Raised with religion

First of all, Im pretty much surprised at the percentage of people in this thread that were baptized in the Catholic faith and raised by Catholic families.

Im happy to say that im 1 of the 2 people that was raised in a Baptist family. Well, Southern Baptist to be exact. Quite cheesy, not at strict, rather old fashioned. I was baptized at the age of 9 on Easter Sunday.

WHOA. I better stop myself before I go into a "testimony", because I know everyone here would hate that. Am I the only one that's been given the freedom of choice and came right back to God?

My reasoning isnt all that complicated but I can barely explain it. I was sheltered as a child until 7 when my parents divorced- that marked my first introduction into the world of sadness and evil. Before then, sadness and evil was deprivation of ice cream. Anyway...from then on, I was sheltered to a healthy extent, just like any other 2nd grader would be sheltered from pg-13 movies and T/M rated video games. But still, I was raised in a Baptist church under Baptist teaching that I went along with simply because it didnt matter to me. My mom remarried and I started going to a private school and so on and so forth. I loved/love my school, because we are taught the Bible, but it's most definitely NOT shoved down our throats. We are barely sheltered. Most of the people at my school are not Christians at all.

Im getting off topic..
When I was 14, the emotional side of this religion stuff got to me, so I decided to take it all in and experience joy for myself. And it happened. But that is not why I believe.
When I was 15, my mind was struck with a horrible anxiety disorder. Too horrible..hardly anyone can understand. It still preys on my mind to this day. I actually remember screaming at God for cracking this "boulder" on my head and yet expecting me to trust in Him because He knows what He's doing. I found that when one actually follows a few guidelines that are in the Bible, the results are beyond explanation. My anxiety is pretty much gone and done for. But still, that is not why I believe.
When I was 16, I went to so many funerals that I lost count. 2 suicides so far, lung cancer, old age..whatever! I found myself crying at my Uncle Jack's funeral because the preacher told me I had a long life ahead of me...and I couldnt believe it, even if it was true.
On the way to this thread, I examined so many other threads pertaining to God. If He doesnt exist, then why hasnt the influence died out? Why is it still here? Why can't I answer anything?
I am still trying to figure out if I can truly believe or not, but Im leaning toward God. It seems so daft and foolish to so many people. But I wasnt sheltered, Im still not sheltered, and I can think as freely as I want to.
If He doesnt exist, then why hasnt the influence died out? Why is it still here? Why can't I answer anything?

Those are some great questions, and I will answer them to the best of my abilities. However, please keep in mind that they are just my opinion, and like everyone elses opinion when it comes to religion, we believe our own to be fact.

If He doesnt exist, then why hasnt the influence died out? Why is it still here?

As long as people don't know what happens to you after you die, there will always be some form of "god". It's a question that cannot be answered, and most likely will never be answered. Therefore, the concept of "god" will always be around.

It is my firm believe that the concept of "god" only exists to explain what science cannot at the moment. For example, when people didn't know why it rained, I'm pretty sure the only explanation for it was, "god made it rain". As science advances, I believe that there will be a very little need for "god". However, as stated before, there will always be things that science can't explain, and others will claim that it's just "god". It's a very simple explanation, I can see why most people choose it.

I am still trying to figure out if I can truly believe or not, but Im leaning toward God.

I'm Atheist, and unfortuneately, I'm seen by some (mostly Christians) to be evil and corrupting. However, I tell you what I would tell anyone else: Make your own choice. Don't let anyone tell you what you should believe, or what you shouldn't. That is a choice that should be made by you and you alone.

Sit down and think about it. Make your decision, and run with it. And if anyone gives you crap about it, well then, to hell with them.

There is a person on these forums that I've come to respect, and in some ways admire. Mothcorruptsx (something like that, my apologies for butchering your name) is a prime example. He believes in something completely different than myself, and although we share different views on many different subjects, I admire his devotion and his conviction, and mostly his intelligence.

Bottom line: Sure, I may believe that there is no God, and I may believe that a lot of people that just stick with what they are raised are idiots. However, I view people that can question, yet still believe in what they were raised with as a more intelligent person.

I'm rambling, and I'm actually very tired. I'm pretty sure I just contradicted myself somewhere in there, so I will come back to edit tomorrow. I haven't slept in 2 and a half days, so I'm not at my peak game so to speak.