Recommend A Novel!

The Chronicles of the ancient darkness series, written by Michelle Paver.

It is really awesome as an mentally lost boy sets out to revenge his father's death. He is grouped with an excellent archer, and a wolf.
Hm, I enjoyed the Pendragon series, as well as most of the Fear Street novels. I'm into horror and fantasy books, so I've got a lot of recommendations in this thread.
The Monarchies of God series by Paul Kearney.

Absolutely amazing fantasy writing. The amount of depth put into the characters and the history of the world the story is set in is mind-boggling, but it plays out beautifully. There are elements of religion, magic, lycanthropy, greed, lust, power, envy, war, loss, and just about everything else you could ask for in a series of novels. Mr. Kearney's writing style is excellent too. He pulls no punches. He is gritty, blunt, and to the point.

On a scale of 1 to 10, the Monarchies of God series goes to eleven.

Also, Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman was one of the most genuinely interesting books I have ever read. Although I'm a sucker for the "hidden alternate reality" motif. It's like an updated version of Alice in Wonderland. Good stuff.
best novel i can recomend

the best novel i have read and i should recomend are
twilight, new moon, eclispe, breaking dawn
i think all the books carry a really good message and they can interest when your bored or dont no what to do with ur spare time
Obsessed, by Ted Dekker is excellent.
Michael Crichton was my favorite author,
his books Prey, Timeline, Jurassic Park, and many others
are all great. Timeline is my favorite book of his, the movie sucked
big time, but the book is fantastic.
I'm big into Sci-Fi books, and my favourite author is Isaac Asimov. He's old school and he's awesome!

If I had to recommend a single book though, I'd choose Spin by Robert Charles Wilson. I just finished it last week, and it was absolutely epic. It has a space opera sort of feel to it like Star Wars, but it has a lot more hard Sci-Fi elements to it.

I don't really read an awful lot, so I'm just steadily making my way through Hugo Prize winners that take my fancy.
the best novel i have read and i should recomend are
twilight, new moon, eclispe, breaking dawn
i think all the books carry a really good message and they can interest when your bored or dont no what to do with ur spare time
I think this says all I all I can say on Stephanie Meyer and her writing ability, doesn't it?
Anyways, who'd I recommend is Terry Goodkind's series, the Sword of Truth. Excellently written with a constantly interesting and intriguing cast of characters, Terry takes the best of fantasy writing and puts it into a way that is able to be felt and empathized by almost any adult. Now, I stress the word adult, for at times the scenes can be quite graphic. But other than that, this is one series I can honestly say it's almost impossible to put down.
Catch 22 by Joseph Heller is a fantastic book. I was a bit sceptical at first over reading a war themed book but this is well worth it.
Also, in the crime genre, I'd recommend Kathy Reichs. She writes the books that lead to the creation of the tv show Bones.
I would recommend The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger. It doesn't have much in the way of plot, it's just about a guy wandering around NYC after being kicked out of school, so it might not be everybody's thing. The characterisation in it is excellent though, Holden has a really interesting outlook on life and you feel like you can relate to him in lots of ways.

Kudos to you Fusilli! I was about to recommend that before I read your post. Catcher in the Rye is kind of existentialist and it might depress you a bit in the end, but godamnit it's an amazing book.

Anything by JD Salinger, really, is great. like Franny and Zooey, or the short stories he wrote, are good picks too.

On the same lines of Catcher in the Rye, there is The Stranger by Albert Camus, it's a short and easy read but it gets you thinking about human nature and why some people act a certain way.

What else... If what I mentioned above is too serious, Murakami is a great author to look for. He writes a lot about dreams, and dreams vs reality, while coming up with some interesting scenarios. Sputnik Sweetheart by Murakami is great. He's a japanese author, too, so he writes in a different style compared to the west.

I can't start talking about books or else i will go on and on. I'll leave it at that for now. xD

(edit: ps: I don't know if you guys know about this website,, it's basically the IMDb of books, with ratings and reviews, makes it easier to look for something you might like.)
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I've read some really good books in the past year or so.

One is The Sparrow, which is about a Jesuit mission to another planet. It's really excellent in terms of characters and story, and explores a lot of things about religion from all sides. It's sequel, Children of God, is also really good, but the first one stands alone pretty well. I highly recommend both.

I also recommend to anyone who likes fantasy, or even just a good adventure story, Scott Lynch's The Lies of Locke Lamora. I... I love this book so much. It's about a thief/con man and his buddies in what is more or less a fantasy version of Renaissance era Venice. Great setting, great characters, great story, and just something really unique and fresh for the fantasy genre. Lynch has these really luscious descriptions and really excellent turns of phrase, and so few people have ever heard of him. So, I'm telling you guys, go read this book. There are some excerpts on his website, here:
And by the way, yes, the hero is named after our favorite treasure hunter. :)