Recurring characters in dreams.


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Jun 26, 2008
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Have any of you ever had recurring characters in your dreams / nightmares?

One of the "Ahhh! Spiders!" threads in the Spam Colosseum triggered a memory in me earlier when the conversation moved on to nightmares with spiders.

I was reminded of the "Crisp-Spider", a recurring character / villain in nightmares I had when I was a child. It was essentially a spider, made from Walkers crisps (anyone who has lived in Britain at least will know that Walkers are essentially the standard brand of crisps that everywhere has).

It was a really bizzare creation. It had a really nasty face.. Like the largest eyebrows ever imagined on a spider, and they were always in a position which made the spider look pissed off at me. The whole spider was made from crisps and it didn't really have any eyes as a result, it just had darkness from the gap between crisps. It had really big teeth and was very evil looking.

Though it didn't look like loads of crisps in a spider shape, it was definately a spider and in perfect spider shape, but the body was no doubt formed out of crisps, with the salt and flavourings on and everything.

It used to stare at me, completely still... Then I'd examine it to see if it was really a spider, or if it was a funny kind of crisp I could eat. It would then rapidly scurry towards me like evil spiders do best. I think I tended to wake at this point though I recall in one of the earlier dreams it got to my lap (I was sitting down) and crawled onto it and up towards my face and into my mouth where I ingested it. :ness: It crunched liked a crisp. Ack horrible stuff.

It used to sound like eating a packet of crisps would sound like when it moved. It was a really crunchy little monster.

I think I first started to have this creature appear to me when I first discovered I was allergic to crisps. I was really annoyed upon hearing this as I really loved crisps and liked to eat them a lot (though I still have a sneaky few now and risk it, and I don't react THAT violently to them, I guess you could say it is more of an intolerance, though I do get skin irritation and red blotches).

So I think, and this is me thinking now as I wouldn't have given it much thought as a child, the "Crisp-Spider" as I came to know it (what else could I call it?) started appearing in my dreams at the age of about 4-5 when I first was informed not to eat crisps. I'm not necessarily scared of spiders, but I think my mind probably tried to scare me away from eating crisps to save my body / skin by turning it into a metaphorical creature.

I think I stopped dreaming of the "Crisp-Spider" a few years later, but the memory kept coming back to me. It interests me now at how my mind had sort of invented an arch-nemesis for myself probably representing my allergy.

I've had one or two other recurring characters in dreams, such as a weird bald man with earings and an eye patch... But none of them really stand out as much as the "Crisp-Spider".

So... I was wondering. Have any of you had any recurring characters in dreams / nightmares? If so, post your stories up! I think it is incredible what some peoples minds create subconsciously.
I have recurring dreams about zombies/vampires if that counts? Whenever I have a nightmare it's ALWAYS about one of the two, more often Zombies tbh. Aside fromn the random one I had about tornados...oh and the Judges from FFXII. I STILL remember that one pretty vivid considering Ive only dreamed about it once...maybe twice actually now I think of it ¬¬

Anyway, it's always the same old monsters but different setting. And it's well grim -__- I'm always being chased by or hiding from the fuckers ]: Ive no idea why I always dream about them -__-
Only time I ever have reoccurring characters is when I'm working hard on something and my brain tends to unwind in my sleep after that long day.

So I'm always getting into a fight in my dreams. Always and I always come out on top. I have had quite a few characters reoccur, but they are mostly people I know.

Sean Connery? Umm yea after watching The Rock, I had a dream I was always in the one scene when all the marines die. Me being one of them of course. I don't know why but Sean would be the cool granddad I always wanted.

Let's see... Oh a lot of female actresses, but I'll keep that to myself. Let's see besides that Morpheus and Neo .. I had a dream like probably everyone else had where I was fighting along side of Fisher and Reeves.

That's about it though.. for now, I mean I usually forget all my dreams.. why write things down that do me little good.
He's not a character, but Adam Lambert keeps popping up in my dreams xD He's the only person/character I've ever had more than 1 or 2 dreams about o_O So I just found it worth mentioning xD He's usually singing or doing something rather outlandish that makes me giggle x3
Crisp-spider? Argor, you're so cute XD

Not really. Often people from television shows will pop up in my dreams (some cannibal woman from Torchwood was in mine last night, except she was nice. Thank God), but that's about it. I remember when I was younger, I had a dream that a faceless thing came out of the wall and suffocated me and I've always been terrified that it might happen again.

A while ago my Dad would pop up in them too, but not any more.
I am always chased by this hooded guy in my dreams and it ends up with me flinging myself from the cliff into the water. Only problem is, I wake up when I hit the cold water. I've been having that dream for years and I still don't know who the heck the guy is.