

Aug 19, 2008
i think with enough populur demand there might be a seaqul or remake. i mean why not they did it for other games? what do you think
Noooooo, it doesn't need a sequel, prequel, movie OR remake. I always thought it was pretty enough so don't think it needs a remake, as for any kind of spin off, it was wrapped up nicely and pre-quels are always abit on the dodgy side - as much as I liked Crisis Core it just left yet more holes/unanswered questions.

It should just be left alone >_>
They shouldn't make a remake, its great as it is, however a new final fantasy with a medieval theme would be nice, designed by Amano that is, none of thet belts and zippers shite, and none of that serious business like FF XII.

This game never had any of what i like to call a 'faggy fangirl following' as much as FF VII had with all that Cloud/Zack/Aerith stuff, i still think its a good game.
This sort of stuff sells moar to the modern Squeenix fans. FF IX didn't have any moody or emo characters, maybe Amarant.

So no remake or sequel thanks.
No way! FFIX is absolutely perfect the way it is so remaking it would be pointless.
No, FFIX was by far the best game in the series in my eyes and if they ever did remake it (God forbid they do) they would ruin it, they wouldn't just convert it from PS1 to PS3 they'd start adding stuff to it and taking stuff away from it and it would completely ruin the game. Plus, redoing character movement etc would be inevitable if it got remade. =/
While I agree with most people here that a remake would ruin how good the game is, I think that maybe if they tried to remake it for the PSP that might work. But all in all no prequels or anthing like that, we have enough of that with the FF7 beast.
good point

i just was having a hard time getting a hold of it answer me a qustoin though remember the conversation between quinias dad and vivi? do they ever explain that (somtimes i cant pay attoin cause of my adhd)
No sequels / prequels are really required, In my opinion the story was fine the way it is and adding anything to it would only do bad.

As for a remake, there is really no need for one considering it can already be played on ps3 plus the graphics and game play and all are still fine by todays standards. Although in a few years time I might reconsider my opinion.
It it ain't broke, don't fix the words of some Eastenders thug...probably. There's nothing wrong with FFIX as it is, the only thing they could really add to it is voices but they'd get that all wrong and make Vivi some sort of butch beast! I say no remakes!
Oh god, i hope they don't make a sequel or a remake, i haven't completed the Original FFIX game and if they make a IX-2 i will be royaly screwed cos I'd have to complete the first one in order to get WTF is going on in the second one
I hope they let it the way it is.
Remaking VII or VIII makes more sense because of the ingame graphics. They were good for their time, but now...
IX's graphics are still quite good. Maybe in a year or 10 a remake will be on more demand. Right now, al I want is remakes of the earlier games, nintendo generation. Like what they did with IV. Makes playing it lots nicer.
The words sequel and FFIX do not belong in the same sentence.. I mean that would just be horrible if they made a second one!

As for a remake, I'm not totally against that. All I would want though is for the graphics to be updated and for them to add in VAs and stuff. Everything else in the game is great the way it is.
Im just replaying IX atm, and aside from the characters looking abit shoddy (no where near as bad as the guys on VIII though xD), everything else is gorgeous, nothing really needs to be fixed up, I still think the graphics are good enough and the FMV's are just really pretty, it just does not need to be re-done at all >_>

I'm rather convinced VA's would ruin it aswel, I dread to think what Quina would be made to sound like >_< And Garnet, I was thinking that last night when she was sounding rather posh right at the beginning, no thanks, I have mu imagination for that D:
i think that IX was the best out of the three PS1 final fantasies. i can see them now remaking the original i, ii, and iii for the ds, but thats because the graphics are so antiquated. plus, you dont want a revival too soon. i think the only game that worked for was when they re-made the original resident evil for the gamecube. the concept of the original game was awesome ("survival horror") but the voice acting and controls and stuff were a little lacking. ff IX has a great story line that, in my opinion, doesn't warrant a prequel or sequel. the gameplay is great (again, IMO) and the graphics aren't too outdated yet. perhaps sometime in the future a remake will be in demmand. for the time being, i personally am content to replay the original on my PS1.
As much as I would like to see what the game would look like on newer systems, I don't think the game should get a remake, sequel or anything. It's a wonderful and beautiful game just the way it is. And besides, we get to see updated versions of Zidane & Kuja in Dissidia, anyway. :3 <3
It would be intresting to hear the charaters talk, though it could spoil the whole game if the voices aren't right. And with graphics nowadays they could either make them look spectacular or it'll go the other way... So i don't really care, But I can say for sure...


(Sorry, the caps seemed nessasary!)
1. i would only trust a remake or a sequel if Hironobu Sakaguchi would produce it..

2. given the fact that the sales of IX where disappointing, I don't think SquareEnix would go for it..
They shouldn't make a remake, its great as it is, however a new final fantasy with a medieval theme would be nice, designed by Amano that is, none of thet belts and zippers shite, and none of that serious business like FF XII.

This game never had any of what i like to call a 'faggy fangirl following' as much as FF VII had with all that Cloud/Zack/Aerith stuff, i still think its a good game.
This sort of stuff sells moar to the modern Squeenix fans. FF IX didn't have any moody or emo characters, maybe Amarant.

So no remake or sequel thanks.

As much as I agree with the idea that FFIX is already a great game, I really wanna see the graphics, game engine, a few things here and there improved without much of anything else changed. Here's a petition directed at square about remaking FFIX so please at least check it out.