Rate the Battle System

Rate the Battle System.

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FinalfantasyXIII battle system rocks . The ATB gauge is awesome and the paradigm is very awesome because when in a bad situation you can switch to medic at anytime or any types depending on the character ,and also if you give one of the characters that you aren't controlling the command type they will fight the person that you aren't fighting in a battle.I give finalfantasyXIII's battle system a perfect 10/10 awesome.
I love the battle system, the Paradigms are cool, and it is definitely very nice unleashing chains of attacks, it doesn't require waiting all that long for gauges to fill when you have Haste active (Sprint Shoes). :D

This is my favourite battle system, though some of the boss have seemed nearly impossible for me to defeat...I have decent equipment, have most of it leveled up some, and had been through a lot of if not all of what was available of the Crystarium before facing certain bosses...maybe I am just not that good at it yet? >.>'

I don't mind though, it is a blast, and the summons are cool, I am just about to get another one next time I play and succeed in the battle, succeed to fill the Gestalt gauge in time, and survive. X_x
I was a bit on the edge for this battle system, I did not like FFXII's battle system one bit I guess I was used to the old FF games, but then i bought FFXIII and I must say I really enjoy the battle system, I gave it an 8/10 yes if your leader dies it is game over but then that is what makes the game challenging I suppose. I think controlling one character and relying on the A.I for the others can be risky but then again when it comes to the tougher battles I don't think I would like to control all 3 of them in the battle trying to fill their ATB gauges, it would be a nightmare.
Well, it's a hell of a lot better than FFXII. For gambits I only set attacks and healing spells anyway. The paradigms are a blast as well.

However, it has its flaws. The leader dying is one, but the other is that, for some reason, one of my other attackers will always go attack someone that I don't want them to. One advantage gambits do have is that you can direct your characters attacks somewhat.

I gave it a 9/10, although I'd probably change that to an 8/10 now. Still has to be one of the better combat systems in the series though.

if ya have 2 commando then yes the other commando will attack some one other then the monster ya attacking however if ya have 1 commando and every oen else is something else then every one will attack same monster.

sorry for bad eng

i don't use teh auto-battle they have and i got to say it hard enough keeping one character, dong what they need to do, having to control all 3 would really suck it be almost not posable withhow it set up right know.

sorry for bad eng
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I think, to be honest, I prefer 12's. You see an enemy, you run up, you instantly draw your sword and the fight begins there and then. I suppose paradigms are the answer to setting up the gambits and it works to an extent.

However, the weapon system I hated. I suppose 12's system annoyed me a little in the sense that you had to find rare items, sell rare items and find the item in the bazaar that you were wanting. That was bearable. This was also compensated by the fact that you could find powerful weapons fully ready to use from the minute you found it. Masamune from a hunt, Excalibur from a chest and Zodiac Spear through a very out-the-box way of thinking. There were also the Doombringers I believed they were called. Good weapons that last a while even if you haven't found the rares.

Now in 13, weapons are easy to get but near impossible to upgrade. Finding a new weapon is more of a burden than an accomplishment. Getting the money together to upgrade a weapon you just bought, hoping for a 1% chance of item drop or saving up 2 million somehow and then upgrading further is a test of patience.

Another thing that irks me is that in 12, you had your back-up party. If your leader died, you could switch to a new one. If your entire party died, you had your party reserves. ANYONE was capable of resurrecting.

However, in 13, once your leader dies, your other two party members and your back-up party instantly admit defeat. Low health enemy? They won't try to beat that, nor will they try to resurrect. If my party member dies, on the other hand, I can resurrect them with a phoenix down or even as a medic.

Footwork and placement in 12 was also key. If I went behind an enemy, their AoE swipes couldn't target my leader. If I had a shield, I even had a chance to block some attacks. I didn't have to be a certain class. A shield was a shield. There were even occasions where I could step back or to the side and dodge some attacks.

Placement in 13 doesn't exist. If someone uses an arc attack that swipes in front of them, your party swaggers around in front of them accepting the hit. I can't go behind them either. If I use a sentinel to distract them, I have no option to sneak to their back and still managing to avoid their AoE.

I also feel that the game plays itself in combat with the auto-attack feature as it picks a set of commands for you. I've seen myself even on Attacus just spam X while I let the game play itself. At best, I just need to pick what paradigms suit the situation I'm in. Yes, you can pick a list of commands but 9 out of 10 times you rarely ever need to.

I do like the concept and I do like the idea that they're trying new things but sometimes they just take a step in the wrong direction. I suspect they'll be taking all our concerns on board for the next game because at the very least, they listen to their fans.
I definitely like it, but it's far from perfect.

The battle system was built around speed. Anything that could contribute to making battles shorter was thrown in, and if that meant cutting out features, then so be it. Note the fade-in, fade-out time between battles. You get the ATB command prompt almost immediately after the battle screen fades in. Moreover, enemies attack almost immediately. Time savings vs FF7, 8, even FFX? Already significant.

One could say that the reason the battle ends when your leader dies is to make battles faster. Maybe S-E figured if your leader dies, you have to go through the trouble of resurrecting them, healing them, rebuffing them if necessary, and so on, thus adding even more time to the battle. I'm just speculating. If we look at it from a difficulty standpoint, the game is already a cakewalk. I mean come on, you die, you hit retry, and you're back at the exact same spot you started at. Having your game NOT end when the leader dies would have made it that much easier. Personally, I don't mind it. It was only frustrating during super difficult battles, which are a rarity in FFXIII.

The same concept follows for not being able to control your teammates. Selecting the commands for only one party member obviously cuts the time it takes for your party to perform actions into 1/3 of what it would be. You don't get to control your teammates, but are you even really controlling your leader? I used Auto-Battle at least 90% of the time; my assumption is most others do this, and again, this makes battles even faster. I don't mind it at all.

To solidify my point, notice how there's no 'Fast' option for battle speed, it's only Normal and Slow. It's just that fast.

Overall, I liked the battle system. It's the fastest of its kind, it's original, and paradigms breathed some new air into an aging, cumbersome, slow battle system.
I think that the atb system itself is better than any ff game. like previously mentioned the fact that you cant change characters out of battle SUCKS. The paradigms are great how you can switch instantly and customize them.
