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  • 10-9

    Votes: 39 65.0%
  • 8-7

    Votes: 15 25.0%
  • 6-5

    Votes: 6 10.0%
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and i'm after playing VII,VIII, VIIII and X.
Sorry, just had to point out there is no 'VIIII' it's 'IX'

I gave it a 9/10. It's one of my fave FF's. The story was driven differently than other FF's, and it was a nice change. The graphics were beautiful (except a few minor details, like the door openings like someone said earlier xD).

I loved pretty much all the characters as well. I didn't love Vaan or Penelo though, I found them really 'blah' and just didn't care what happened to either one of them xD But they didn't annoy me either so that's a plus kinda xD

But I was disappointed in the Espers. They were useless. I only used them 3 times, and the only reason I did then was to see if I could get them to do their special attack. But I got sick of it and just didn't use them again. Plus, I reeeeeeeeeeally wanted to find out more about the Occuria, and the Sun Cryst, and come on! Giruvegan? And the Crystal?? So much historical goodness could have been going on!

But oh well I guess.....
9/10! Storylin is the best in any FF game, except Vaan and Penelo could have a bigger role, and the music, despite being awesome, wasn't exactly Uematsu level
It's still turn based heehee =P o.o jus a lot quicker '_'
I voted 5-6... Its not that I hate it. Me & my boyfriend have only just started playing it and are'nt very far into it, he enjoys it & spends more time on it however I'm not too keen having played the old FFs whereas he has only played ten (which I found quite good) & this one. I don't like the fact that its too different, I know change is good but you'd think they'd carry on atleast a few classic FF things throughout. The most annoying thing which I noticed staight away is the fact that you don't have much character build-up... They have little story and no real connection, which is rubbish. They just kind of appear and say "I'm joining the party". It seems like too much attention was put into everything else in the game, which I hope they improve on in future!
They have though, there are a lot of classic things throughout. With you not playing it for so long, I don't think you should be saying just yet there is so little left unchanged. I could make a whole list of things =D

Hm, I'll come back later on the characters etc. Haven't got the time at the moment to come on them..@_@ I have been meaning to do so though.

^^ If you're interested to hear my stuff, please say so ^^;;
Hm, I'll come back later on the characters etc. Haven't got the time at the moment to come on them..@_@ I have been meaning to do so though.

^^ If you're interested to hear my stuff, please say so ^^;;

Hmm... I thought that most of the characters on their own where excellent, but you already know my opinion on the rest.

Anyway, You seem to be a strong advocate for where others see huge flaws and don't get me wrong, despite all of the changes and flaws, I still loved this game as well.

So, while keeping an open mind, I'd truly love to hear your stuff.

No hurry though ;)
I would give it an 8. I havent completed it yet, but Im enjoying myself so far. The anems of the cities and countries sometimes miz me up, Im a bugger with the war genre! But Im loving the music and characters at the moment.
I would give this game a 9/10 because it's a very fun and enjoyable game to play. What I didn't like about it is that I didn't get very attached to any of the characters.
LOL..I admit I never got attached to Balthier and Ashe 8D
thats the first time you have complained about the game

what do you mean by attached to the characters

8D Wrong! I have made little nitpicks elsewhere lol I still give the game 10/10, I just didnt like tiny things. Being attached? Well, personality clashes really. I can't stand her, Balthier didn't excite me too much. Still, they're good overall mind you. LOVE HATE PEOPLE.

I missed you Besty <3

GREAT GAME, FUNNY CHARACTERS, AMAZING IMAGERY AND COLOUR, a real wonder to the eyes. Battle system is superb, engaging and rewarding, with a good learning curve. Gambits are a sight for sore eyes, adding alot more flexability to the battles. Story line was simple, you could make up your own opinions they only filled what was neccesary.


some of the techniks feel utterly pointless, but as in all ff games certain spells or summons lose their appeal after a certain time, the little smiley faces above the NPC's! the scale of the monsters has been downsized. REMEMBER BACK IN THE DAY WHEN MARLBOROUGHS WERE FEARED now they are just pathetic
I don't know about that. The only time a Malboro was to be feared was in VIII, when there was literraly nothing you could do against his attack. In other games, you had some good protection.
some of the techniks feel utterly pointless, but as in all ff games certain spells or summons lose their appeal after a certain time, the little smiley faces above the NPC's! the scale of the monsters has been downsized. REMEMBER BACK IN THE DAY WHEN MARLBOROUGHS WERE FEARED now they are just pathetic

you are right about the technicks they were a bit useless i never used them never bought them exept steal but steal was already there. and for the marlbore part who cares. one more thing why do SE keep the same names not only for the creatures but for cities aswell like bujerba and even ivalice

and judge rulia its good to know i was missed
First off, I completely agree that the Malboros have lost their fear factor. I used to be afraid that, when the battle transition started, that the monster would be Malboro. It was a legendary monster that struck fear into all FF players (that Bad Breath was one of the most feared moves ever). In XII they definately lack that and are just pathetic now. It has been demoted.

Secondly, the reason why SE keeps the same names for the monsters because for one it would be extremely long-winded and time-wasting to create a whole new set of names for a whole 100-odd monsters. It is also one of the trademarks of FF. FF practically changes with each iteration and the only things that really link them together are such things as the summons and the MONSTERS. They're sort of the identity for the FF franchise and players could not really see an FF game without them. They are one of the treasured assests of the games and should NEVER change!! I mean who could imagine not running into such iconic monsters as the Cactuars and the Malboros. These names are here to stay!!

Although I do agree that perhaps the cities should be changed. They dont need to ever stay the same, especially considering the FF world changes with each instalment. Having the same name for the cities and the world map may be a bit too much.:D
Makes me wonder why on earth all the monsters had to be renamed in X-2...pointless ya?