Rep Power????

i wish the orange bars were a different colour. who decided on orange, sky blue would have been much better xD
Doesn't matter about the color... At least it's not pink :elmo:

If you put your mouse on one of those squares there's a text that appears saying 'Laro is on a distinguished road' or something. What does that mean? Is the square gonna turn into a star one of these days?
Reputation System

I really like the new addition of the Reputation system but I have a few questions about it :

I tried to rep someone for posting a really good post but I received a message saying I need to spread the rep before I rep'ed them a second time. Can someone elaborate?

Curunir pointed out that you can view your Reputation points received in your User CP but you can't see ALL of the ones you got, any reason why?

If this is something that has already been discussed, my inactivity may have caused me to miss it, if so I apologize and please feel free to prune this.
I tried to rep someone for posting a really good post but I received a message saying I need to spread the rep before I rep'ed them a second time. Can someone elaborate?

it's automatically set up like that so it's not abused, but where the appeal with the rep system is going now, I don't think that'll be a problem for anyone but some of the spaztastic newbies.:neomon:
I'm actually rather curious on the Reputation System as well, since I noticed the same 'Spread The Rep' message. I think it's a bit unfair not to be able to rep a person repeatedly when they post something worthy.

I was also wondering about the 'view all rep' function. I haven't found anything for it.
You have to rep another 20 people before you can rep the same person again. It's to stop people just constantly reping their mates for shit all reason.

And as for you not being able to see it, are you even sure that you've received any?
I feel stupid, but how do you even give out those Reputation points?
You press the little Square next to the online/offline Icon (Messenger Icon), and You choose I approve or I disapprove.
Now I haven't seen any rep thingy in my User CP or having 2 Rep point is default?
Reputation Points influence the 'Rep Power' which appears in the postbit. For some reason it's different for a few people, example being that I started with 3 or 4, whereas the likes of yourself had 2 - I don't understand what determines that factor, perhaps post count?

The higher your rep, the more 'power' you get - rep power determines how much rep points is given to the recipient. Nice little cycle. :P

This should have all been explained when it was implemented. Oh well.
Yeah I think it's post count. Everyone above me has either 5 or 6. Every 600 - 900 posts means an extra 'rep point' so it seems.
I'll need some sort of explanation on how it works lol.
Though now i do know how to give those points, thanks again =)
Mkoi, heres how it works :P

Your rep power is determined by a few things: how much rep you have, your post count and how long you have been with the site.

Your rep power determines how much rep you give to someone else at a time.

You have to rep 20 other people before you rep the same person again, this is to prevent abuse.

As far as i know there isn't a way to see all the rep you have received, but i'll look at increasing the number that you *can* see.

To give rep, you use the little + sign at the bottom of a persons post.

Hope that clears everything up :)

EDIT: changed to 10 people between repeat reps, and the amount you can see should now be much higher
Gee, thanks a deal, this helped a great deal.
And another question, after i gave you a reputation point for the above help, the area where your reputation power used to appear at turned into a ratio....
E.G. 10:3
What does it mean?
Admins have a setting for the rep power they have when giving the rep - thats 10. I don't see the 3, but i'd assume that's my *actual* rep power

Shouldn't happen with anyone except the admins (I originally had it set to 3, but i beleive it might *lower* the power of the admins who should be higher, so i put it up to 10 (which is the default anyway) )
Well, same discussions and all, so...

-Threads Merged-

Thanks for the reminder, Riku. =]
Can someone tell me what Rep power is?I dont understand what it does and what it does and what it means.I need to know what it means.Thank you.
Rep = Popularity contest. Don't worry about it, it's not important unles you like being popular. It's basically a way of showing how popular you are, other members can either rep you or unrep you. Should be obvious which is good and which is bad.