Rate The Sig And Avatar Above You

Ava - 4/10 i dun really like the thing of putting real people in sigs and avas
sig - 9/10 the effects rockk :w00t: and again i dun really like putting real people in sigs
avy- i love chrono trigger, so 7/10
sig- i love chrono trigger and it's nice background, so 9/10
Avy - Meh. Not really that funny, but I guess it is ok. 6/10

Sig - Pixel stretch just doesn't give that good of appeal; however, the way you included a tile-ized form, it looks decent. 8/10
Ava: 7/10 - It looks pretty cool and I love the black and white theme. [Honestly, people say it's boring but I find it creative]. It's a bit hard to just...understand it though, as nothing is really going on.

Sig: 6/10 - Not bad, but it's a tad too red for me. The text sticks out too much too as it is not blended. The image looks kind of messy near the bottom where it's blended too much. I like brushwork, and the render used though.
hey there Sephire I think you made a little mistake and rated the avvy and sig of SV.

avatar:10/10 i love Sora's butt,it's so sexy
1st sig:7/10 too much light on it,spoils eyes,lol
2nd sig:8.5/10 i like the theme colour you have used,purple is beautiful
Heh sorry Sins, you posted whilst I did xD. I'll rate yours. =]

Ava: 8/10 Extremely pretty and not just a crop from the sig [I dislike those quite a lot]. Could use some more effects though.

Sig: 9/10 Beautiful. I love the purple, the image is blended brilliantly and the text is done nicely. Just a tad too white in some places but overall, fantastic. =]
Ava: 7/10 - It looks pretty cool and I love the black and white theme. [Honestly, people say it's boring but I find it creative]. It's a bit hard to just...understand it though, as nothing is really going on.

Sig: 6/10 - Not bad, but it's a tad too red for me. The text sticks out too much too as it is not blended. The image looks kind of messy near the bottom where it's blended too much. I like brushwork, and the render used though.

For my avi, it was used all as a one layer test subject that turned out to look pretty good in my eyes. So, yes, nothing is really going on. Haha.

For my sig, Yes, I understand what you are saying. However, when I tried to blend the text it turned out worse than intended. The color may be a bit bright, but it's suppose to be an explosion of light. As for the bottom, meh. It's just the render's blue being duplicated and portrayed differently. I could've done something else, but it was far worse. =P

Enough about me. Here's yours.

Avi: Meh. Text seems to be the only thing added. It sill looks as though it is clipped form the opening animation of KH2. 6/10

Signatures: Seconds one is far superior of the first one. Both seem to represent light and dark, evil and good. Nice effect. I doubt that's what you were trying to do, though. The first is hard to view and the second is pretty good. 1st - 6/10 2nd - 8/10

(I would've made the second a box sig type of look, though.)
Avi: 7/10 simplicity ftw
sig: 7/10 blended nicely im just not a fan of the border.
Avy- 8/10 weird, but i love weird
Sig- great effects and such, but the render looks bad IMO so 7/10