Replace a word from a FF quote.

FFX Auron saying to Tidus:

"This is it. This is your orgy. It all begins here."
Vaan: "So, uhh....Fran. How old did you say you were again?"

*Fran walks away*

Penelo: "Nice going you paedo."


Zidane: “No cloud or squall shall rape us…”
Original: "...Shut up. The cycle of nature and your stupid plan don't mean a thing Aerith is gone. Aerith will no longer talk, no longer laugh, cry, or get angry! What about us? What are WE supposed to do? What about my pain?
My fingers are tingling. My mouth is dry. My eyes are burning!


"...Shut up. The cycle of nature and your stupid plan don't mean a thing! Aerith is gone! Aerith will no longer fuck, no longer suck, cream, or get dirty! What about us? What are WE supposed to do? What about my virginity?My fingers are tingling. My balls are dry. My eyes are burning!
Aeris: "You came, even though it was about to fall off."
Cloud: "Stay where you belong, in my sexy dreams!"
Sephiroth: "I will...never be a homosexual!
Tidus: Yuna has to keep dancing to pay for her college.
Don Corneo: I choose the cheerful one.
Yuffie: Kinkyness!
"No one touches my princess!! LIGHT WARRIORS?? You impertinent fools."

"No one touches my penis!! LIGHT WARRIORS?? You impotent fools."
Sit down, shut up and drink your goddamn MEDICINE!!

What you desire will be yours, but you will GAIN something dear.

Cloud, it's about time you were to get out of our HEADS.

I LOVE everything. This city, Corel, even you, Barret. Therefore, I gotta kill you.
(Even changing hate to love can cause misconceptions.)

"....Shut up. The cycle of nature and your stupid plan don't mean a thing. Aerith is FUN. Aerith will no longer FALL ASLEEP, no longer COMPLAIN, BITCH or get HEADACHES! What about YOU? What are YOU supposed to do? What about YOUR PEAS? My fingers are SATISFIED. My mouth HAS SATISFIED HER. YOUR BALLS are burning!

Wakka: Ten years...and not a single erection.

Dona: Touch me with that penis and I'll remove it.

Kid in Kilika: When I grow up I wanna be a pimp
~Fools! You face the famous pimp in all Ivalice!
~You face ME! GILGAMESH!
~Long have I sought the pretty girls... Scoured the furthest marches,
East and West!
~And now my search brings me here! TO YOU!
~The girls are forfeit to me!
Yuna: The friends who have pranked you... Or the dreams that turned to nightmares... NEVER FORGIVE THEM!!!
(You could replace 'forgive' for 'forget')

Tellah: You spoony bard!
(need that be changed...?)
How about: You bitchy bard!
Squall "Whatever"

Kid "Sign by blitzball"
"Sign my ass"

Auron "Don't look to others for knowledge, this is your story"
"Don't look to others for knowledge, this is your orgy"

Kimahri "Yuna needs Kimahri. Kimahri protect Yuna."
"Yuna needs Kimahri. Kimahri slap "Yuna.

Barthello "Mish Yoona, Save me!"
"Mish Yoona, fuck me!"
Tidus&Yuna: ooohhhhh Tidus, ooooooohhhh Yuna
Lulu: I hope you hurt them...
Lulu: I hope you castrated them...

Jecht: What? You gonna cry again? Cry cry cry! That's all you're good for!
Jecht: What? You gonna shit again? Shit shit shit! That's all you're good for!