Remember the area where....


White Mage
Jul 14, 2006
Winnipeg, Canada
Remember the part of the game where you had to go through a certain maze to pick up some rare materia where you had to put frogs in plants to pass? I cant remember the name of this place but man it was annoying to have to jump on pads and go hang on ropes........who had a hard time with this? Since i am not the greatest player with mazes i cant say this was easy for me.....though after 200 resets i finally got everything in it:blink:
i managed it on my fifth attempt when i came up with a strategy to put the biggest frogs in the furthest pads and little things like that
I know where you mean. I think it's called the Lost Forrest or something like it. It's the one near Cosmo Canyon though, right?
Actually, I got everything on the first whirl. That's thanks to a lot of luck really, but I'm still very proud that I did it.
The Lost Forest yes...i think i left an item on the first time i got there but i always got Typhoon not that he´s really worth it:rolleyes:
It is actually called the Ancient Forest I think. I had a hard time getting Typhoon at first.
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I figured it out, took too damn long though. I thought when I completed it, I'd get Vincent Valentine, because at the time, I didn't know where the hell he was. I completed the game twice without him, the Lost Forest really made me give my hopes up of finding him.
Good thing I was curious about that puzzle in Nibelheim though, or I never would've found him.
yes it is the ancient forest ^_^ i tried doing it once...then we had a powercut and i couldn't be bothered to do it all over again....

good thing its only Typhoon i missed :P

ill do it on my next playthrough though....
Oh that place was annoying especially at the 3rd frog bit
Although the best thing you get there is apocalypse sword which has triple AP. ^_^
I like using it against emerald weapon and getting HUGE AP boosts
At, the Lost Forest. I hated that place! I think, and I may be wrong, that you could only get there once you defeat Ultima Weapon and have a certain kind of chocobo...I had the gold one so I'm not sure if you could get there with another ;)
You gtta defeat Weapon yep, then he falls and gives you access to that forest, and yeha it's quite gay to be there I remember being stuck for about an hour in that place lol. I think I would still have trouble at it if I'd restart FFVII once again :p.
You can access this place using a green,black, or gold chocobo, or by defeating Ultima WEAPON. I get there via chocobo, so I can get the Apocolypse and be able to take full advantage of the large amount of AP that the WEAPONS and Midgar bosses give you.
I did it the second time, you just got to try what each thing does first, then just need to think, shouldn't be hard, but it's quite dissappointing, because the items aren't that great =//
I cant remember having any problems with it. Although the second time around I did use a guide.
Ahhrrggg!!! The lost forest... yeah I remember, that place brings back some not fond memories... I hated that place too, although it's worth doing, because you get the summon Typhon...