
An easy way to beat the bosses. Use them against every boss and you don't lose much. I love how you can own the first few bosses with a chain of just 3. I remember how I beat BaGamnan with them (when he chases you through the Lhusu mines). My friend was amazed at how I had beaten him.

Get quickenings early and victory is easy!
Hmmm they were really effective when you used them in a chain, however it got really boring having to watch them over and over again. Although saying that i never got bored of vaans white whorl, that one looked amazing. Due to the battle system i think it was probadly better to have quickenings than say, limit breaks, gave the game more zazz.
I remember one of my first playthroughs of XII, I did the Rocktoise hunt at about level 12. Managed (somehow) to get a 21 (no joke!) hit quickening sequence. I was like "OMG, How's I do that!?!?". It does really help when you get them it earlier on, the only thing is the ones behind the last White Magic licence and behind the Genji Armour take some time to get but nethertheless they still help.
While I consider Quickenings as life-savers and boss/mark-pwners to me, I HATE how unpredictable they are, especially when shuffling. I've gotten over 14 chains and had chains as small as like 4..
This might be off topic, but I've got to say.. I miss Killer Instict. (directed to McAwesome)

Back on topic: Quickenings always frustrated me sometimes I would do 21+ but for some reason I could never land the one I wanted to. For instance there are certain situations where one quickening is better than the other, and I sit there shuffling but .. no good.

When you hit them they are nice, but when you get past 14 or so they become really undependable.
Well let me say this if the games did not have quickenings it will be much more challenging to beat. Like on the elder wyrm for example I beat him with a bit of quickenings and won. Oh and how are we going to beat Yiazmat without quickenings?
In early game, they're cheap as hell in my opinion, but late game when they do 50,000 damage, they suck and I barely use em lol and mana is so much more useful than 50,000 damage late game. However, in my Low Level game, quickenings are priceless and help me out SO much. I love em :D
The annoying thing about quickenings is the after attack thing like torrent etc. You try and get the amazingly good one(which I forget the name of) but you never get the right quickening... That's annoying.
I found them very effective for the main storyline, but pretty shit against some of the harder hunts. Quickenings were extremely shit by themselves but when you got a good chain going they helped out a lot. By the end of the game though I was pretty over levelled so I didn't really need them.
Quickenings saved my life in almost every battle until the end because my main party was over-powered. I was pretty good at the chains so it took me one quickening and a few stabs to kill a boss.

I use quickenings because... well... I gain MP faster than I use it, meaning I use my excess on quickenings.

Sadly most of the time the damage is subpar. Meaning you have to at least White Hole to see something substantial I feel.
Quickenings are quite useful, even if it takes some time when u do big combos, all that damage you do, u didnt got any damage back from it, which could probably save you many times if you just keep spaming quicks ^^
I was lucky enough to gain a little sprite by using EVERY concurrence (They are called concurrences right? The uber move at the end of the quickenings chain)

It was a very awkward feat but I managed it in the end since I was getting the same one all the time!

But they are really useful, if you they work in your favour, sometimes you don't get the recharge and they are over before you even know it!

These were the est thing about FFXII to be honest :lol:
I didn't much like the Quickenings system, because they seemed so...random. Whenever I needed something big to turn the tide, I never got it, and when I didn't need it I could pull off 15+ Quickenings. The damage seemed quite random, as well, and I felt that my MP was better invested in keeping my characters alive.
Quickenings were like the best part of Final Fantasy XII because yeah the animations were really cool and they dealed a whole lot of damage to some bosses. My max quickening chain was 14.
I love quickenings. They can just turn the tide of battle really fast! As well as that, the concurrences that are caused by them are brilliant and powerful! I love Maelstrom's Bolt, Ashe's Quickening.
I think the quickenings are a good addition to the game. The fact that you can replenish all of your mp if your lucky is really really helpful. Not to mention the massive damage and cool animations you can do with them.
Quickenings have definitely saved my ass plenty of times. The thing I loved about them, is when you face the First Demon Wall in Raithwall's Tomb, if you kill it, you get the chance to have a Demonbane. One of the strongest swords in that point in the game. You can get as many as you want too, you just have to use chance. I only got one, but I believe, if you have a little luck, and a spare 15 minutes to a half hour, you can get some nice swords. Usually your damage is in the the 80s-100s at that point in the game, but if you get a Demonbane, it throws your damage into the 300s-400s. I was going to get one for Basch too, then I'd really be kicking it. But I got lazy for a while, and only got it for Vaan. The Quickenings really help if you can get 4 in a row, Inferno. Sometimes Quickening is the only thing that keeps my characters alive. Quickenings are great, I just try not to rely on them too much, once you lose that maximum MP status, you're left vulnerable.
I barely ever used quickenings in fights unless the bosses defence decided to go up 100% and it was pretty much the only way to win.