
i think that IX was the best out of the three PS1 final fantasies. i can see them now remaking the original i, ii, and iii for the ds, but thats because the graphics are so antiquated. plus, you dont want a revival too soon. i think the only game that worked for was when they re-made the original resident evil for the gamecube. the concept of the original game was awesome ("survival horror") but the voice acting and controls and stuff were a little lacking. ff IX has a great story line that, in my opinion, doesn't warrant a prequel or sequel. the gameplay is great (again, IMO) and the graphics aren't too outdated yet. perhaps sometime in the future a remake will be in demmand. for the time being, i personally am content to replay the original on my PS1.

Many people, including myself, don't want a prequel or sequel. It's the remake that looks nice. Actually I enjoy playing the original FFIX on the ps1. Thing is that a remake might get previous FFIX-haters to get interested again, just for the fact that Square is remaking a FF game. So look at my other post above this one and check out the petition!
I would hate for a sequel or remake to be released right now, but if it does happen I would probably buy it. You never know though they could surprise us if it happens. But yeah it is fine the way it is I don't see why anyone would want it to be remade -_-
I agree voice over's would ruin the original memory of the game for me. And Although I wouldn't want a remake as I'd just prefer to keep things as they are, you can get too hung up on graphics when sometimes if the game has great gameplay, it'll be lost on a remake. look at mario kart, none as good as the snes version.

However saying that, I would probably buy a remake cos i'd want to play it, then slate it if it was rubbish :neomon:
FFIX had a rather conclusive ending, so I highly doubt about there being a sequel, although maybe there might be a spin-off game with another character as a lead. Who knows.

And as for a remake...

Like mentioned, maybe in the future when graphics are really high and epic, than perhaps I can see it...

Although, in my opinion, I can see FFVII, FFVIII, and FFIX being reformatted for a hand held system in the future before a remake happens -_-
For what, better graphics? Battle style? These rudimentary features don't need to be changed except for the purpose of gaining more eye-candy on our televisions, which in itself is a pretty poor reason to make petitions for remakes.

Seriously, look beyond such trivial factors.
Yea i dont really see the purpose in a remake besides the visual purpose. There is no real point in this remake.
The only remake of FF9 I want is a port version for the PSP. If you have a PS3 with backwards compatibility and FF9 for the PS1, there really is no need. However, I saw Zidane on dissidia and I wonder: Just how smooth the graphics can be for everyone on the PSP?
An FF9 remake would require Sakaguchi to re-attain the helm of the project and that will be a pain to do so. I would love a remake, but then again I don't need one.
Ugh, I've already said it once, and I'l say it again, IX does NOT need a remake. It's perfect as it is. The graphics don't need prettying up at all IMO, I'd be wary of VA's being added aswel, because I could just imagine them all sounding like chipmunks

I honestly can't think of anything that would need to be improved to warrant a remake
Amen to that Kelly...isn't there another thread like this? I'm sure there is because I can remember posting in it...I think.o_O If they remake IX to add voices and beef up the graphics, then they'll have to remake X because the voice "acting" was shite! Just don't do it...don't talk about it, DON'T EVEN BLOODY THINK IT!!! -__-
I doubt peteitions are going to do Jack Shitt when it comes to remaking a game. Endless amount of names can be signed on anything, it only leads to one thing: Square Enix already knows people want it remade.

Don't remake it though. If you've played it on the PSX version, then you've played it already. It's a game. It's already available. Go play that version.
There's always a fan-base for every FF game to be remade.

What would happen if Square-Enix focused solely on remaking every fuckin game ever released? We would enver get anything new. Gay.

Stop relying on past glories to suck money and time and start pumping out new adventures for us to devour.
I don't see the point in remakes. The amount of extras that would need to be put in to make the game competible with current games would mean the game would need to be made from scratch all over again! Might as well make a new FF than waste all that time making an old one.

I'd like them to release all the old FFs in one pack for PS3 or 360 though, but only because my PS1 discs are dying. Just a recoding for the the current platforms with no changes at all would be nice.
Creating a remake of IX seems to be a waste of time to be honest. What would be the point? All we'd get would be better graphics, voice actors and the such.
I would really like it if they made a remake of FF9. However, instead of giving us the same thing except with higher graphics and added VA, the producers could offer some sort of side quests that explain things about each of the character's past. There were some unanswered questions in FF9, like how did Beatrix and Steiner meet, and who was Amarant REALLY, and what is Quina's real sex...and maybe expand on what Necron really was doing there...that guy was a real question mark...I'm all for character developement, baby, and the only time I see enough of that is in FF6.