
Silver Shadow

Shadow of Dreams
Jun 5, 2008
in your shadow
i know some of you guys diss quickenings, but i have found them really useful. they have saved my life a couple times, and have also allowed me to end a boss fight quickly when i have something else to do. so far, i have one shotted every boss up to ghis with quickenings (as that's where i am at the moment, i haven't beaten the game yet) and i plan to still use them. if anyone else uses quickenings besides the extra mana bar part, i would seriously like to know.
I don't know, I mean they look fairly cool but could you not do more damage without them? I use them in boss fights and try to get longer and longer string of attacks but in the end it takes too long for damage you could have doubled in that time.
I don't know, I mean they look fairly cool but could you not do more damage without them? I use them in boss fights and try to get longer and longer string of attacks but in the end it takes too long for damage you could have doubled in that time.

But in doing that damage you took none.

I love my quickenings, I also use them on bosses, and rarely do I have to actually fight them after a long chain.

Plus it's fun to play slots :P
I find quickenings great in boss battles to knock off the last 20% of their health like against the king bomb when he runs off and uses his curing spell when his hp gets to low so i unleash a 10/11 guickening spell and he is like Mega dead.
Quickenings were brilliant against King Bomb. I almost screamed at the TV when I got him down to around 20% and he used Renew -__-

Second attempt:
I used one chain to get him down to about 40% health, then quickly switched out and used another chain with the other three characters and finished him off =D

Against certain bosses they were very useful. I one-shotted Berge and his minions with a Quickening Chain. It was very anti-climactic.
I use Quickenings at the of the battle when mostly the boss skills more powerful, they help me take the last bit of boss HP fast, well that's almost when I do 4 or 5 hits since I don't like to go to 13 hits when I don't need it.
I only really use them in boss battles and tbh, they have saved my behind once or twice, especially when I was facing that demon wall thing in Raithwalls tomb....I think it was there anyway......It's the using up all my mp that I hate, altho I do try to recharge my bars before I run completely out of time, although tat doesnt always work -_-
I'm on 120 hours game play and have vertially finished the game completely and I found quickenings very usefull.

I'm the kind of guy who levels up hugely every now and then but is normally bellow level alot of the time so I normally would get srewed over by bosses but I found doing as much damage as I can before luching a quickening to finish the boss while he can't do nothing is a good thing to do.
In fact I used them at the beginning,their result was better.Now I don't use them because they waste MP and I need MP for magic and to cure myself(curaja uses a lot of MP).
The only time I used the quickenings was when I started completing hunts. They came in handy every now and then, but I found them, for the most part, very uneccesary. They were more of an "extra" in the game for you to use if you wanted too. I beat the game and all of the optional bosses without them. Plus, as Atif mentioned, I needed my MP for other things, such as curaja.
I found Quickenings almost completely useless. You say you can 1 hit Ghis? He's an easy boss anyway, plus I like to fight him clashing swords; makes battles more epic. :monster:

I just find that the MP is better used elsewhere. What if your quickening didn't kill the enemy? You'll have no MP left, and you'll be a sitting duck waiting to be killed.

I suppose I can see the point of them if you have a ton of Ethers or Megalixirs, but the average player won't have a healthy supply of those items. I can also see the point of them, if you train all 6 party members. But training them all requires too much time.
Yeh I agree quickings wat ever dey r really help at some stages.
Like when u fight a boss n it has lil guys dat fight with it u can use ur other team ur weak people n use it to hurt the boss a fair bit as well as killing its little minuns den u change to ur party n pwn the boss ^_^
Later on the game, in ALOT harder boss fights, if you use quickenings and don't finish the fight with them, you can basically screw yourself over, mana stores can be essential in some boss battles. Especially if you do not have bubble belts and have to cast bubble on yourself. Aswell as protectga, shellga, faith and bravery.

Quickenings can be a good get out of jail card, but you got to use them at the right time, and make sure you get a long enough chain and so on.

Ofcourse losing your mana stores isn't always bad, if you're carrying alot of ethers or high ethers or in extreme circumstances elixirs & megelixirs. Or even the technick charge. One of my gambits on my mages is MP>20% Charge. But ofcourse, charge doesn't really give you alot of mp back.

Anyways, quickenings can be useful, if used at the right time.

I made the mistake of using them on Behemoth King at the wrong time, didn't get a decent chain, and that was the end of my mp, had to resort to elixirs after, which I wanted to keep for use against Zodiark incase I needed them.
ffxiifran plz spll bttr cuz i cant undrstnd u.
I ate Ba'Gamnan for lunch with a 2 chain. 'Twas fun.
For some reason, the Imperials are incredibly weak against Quickenings. And someone thinks clashing swords is better than Quickenings? First, giant flame swords (Flame Purge) beat sweaty labor any day. Plus, if you can chain them enough, Black Hole IS worth it.
Actually, no. Black Hole isn't worth it. If you acquire both Masamunes, and give them to two of your characters, whilst buffing them with Berserk, Haste and Bravery, you should be dealing six hit combos (on average). Without the critical health combo increase, you should be hitting for 8000+, assuming you're at least Lv 70. If you do the math, that's 48,000 damage with each character on average. That's more than enough to kill regular enemies, and deal more damage over time compared to Quickenings. (that is if you managed a black hole...which is unlikely)
I sorta agree... but Quickenings are more fun to watch. And it's Berserk, Haste, and Faith that are the Masamune buffs (Katanas use Magic power as their base, not Strength.)
Black Hole looks the same as Zodiark's Darkja, and in fights where Attack is disabled, Quickenings are my next resort.
Actually, a Katanas damage is based on your Strength, Magic, Atk power of the weapon and the opponents defense. If you take this into consideration, yes, Faith will work, as will Bravery. So you could potentially deal even more damage.

In battles where the Attack command is disabled, I resort to Telekinesis. Even though it deals random damage, I still have use for it.
i found them effective if you got them early in the game but late in the game they were a waste of time three time max mp was very useful though.
Quickenings were really good at the beginning for me. Defeating Ghis was a breeze. =D. But, just not to long after that I had lost interest for the damn things. =/.

MP was to valuable to just waste to get him 20%-30% down on health and then after that you have no MP left and have to waste actions using Ethers and Elixers and such. lol.
TK deals random damage? Ugh. Now that I know that I'm going to use Shades of Black instead of TK when Ultima brings up her anti-Attack field.
So the next time I face off with a boss, I'll use Wither (lower Defense), Addle (lower Magic defense), Faith, Bravery, Berserk, and Haste. That'll do 10k damage per hit with a Masamune, right?