Red pill or blue pill?

There was someone earlier who said blue pill.

Anyways, I would take the red pill. The thought of me living my life in ignorance kinda sucks. I've been raised, and I personally believe, to see truth as the very foundation of, well, everything. If it is hidden, then it must be uncovered.

You want something deeper? Maybe tomorrow.
Red, had i had the same mindset i had in the past i would've gone with blue. I go with Red now because, while the truth does hurt most of the time. It's better to know the truth than to not know in my honest opinion. I can't stand lies, not even little ones for the sake of keeping things in tact.

Things only stay good if you have nothing but good intentions and are willing to keep them from falling apart. People say lies keep things peaceful, well that only works to an extent i think because once the truth comes out about something things just get ugly and sometimes they end up being hard to fix or can't be fixed at all.

Even if you lie out of good intentions and mean no harm, you still lied nothing changes the fact that you did. You end up looking bad for doing it, if the people you talk to can't handle the truth then that's on them.

Like others have said, blue does sound good at times. But there's the part of people that just need to know the truth, that thrive on finding the truth and not stopping until they get it. Ignorance is bliss? yeah....sure it is

Gimme truth anyday i say...
Honestly, being naive and unaware of a situation (in this case,' blissful ignorance.') to me, has more of a downfall then it has benefits. I found a quote that kinda represents this topic. "A friend will tell you what you want to hear but, a real friend will tell you what you need to hear." Being stuck in a dream world where you want everything to be fine (believe that it is) sounds all well and good but, sometimes you need to accept reality for what it really is. When having a good dream, you dont want it to end but, it does anyway right? We have to wake up eventually. What i'm trying to say is that, it's better to be prepared when life hits you across the face then to have it unexpectedly. Sometimes it can make you look like a fool. (you think one thing but, really its the complete opposite) I myself, would much rather be told the truth have it straight up and blunt then, have it covered up in a web of lies. Just when you think everything's all fine and dandy, BAM. There's always going to be something ya know? The truth can be hard to swallow sometimes but, I do agree with Kandy? When she said that the truth isn't always a bad thing. So, I guess it depends on the situation. Overall, the red-pill.
The red pill, the fact is there is no such thing as a "blissful" life, ignorant or not and I think everyone knows this. I have more respect for people who open themselves up to the truth than try to ignore it like nothing is wrong. The blue pill is far worse than the red pill in my opinion, because eventually the small things that you try to be ignorant about will eat you up inside until you learn to accept the truth. It's a hard way to learn but if you aren't going to naturally accept the truth at times it's a lesson that's necessary. From personal experience, I'd rather just know the truth there and then regardless of what it is and how much hurts since to a degree when someone wants a "serious" discussion I deliberately force myself to expect the worst and take it from there.
Red Pill. I need to know truths. Regardless as to how painful they are. I just can't live a lie. I can't be surrounded by false happiness. I'd rather live around bitter truths.

The Truth will always hurt, no matter what. I've learned that first hand. My parents were never ones to shield me from the real world and the problems that come with it. There was never a true sense of blissful happiness as a child. There was always something wrong. There was always truth. I thank them for that. It's helped me mature much faster.

Allow me to quote a wrestler I really dig.

"The truth, shall set you free."
I wouldn't even have to think about it. I would instantly choose the red pill. Truth is one of the most important things to me. I read a lot of books on Science and a lot of them destroy commonly held notions such as the idea of free will. Some people would think that some things should be left a mystery. That we should stop at certain things and leave them in the realm of the mystique. I'm militantly opposed to this and think the main driving force of the human race should be to work together and strive to reach truth in all endeavors! :)