something to do with the amount of times a page is visited, compared with the amount of times you've posted something? Cos of the poor lad dying, a lot of people have visited and commented since I last did

I don't think it is. One of the people it cycles on my homepage doesn't use his facebook a lot, and he doesn't get many comments at all. He doesn't even use any applications or get a lot sent to him from other people via applications.

So I think it must be completely random. I don't understand it myself.
Huh. Now it appears that he's stuck on there.
The thing is, I wouldn't normally notice with anyone else, but because he's died, it's really affecting me. Sadness
I came across this article, but I don't know if it works because I've not tried it and don't intend to as it isn't worth the effort seeing as I rarely visit facebook.

Hope it works for you if you try it. =)


How to Remove Facebook’s "Reconnect" Box

Published on 12/8/09. Categorized under Internet/Technology.

Does anyone else dislike Facebook’s “Reconnect” feature? It’s on the home page, under the box that suggests people or pages you might want to connect with. Suggesting a first-time connection with someone is actually somewhat helpful. But suggesting I contact a friend I’ve been out of contact with for a while because some Facebook algorithm thought it’d be nice? That’s nearly useless. And because I can never leave well enough alone I found a way to block the bothersome nag.

What You’ll Need
  1. Firefox
  2. Adblock Plus
Yes, this little hack is only good for Firefox users, though I’d bet there are ways of accomplishing what I’m doing in other browsers. And if you’re using Firefox you ought to be using Adblock Plus anyway, since it just may be the very best extension for the browser.
Normally Adblock Plus is used strictly to block advertisements. But it can actually be used to filter out all sorts of page elements.
Step 1 – Add Filter


In Firefox, click the Tools pull down menu and select Add-ons. Find Adblock Plus and click Preferences. You should see a menu similar to the one in the image above. Click on Add filter… to enter in the custom block filter we’re going to use.
Step 2 – Insert Custom Filter


A text box should appear, prompting you to add in your new filter. Here you’re going to want to enter the following text:
Click OK. You’re done! If you have the Facebook homepage open in your browser you may need to refresh the page before you see the changes.
Here’s What You Just Did

“UISuggestionList_ItemContainer” is the class name for the div that holds the reconnect code. If you don’t speak geek, think of it like a section title in a book. Whenever your browser sees that particular class on the domain you specified (in this case, facebook.com) it will block all the content found there.
Be aware of two things. Facebook could change the name of the class whenever they want, which would require you to change your filter to match. Also, Facebook could start including something you might actually want to see within the area of the page we’re blocking.
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