Regular Reading.

Davey Gaga

Under you like a G.U.Y.
Jun 18, 2006
Glasgow City Centre, Scotland.
How many of you actually read on a regular basis?

I can't say I do but I'd like to do so. I have plenty of free time but I waste it on the time-leech that is the internet. I think I'm going to change my ways soon and start to read before bed, or something.
I think I read too much, actually. I'll rent 5-7 books in the library and be done with them in less than two weeks. I do an hour and a half reading at work (when the kids are asleep during naptime) so that's where the majority of my reading is done. If I'm really engrossed with the book, I'll finish the book when I get home. A few times, I've actually finished a 300+ pages in less than 24 hours. >.> You could say I'm an avid reader.

Oh and they're typically romance novels. :D
As far as leisurely reading goes, I don't read that often. When I find myself with some free time, I can usually think of ways I'd rather spend it than on reading. When I was in high school, however, I found myself reading often. Of course, I didn't have nearly as many responsibilities and obligations then as I do now.

But I do read the newspaper each day. Oh, and my text books. With those taken into account, I read every single day.
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As you've just mentioned textbooks, I think that's, possibly, why I don't read for leisure. Given that I've worked all day (and read in the process) and then I come home to read the forums for hours on end, it's no wonder I can't be bothered to read any more.
I try to read as much as I can, but school and Marching Band/Colorguard take up a lot of time :(

I get really weird looks whenever i bring a new book to school, especially one that has 1000+ pages (i.e. 3 books in one) or the complete works of Shakespeare.
I read on a regular basis, usually before I go to bed each night for around half an hour up to an hour depending on how drawn in I am to the particular event happening the book at that moment. However, in long holidays like the Summer, I'm too tired at night so I tend to just leave it lieing on the floor beside my bed for in the morning if I ever have time.

I don't. English class has beaten the reader's spirit in me to an extent that I won't even pick up my Harry Potter books. xD
I mostly read news or humor these days on the hour long train ride to San Diego. I read architecture articles in the library for about an hour every Friday and about a quarter hour on Mondays and Wednesdays, so that has to count for something...
I read just about every night before bed. For some reason I can only concentrate properly on a book when I'm in bed, probably because it's quiet and there's no background noise. I usually only read a chapter or two at a time, depending on the length.
I don't read as often as I'd like to, I tell myself I'm too busy but then end up wasting time anyway. And then it takes me ages to read something anyway because I daydream too much whilst reading. And there are usually other distractions too, like I'll put my iPod on for a little background music whilst I read, but I'll get into the music too much and not bother with reading.
I used to regularily read.......not so much anymore though, I really should sort that out, I'd literally just go to the library, get the maximum amount of books, read them all take them back...rinse and just gave me summat to do on school nights before I had a computer or anything......even after I had one I still enjoyed reading alot......

It kinda went to pot in more recent years though....I should make more time for it....
Bumped because I can :monster:

I've started reading fairly regularly over recent weeks. I usually just read a chapter or two before I go to bed. However, I sometimes just decide to read a set amount of pages before I go to sleep and just do that. I have occasionally found myself reading during the day when I'm bored, but I generally prefer reading at night.
I'm started reading quite a bit as of late too even though I'm not particularly an avid reader. I've started to finish off Angels and Demons and also reading A Streetcar Named Desire and Othello in English, so not only has my reading amount picked up, it is also a broad range of material from Dan Brown to Shakespeare :wacky:
Hmmm To be honest I actually like reading books but if I read a book that starts off with a boring start then I screw it. I love reading guidebooks of games though. I enjoy reading but not always.
I go in streaks. I don't take any English courses, and probably won't take too many in the future, so I don't have the motivation to read anything exceedingly difficult. As far as pleasure reading goes, when I'm in the mood I'll read 1-2 books a week, and then when that dissipates I'll go for like a month before I pick another one up.