Rebecca Black; The worst song of all time?

Fail Embedding For the Win (Actually, just me)

Anyone knows Bob Dylan well enough to tell if this video is real? The lyrics are exactly the same, and I've never heard Bob Dylan's songs before in my entire life so I can't say for sure... But wow, if this is real... :P
theres far more cheesy pop twoddle that could be on that list, any number of the boy bands out there for a start. or half the shite these rappers come out with, and that song with nelly and kelly rowland. fuck me, dont get me started....

what bollockery


Ahh,truely,this song shall,in due time,be viewed as an invaluble cultural contribution.
I wouldn't say it was the worst music of all time, it's not a very good song. It's really catchy, but I think that's only because the lyrics are so bad, which they really are. That's the worst thing about the song, the lyrics, they sound as if they could have been written by a five year old. :/
To me this is a joke. It's along the same lines of Charley Sheen.

1) Lyrics - Bad - Check
2) Bad dancing white girl - Check
3) Voice - Bad - Check
4) Teenagers just acting nutty - Check

Worse things have been sung, like Mmmbop. So I think people will get fame however they can take it today. Sort of like whores and STDs :monster:
The song is harmless. When no-talent people like Ke$ha get to use auto-tune to create almost offensively derivative pop and get away with it it's not a problem but if a girl decides to post up a music video of a song she didn't even write it's a calamity. I mean the song is still terrible but seriously, people are over exaggerating. Double standards are the best.

By the way, if you really want to hear some of the worst songwriting ever conceived here, have a ball.


Ahh,truely,this song shall,in due time,be viewed as an invaluble cultural contribution.

Lmao!!! That is the best adaption of that song

Worse things have been sung, like Mmmbop.
Mmmbop is worse? :gonk:

The song is harmless. When no-talent people like Ke$ha get to use auto-tune to create almost offensively derivative pop and get away with it it's not a problem but if a girl decides to post up a music video of a song she didn't even write it's a calamity. I mean the song is still terrible but seriously, people are over exaggerating. Double standards are the best.

By the way, if you really want to hear some of the worst songwriting ever conceived here, have a ball.
Well said. I mean, I like Kesha but the double standards in this world are freaking amazing. :ffs: And the song you linked to is terrible :hmph:
The song is harmless. When no-talent people like Ke$ha get to use auto-tune to create almost offensively derivative pop and get away with it it's not a problem but if a girl decides to post up a music video of a song she didn't even write it's a calamity. I mean the song is still terrible but seriously, people are over exaggerating. Double standards are the best.

By the way, if you really want to hear some of the worst songwriting ever conceived here, have a ball.

Honestly I've heard worse music than Ke$ha and Rebecca Black. Why'd I buy all of Muse's albums again? Oh yeah, because they were supposed to be good. :sad3:

The point is that we all like different music. Is Friday an awful pop song? Pretty much. Do I think it's the worst song ever? Not in a million years. To be honest, it's sort of got stuck in my head.
The song is harmless. When no-talent people like Ke$ha get to use auto-tune to create almost offensively derivative pop and get away with it it's not a problem but if a girl decides to post up a music video of a song she didn't even write it's a calamity. I mean the song is still terrible but seriously, people are over exaggerating. Double standards are the best.

By the way, if you really want to hear some of the worst songwriting ever conceived here, have a ball.

No talent? I wouldn't say that, its just auto-tuning is mainstream so people use it, if Rebecca Black had actually sung she may or may not have gotten big, because she can actually sing -- but a record dealers screwed her over with over-auto tuning her and giving her "bad lyrics".

Ke$ha writes her own songs, which happen to have that mainstream sound; however Patrice Wilson can't write worth shit -- I mean "Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun"? he must've run out of words or something but seriously repeating words over and over is not good song writing and Ke$ha CAN sing so she isn't no talent.

However I find the song charming for a tween song, its appropriate save for the flawed lyrics, the beat is fun and its what kids need to listen to nowadays -- so all's good, Black showed she can really sing; same way Justin Beiber can actually sing -- but that never stops people from hating on them.

She only had one option for a seat choice...=/. I mean...she didn't have a choice! haha. Partyin Partyin, YEAH! Roflmao! This just kills me everytime I hear it!

This is the MOST simple song I have EVER heard in my life. It is literally step by step talking about her Friday. =/. I "yesterday was thrusday, today is Friday" I mean...I think I knew what the week is, She must've just learned. Poor thing.

"We so excited." what? Enough Said. haha. English PLEASE! She should've caught the bus...
Lol she sounds like a robot... maybe she is.

Not the worst thing I've ever heard, but still bad. The way she said Friday was very annoying.
The extent to how bad this song is has been completely blown out of proportion. 99% of the people on the internet are probably hating it for the same reason they hate anything done by Justin Bieber. Yes, the song is bad, but to be honest, sometimes I turn on the radio, and half the music I hear isn't really any better than this. Is it the worst ever? Nah. It's just got unintentionally silly lyrics and is otherwise unremarkable. The thing that is depressing though is how some people took it so seriously as to send her death threats.
The extent to how bad this song is has been completely blown out of proportion. 99% of the people on the internet are probably hating it for the same reason they hate anything done by Justin Bieber. Yes, the song is bad, but to be honest, sometimes I turn on the radio, and half the music I hear isn't really any better than this. Is it the worst ever? Nah. It's just got unintentionally silly lyrics and is otherwise unremarkable. The thing that is depressing though is how some people took it so seriously as to send her death threats.

Granted the song is horrible that does not mean the girl should get freaking death threats for having fun on Friday. o_O. Well, that's a little far if you ask me. haha. She does not deserve all that in the least. Just a bad rep for even doing the song should do.
OMG her new song rox

I love how she has a band in the back but the song is mainly keyboards, with no guitar whatsoever. Self-aggrandizing lyrics? Check. Derivative Songwriting? Check.

This is about the new song of course.
The new song is decent, except for the fact that it sounds nothing like her :rage:
There is also slight autotune.