Replay Value?


Cigarette Mage
Feb 18, 2007
I've been thinking of replaying this game because of the great time I had playing it the first time and the unfinished side quests I had.

I'm just wondering and asking the people who have replayed it, Does it have any replay value?
It does for me lol, on the day I finished it, I made another file! If you like the story, and haven't completed everything, it's worthy of another play through.
I've completed the whole game, even so...I want to play it again lol.

But after I finish ffX completely :P
I'm having a hard time enduring this game once...let alone multiple times. Good luck, man.
Well i didnt really enjoy playing through the game i just like the End (Bahumat onwards) so ill just keep my save before tht and replay the ending or do sidequest when ever i rarely pic the game up for play again.
FFXII's replay value is about 15% imo.

However, I think I'll pay more attention to the sidequests once I've completed the main story (7/8 bosses left). So all is not lost...
Nice to see you here Timblez (Daz_Rangers51 from PESFan).

If you enjoyed it the first time then I reckon the replay value will be good but for me, well I'm not sure when I will replay it again.
i love playing ff12 the 1st time but the second time it just got boring i mean there were bits of it i loved playing again but even doing the sides it was just boring if you want to replay it don't build the characters up and try and beat the game try and keep your characers at level 15 for the hole thing it's hard but it fun
I am on my fourth play through now. Love it. There are still things to find and I haven't yet completed all the hunts or obtained all the 'pirates Den' figures. I love this game and personally I think the replay value is around 90%.....that would make it 90% more than FFX and 10% less than FFVII.....LOL:P
the first time I played it was just for the main story
now its my second run and this time I will do every thing

I think replay value is high thanks to (rare) hunts and hidden
I finished it about a week after it came out in Europe and i havn't touched it since. I do like it its just i really dont wanna do it again do i would say it has very low replay value
replay value is great IMO. Thats if i even get the chance to replay it with all the sidequests i have to do. (I dont have the chance to spend hours on the game due to work and other commitments )
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I'm on my second replay right now. I was ready to replay after seeing the ending. When I replay, I spend more time leveling up and trying to finish more of the sidequests.

I think if you didn't have a great time the first time, don't bother with a replay. If you enjoyed the game, it's worth it. You'll pick up things plot wise you might have missed, and reactions that make more sense after the first play through.
I suppose it depends on whether you like it or not.
If you did you would probably replay it
I have to say this game just didn't hold it for. I first i was psyched but after a while I realised the very lack luster leveling system which for me hinders the game a lot -- I'm a numbers person what can i say. As far as replay goes... for me? Next to none.
i agree with the sucky lv. thing because if they didn't take so long my game play would be around 40:50:10 (it's 100:51:49 right now) but other than that i have already made another file
If you played through it once normally then I find it almost imnpossible to imagine covering every side-quest and what not. That's the main reason I'm playing through it again, although the fact that my first playthrough was in Japanese probably makes my opinions in this thread null and void. :p