Release Date?

If they do release it it would probably be with Amp'd Mobile since they were the ones released DoC Lost Ep for a few months. Dunno if its still on their service though.
I think it is being released on May 5th in Japan. But I know it is being released in USA, but when, I don't know
Welcome to another year, free of Before Crisis on the North American shores. Think I should post the rest on YouTube?
I have pieces of it up on my YouTube page, and parts in my Nibelheim videos. I've just been debating whether or not I want to risk getting banned from YouTube for posting the rest.

Of course, in my opinion, S-E has had their opportunities to give it a stateside release. I'm sure plenty of people would've paid for it, and now there's a chance everyone could get to see it for free.
If they do bring this game to North America it sure as hell better not be on a freakin mobile phone. It should be on psp which is probably the best for it!!
Agreed. I've heard some people bitching about how the screen size would have to be changed for the new format and that's the reason that they wouldn't do it.

Of course, that's a load of crap. Not only could it be reformatted, it doesn't need to be. Even if the screen was as vertical and cut off on the sides, people would pay and there's no really arguing that.
Hitting USA or Europe?

This game was only released in Japan am i right?
I wonder if it will be avaiable in Europe and US also?
Have some of you know something about that?
Merged existing threads. PLEASE make sure you check the forums before making a thread in regards to this topic. Thank you.
I've known about this game for at least two years and there had been no hint whatsoever about translation or a release. Oddly, the theme of Elfé is in English.

So you got me.
Well, honestly, I don't have the game yet (because they rarely sell Final Fantasy: Crisis Core here in the Philippines.), but I hope having it as soon as possible with Kingdom Hearts (I dont know which series, can you fill me in?), Coded, Final Fantasy Dissidia, and for my DS, I'll gonna 358-2 days. Boy, my summer's gonna be cool and will be very very long! :D

Can I ask for your help? I would like to ask a full list of Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy games that is playable in PSP? Urgent.Thanks to those who will answer.

Well, honestly, I don't have the game yet (because they rarely sell Final Fantasy: Crisis Core here in the Philippines.), but I hope having it as soon as possible with Kingdom Hearts (I dont know which series, can you fill me in?), Coded, Final Fantasy Dissidia, and for my DS, I'll gonna 358-2 days. Boy, my summer's gonna be cool and will be very very long! :D

Can I ask for your help? I would like to ask a full list of Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy games that is playable in PSP? Urgent.Thanks to those who will answer.


Please don't take the thread off topic, if you want more information, feel free to create a thread in the General Discussion section, thanks ^^
I honestly can't see it being translated, are phone games popular enough to be worth the hassle? Agito got moved to PSP from phone, FFIV: The After Years was moved to Wiiware to phone for the English version. I get the impression phone games are only popular in Japan, so I wouldn't get your hopes up of it being translated to English. :monster:
maybe theyll release it in Wii ware also or the PSN store or w/e (i only hav psp and ps2) but never will it be translated to eng for a cell phone, or even the psp, the graphics r not good enough for the psp.
It would actually be nice for it to come out worldwide but on ps3 or 360 because The graphics need to be great. I really want to play this but Im not wasting my time doing it on a phone. This BETTER come out worldwide someday because I want to know what happens before crisis core.