Quick Question

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No, it's not. FFXIII is going to be for the PS3. :monster:

Perhaps you're thinking of FFIII?
Thanks for your help, a little while ago, i read a website that said you have to pay for it online or something? i don't know
No, not true. It won't be an MMORPG. Besides, XIII on the Wii would be taking a step backwards in terms of graphic and processing power, not that it matters with a good RPG, but I doubt the game designer would do all that extra work to be compatible with the Wii's hardware...
There's firmware to make the Wii compatible with PS2 games, but it will fry the system eventually. No doubt attempting this with a PS3 game would instantly fry the Wii. xD
I think he meant "Wi-Fi" not Wii...

-No, it's not. FFXIII is going to be for the PS3.-
( I don't know how to Quote :S)

Heard rumors that Final Fantasy XIII would be on Xbox 360 but im not worried since Sony owns 8% (i think) of Squarenix.

The only reason that XI is on 360 is that the game was too high for the PS2 as it was first meant to be on, and it would've made a crappy game on the Playstation 3 compared to what it could've been... i doubt there'll be more FF on Xbox
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