'R1 is the Trigger!'

Davey Gaga

Under you like a G.U.Y.
Jun 18, 2006
Glasgow City Centre, Scotland.
So, we all know that we can make Squall and Seifer attack with critical hits by pulling the trigger/pressing the R1 button at the appropriate moment. There's been a bit of speculation as to whether or not this is possible with any of the other characters.

In every single battle, I try and I've come to the conclusion that, yes, it is possible. It's not as simple as pressing R1 just before their weapon strikes, though. For example, with Rinoa, I've found that if you hold the R1 button when she begins to raise her arms, let it go when her pinwheel fires and press it exactly as it strikes, you'll be able to produce a critical hit. With Quistis, hold the R1 button as she jumps out into place. Let it go when her whip makes the whistling noise, press it again in between the first and second whistle, let it go on the second whistle and press it again as she strikes and, voila, you'll produce another critical hit.

I've been able to do 5 in a row of these with every character by timing the R1 button in the appropriate places - surely, with a low value of luck [i.e. nothing junctioned to increase it], this cannot be the coincidence it is thought to be?
Yeah, I noticed that too, with Zell for instance I find that pressing R1 as he lands punches he gets criticals more often... Didn't know about Rinoa's though. :gasp:
I'd just say it was a coincidence if it didn't happen so often to you, although why you spent the time working all that out is beyond me, I'm far too lazy to try it even with what you have said haha. I don't even bother doing it for Seifer
I never did it with zell but i seent my brother did it with him and it was tight,But when i did it, i did it with squall most likely thats the easyest person to do it with
It's nothing more than coincidence.
I think I've had about 10 in a row once, and pressed it at the exactly the same time as all the others and no critical hit.
So, unless you are suggesting that it works sometimes and not others the there is no trigger for other characters.
5 is a very low number, with Squall it is almost impossible to miss.
Also it is called a trigger, none of the other character's weapons have a trigger. With the exception of Irvine, but the trigger is what fires the gun.
I haven't really tried it with any other characters beyond Seifer and Squall, but I'm inclined to believe that's more coincidence then anything else to get critical hits.
I've always thought that pressing R1 at the right moment of each character's attacks helped with landing critical hits, it at least seemed to be causing more critical hits, even early on with very high Luck at all.
I have always thought there must be a way to do it with other characters, so it would not surprise me in the slightest if you are right. I’m going to have to test this to see I it works for me.
I've tested this numerous times wirh all characters and it makes sense to assume that fiven that it seems that there's about a snall 1-5 frame window for the other character's Critical hits and as many as 30 frames for Squall and Seifers critical hit boxes.

In an easier sense 1-5 frames is about 1-5 milliseconds and 30 frames is half a second. It's not as hard as it sounds though.
It definitely works with Quistis as well. I do it all the time and it boosts her attack tremendously
It's just too much of a coincidence for it to not be a factor at all. At the very least, I'm certain that it boosts your luck, thereby boosting the chances of being able to strike with a critical hit.
I do it habitually with every attack, but I never get it consistantly... I only ever figured it mattered with Gunblades (since Seifer can do it, too, during the Dollet mission).
I remember killing 75 enemies at Dollet with seifer and getting so acustomed to the trigger that when I attacked with Zell I pressed the trigger when I heard the punches land and every time there was a criticle hit
I thought it had something to do with Zell having 255% for hit without junctioning, which was why he kept doing it. but people are swearing quistis can do it so it looks like im gonna have to reply and see!
i actually used to do it on a reflex with al characters, even though I knew it didn't make any difference. Then when I started playing IX I noticed I even did it in that game. That was weird.
Doesn't matter what FF game I'm playing, I'll always tap the R1 as if to trigger the weapon of the character I'm using. It's turned into a sort of tradition for me I guess. Did it ever since the first time I played FF8, which was THE first FF game I ever played.
Doesn't matter what FF game I'm playing, I'll always tap the R1 as if to trigger the weapon of the character I'm using. It's turned into a sort of tradition for me I guess. Did it ever since the first time I played FF8, which was THE first FF game I ever played.

Haha, that's basically my story too. FF8 was my first, and I still do that trigger thing, just in case. =P
I've got the habit of triggering regardless of who's attacking :/
Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. Perhaps I'll dig it out to replay :P
I agree

I just bought the game yesterday, and i hit criticals by using the trigger button with everyone, multiple times, because i thaught they could all use them. I beileve that it can be done.