Rate the band above you

Ugh. FF is a band.

As for 30 Seconds To Mars... 1/10. The Kill was a good song, and that was it. A Beautiful Lie was a mediocre album at best. Very forgettable.

They're a good band and they do some weird covers but they pull them off pretty well. 7/10.

The Cribs.
They only score that high as them along with Judas Priest kind of pioneered that genre of rock. Although as a band they are nothing special.

Sex Pistols
8/10 Overly dramatic songs, but I have to admit, I enjoy listening to it.

I also have an emotional attachment to their song, 'Wounded'. -_-

From Autumn To Ashes
Sigh, for god's sake. Have the decency to at least listen to one of their songs. This thread is starting to become pointless because more and more, I'm seeing,

'0/10 cuz I haven't heard of them :P'

Anyway, I don't know that band, but I listened to "Are You Dead Yet?" and I quite liked it. 7/10.
ok i listened to that band and i actually quite like it so il give it a 8/10

as for are you dead yet...yeah its amazing my band covered it at a gig we played im like alexis minion :P
Oh shoot. Forgot to post a band for critisism.

Blue October.
Alright, I'm shooting the next person who posts "0/10 cuz I neva heard of em"

Please, people. Go to YouTube and listen to even just one of the said band's song.

I don't know Modest Mouse, but I listened to their song Dashboard.
Since I liked the style, I give them a 7/10.

From Autumn To Ashes
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I'll give them a 6/10 since I'm not really into their music

started out a little rough with their songs on their self titled cd but by the time their album "One X" came out, every friggin song on that cd was great. Riot, Animal i have become, pain, let it die are some songs i lovvve.


Five finger death punch
I liked the intro to Never Enough, but i think his voice sucked an the riffs were too predictable so................. 5.5/10
