Raymond Zorich VS. Josh Lancaster Van Greg

People's birthdays?! Aiden replied confused by blocking Rayzor's attacks. Aiden kept blocking and dodging every attack with great skill while rayzor kept his great offensive attack. A flurry of lighting strikes where dealt and Aiden had no choice than to block them. He was just waiting for an opening in Rayzor's defenses which Aiden could use to counter attack and gain the upper hand. "I guess I will have to fight Fire with Fire!!" Josh yelled while releasing a barrage of attacks, countering and blocking Rayzor's quick moves. The blades that Josh was wielding began to glow as each blade clashed against each other.
"Whats with the light show?" Rayzor asked looking utterly lost. As the barrage of attacks continued Rayzor decided to kick up some dirt. It whirled around the fighters and made it nearly impossible to see anything.Nevertheless the two combatants continued on without stopping. Out of nowhere Rayzor saw a blade coming right towards him. Clang! No one moved. The dust settled. Standing in the middle of the ruins stood two warriors. One holding a glowing blade. The other with his hand up in front of him.The others blade stuck in his knuckles. " Gah! How often do you sharpen these things?" said Rayzor. Blood dripped from the wound on his hand. " I had to get extra reckless there for a minute. Probably not the best idea in the world though." Rayzor looked at his friend. "Next moves yours pal."

ooc: This battles almost over i have one more post and you have two..lets make em count. and lets delete the two random posts that have nothing to do with anything.
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OOC: Let's end this battle with a great ending, both of our fighters facing a common enemy......This new character will be controlled by both of us.

" Gah! How often do you sharpen these things?"

Josh looked surprise to see that one of his attacks has landed. He stepped back and stood there staring at Rayzor. He heard rayzor's question and he replied to it "Well, you created them and you should know how sharp this weapons can get." Suddenly, Josh felt a slight pain in his arm, somehow Rayzor's blade made one deep wound on his left arm. "Huh? Man I can't believe I got reckless too, I better watch out for that sharp sword of yours. Master of the Blades you are, proud Lord of the Swords, heir of the Secret's of Swordsmanship.....this battle will end soon enough."
Josh somehow felt something strange, a dark aura was coming from deep beneath the ground. Josh knew who it was, a dark entity sealed a long time ago, once known for being a threat to the whole world. The dark clouds gathered in the in the center of the Main Plaza, and from inside of it, an armored knight with skulls and bones decorating its armor. A big demonic helmet with great horns that pointed forward were protecting the monster's head. The knight was wearing a dark cape that was covered in old traces of blood. Suddenly out of nowhere, the devil knight drew a dark sword decorated with bones emanating an evil purple glow.

Josh prepared his blades for the new incoming battle as the demon stared at both warriors. "Rayzor it seems that with our battle we have released the demon from Ancient Athenia, let's end this battle while destroying this monster once and for all. After that we will each follow our own path." Josh yelled and after that he took his best fighting stance. "Come on Rayzor! Together we shall vanish this demon from the face of the Earth!"
" I see how it is. We beat the holy hell out of each other, then he just pops up and gets to finish it? I dont think so." Rayzor stated dryly." I have and idea....just go with it." With that Rayzor grabbed Josh roughly and tossed him high into the air. " When im done with this you better pull out all the stops.Got it???" Rayzor drew his katanas and charged the evil knight. He slashed right then left, then he dodged behind the knight. " Mugen no kenshin!! Blade art! Senko-Jin!!!Now taste my ultimate attack!" he yelled. A blood red aura surrounded Rayzor. He charged at the evil knight, his strikes to fast to see, and too quick to dodge.Rayzor let out a primal scream as he assaulted the knight."Ruin the only time i get to spend with my friend will you.You shall die a thousand times over before you hit the ground." By now Rayzor had landed so many strikes the evil knights armor was cracked and broken. The knight himself could do nothing more than stand around helplessly.as Rayzors attack finished he stood in front of the knight smiling wickedly. Exhausted he said "You chose the wrong day to reawaken pal." At that moment The evil knight grabbed Rayzor by the throat.Rayzors smile did not fade."You think youre somthing dont you?" he asked. "Remember the other guy that was here? you know, the one i tossed into the air?If im right he should be coming down right about"......"Now!" he heard josh scream. He looked up to see Josh heading straight towards them.
OOC: Permission to use your character for one small move.

Josh was tossed high into the air and in there he remaind for a few seconds. During that small ammount of time, Josh began to charge his most powerful attack, the Final Dream. While in mid air he closed his eyes for a few seconds and then, when he opened them, a burst of flames were seen deep inside Josh's eyes. A white sword appeared in his left hand, glowing with a mystical aura, the ancient power of Arnazil. "Take this, Josh and Rayzor's special move!!! Our Final Dream with Eternal Phantasm!!!!! Josh yelled while heading straight at the dark knight. As soon as he landed, Josh jumps once again into the air and then he lands a devastating blow at his opponent, slashing with his swords surrounded in blue flames. Rayzor is released from the claws of the demon and is sent flying high into the air. After that, Joshe began to deal a barrage of attacks, each of them stronger than the last one, releasing huge waves of energy with heach blow. Soon after he ended his last move, he appears behind his opponent and he slashes through it using both swords as he leaves behind a trail of blue flames. Later, with his opponent still on his knees, Josh told Rayzor to get prepared for the final attack.

"Rayzor!!! Now!!!" Josh yelled with a confident voice.

Both warriors at opposite sides of their common enemy, each of them glowing with their own different aura. Red as the flaiming hells was Rayzor, and white, white like the holiest of shining sanctauries was Josh. Both fighters dashed forward, heading straight at the dark knight. Before both hits could land, Josh and Rayzor yelled at the same time "Eternal Judgement!!!!!".
Soon after that, both warriors slashed through the dark knight, leaving a trail of feary flames behind and ending up at the opposite side from which they started. The demon disappeared in a giant flash of holy light, and only the remaining fragments of his now empty armour were left behind.

OOC: Greatest RP in which I could ever be. Now, give it a well deserved ending!!!

It was an honor to role play alongside you *bows*.
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As the dust settled the two warriors stood facing each other. No words were spoken. But clearly they understood each other. They had defeated a great evil this day. Their bonds had clearly grown stronger over the years. They would remember this day forever. Rayzor extended a hand towards his friend. Josh took Rayzors hand in his own. "If ever the need arises you know how to find me." said Rayzor. The sun began to set. Everything around them was at peace. Again Rayzor thought to himself this was by far the most beautiful place he had ever been. The two warriors walked their separate ways , Josh faded into the sunset, while Rayzor disappeared into the shadows. Rayzor smiled to himself. " I'll see you again my old friend. Im not sure when or where but we will definitely meet again." with that Rayzor vanished from sight just as the sun finished setting ,casting darkness over the land.

ooc: now that the battle has concluded we are awaiting judgement from Vegnya on this.
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My sincere apologies to you both. I know a judgement was requested to me nearly a month ago, but the problem was that when I agreed to do so, I had decided to decide out the outcome of this battle with a certain scoring system which I had hoped would be flawless. Flawless indeed it was, but he problem was the utmost care it required. Many times had I examined each post, evaluating many things that would benefit or infract on your scores. There was no room for error.

Right now, the decision is not ready yet. Remember, I am using a scoring system. What I can reveal to you now is that both of you are quite equal. Because of this, I will require more time to proceed with even more steps. I will have others, mostly above my level, examine this.
And I do agree with Vegnya. This was a good battle, most probably the best one I've seen in a while. You both are equal and I may need time to decide the winner. To be honest, I thought it would be a little less colourful. But saying that, it was an intense and great battle. Now to decide who wins ... I'll need time myself for this as well.