

Too orsm for you.
Jul 5, 2006
Why put in a pointless character like him/her? Sure, he/she made me laugh sometimes, but he/she didn't play a big role like the other characters.
I think you just answered your own question.
every game in the series has a character that was put there pretty much for their comedic value, and quina is no exception.

Personally though I thought Quina was a good character. i used him a lot and had him in my party for the final boss battle.
I honestly dont see why people dont like him though.
I absolutely loved Quina. It's stupidity and ignorance never became an annoyance, and continuously entertained me, without actually making me laugh out loud. As a fighter, it could have done with a bit more MP, but the Blue Magic was a life saver on many occasions. Highly useful, too.

A shockingly impressive support member, to say the least.
the only real problem with quina i found was that he wasnt in your party for a lot of the game.
especially after cleyra, you didnt get him back until you got the blue narciss which was a real pain in he ass, because when he returned to the party he was at an uber low level:(
Uh, you get him much sooner than that after Cleyra. You get him when you're going to the excavation site via Qu's Marsh. You have him up 'till Conde Petie (however it's spelled), then that's the time you'll next see him on the Narciss.

But yeah, Quina being at such a low level sucked majorly.
I cant believe I forgot about that bit:lol:
but anyway he still isnt in your party that much for the beginning of the game and that really blew
No, I just meant the race. To be honest, when I first saw him/her, I was kinda scared ...
i thought quina was a great character and i git quina up to a high level before he/she went away for the first time, im really a person who will sit their for hours and lv up so i had no worries :)
to be honest none of the characters in ffix were memorable to me, perhaps with the exception of vivi. I just couldn't seem relate to zidane & gang like I could with Cloud, Squall, Tidus and their respective co.

quina seems to be a pretty bizarre character (to me, at least :p), and his/her existence wasn't really significant in the game. Throughout my game, I'd use quina in party as little as possible. Can't say I detest him/her, but I just prefer using the rest of the characters who seem to be "more normal".
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well i love quina s/he's one of my favourite btw i like al the characters that are funny espicaily rikku
I felt the same way. I didn't think Quina had any significance in the game as well. But nonetheless Quina's a pretty strong character. Its just a little irritating though trying to have him/her learn blue magic. BTW is Quina a she or a he??? Or does Quina's race even have he's or she's or are they heshe's??? Weird....
quina quina.... i like eating enemy instead of swinging swords and weapons:D peace, its just some new approach of beating an enemy,, i didnt like devour from ff8...
i dont know really. i always enjoyed using quina mainly because of his/her blue magic abilities, at first she sucks, but i usually just kill grand dragons for about 8 hours an level up my whole party so she/her doesnt stay low level for very long
Quinas not bad, I mainly use him/her for the regular attacks seeing as the weapons s/he gets have good added effects (stone anyone?)

But becuase s/he isn't around for a great portion of the game and returns at low levels it does put me off using her/him. Infact thats the same as most characters and its one of the reasons why IX is one of the less enjoyable FF's for me.
I always consider Quina a 'she' lol. I think she's a fantastic character. She cracks me up in almost every scene she's in. I couldn't imagine FF9 without her.
Why put in a pointless character like him/her? Sure, he/she made me laugh sometimes, but he/she didn't play a big role like the other characters.

I disagree. Quina has a lot going for him/her:

He looks interesting and has a funny personality. Furthermore, without him, Zidane, Vivi and Garnet never would have found the Outer Continent.

He's a strong character who can learn some very important abilities, like MP+, counter, and plenty of status immunities.

His unique ability is killer! He can eat so many different enemies to learn special abilities. And those abilities rock, like being able to cast shell and protect on your entire party! Or being able to sap down the enemy's magic points, or put all targets to sleep. Plus Frop Drop is unsanitary. You can keep spawn-raping the ponds to get his frog count way up, then use Frog Drop to do major damage!