Replaying FF8

There aint only 2. I can hit it with Squall, Seifer, Zell, Kiros. Akthough Zell and Kiros I can do it with like 65% of the time. Rinoa, once under a blue moon. Same with Qustis and Selphie. Never done it with Irvine.
:ffs: It's a coincidence with all the other characters.
I dont think its a coincedence to hit critically R1 with Zell 7 times in a row. And yes I counted. And no it aint luck. Trust me, Im the most unluckiest dude you'll ever see.
Wait, you're talking about the R1 trigger right? I thought that was only with Seifer and Squall too, because they have gunblades and that triggers the gun.
It is only Squall and Seifer that can do the R1 trigger command. Don't know where the guy gets the idea that it works with anyone else.
Actually I replayed VIII a couple of months ago! I had everyone up to level 100, all GFs, all Triple Triad cards - pretty much everything I was suppose to get . xD It was my first perfect game and I was off to battle Omega. Well, somehow my file got erased and I lost everything. You can imagine how angry I was at that point! Hah, so I had to take a break from VIII for a long long time and cool my anger. Eventually I'll get back to it, but right now I have so many games, new ones I haven't played yet, that I need to get to and finish up.

My Friend was playing it up to disk 4, back in the day, and his mum was wanting to clean up, so she wanted to plug the hover in. so he was trying desperately to save, but his mum pulled the plug mid save, the file corrupted! HAHA oops! He didn't bother after that, but iv just started playing 8 again, looking forward to some of the movie scenes!:neomon:
My Friend was playing it up to disk 4, back in the day, and his mum was wanting to clean up, so she wanted to plug the hover in. so he was trying desperately to save, but his mum pulled the plug mid save, the file corrupted! HAHA oops! He didn't bother after that, but iv just started playing 8 again, looking forward to some of the movie scenes!:neomon:

Oh man, I would've been soo angry! Good thing he could just start over, like that. As for me, I would've been too disgusted. But I guess it's a good thing, because when you play through a game, several times, you always discover new things about the storyline, etc. Anyway, I'll get back to playing it someday. xD Right now I just have too too much to do.
Oh man, I would've been soo angry! Good thing he could just start over, like that. As for me, I would've been too disgusted. But I guess it's a good thing, because when you play through a game, several times, you always discover new things about the storyline, etc. Anyway, I'll get back to playing it someday. xD Right now I just have too too much to do.

Yeah was probably for the best, he only had about 5 of the GF's and had missed them. And i agree that when u go back through a game u do pick up on more, as u already know the general plot of it.
I've been wanting to replay FFVII for the longest time, however, I lent my first disc to someone a long long time ago and viola! it's still missing. Guess I'll have to buy a new one or something, hopefully they're still cheap.
yeah should be, i think that my third desk may be a bit tempormental so il have to wait and see. Ebay or Amazon should be good for copies of FF's
If you never, ever want to die in FFVIII:
Equip your characters with a GF with Status-Attack, and then junction Drain to it.

You'll never, ever have to heal.
Gee... you guys are playing it again. I've played it over three times. I remember my first try, I got to the castle and then there was this lightning storm outside-the power fluctuation-the corruption of my whole memory card-the insertion of FFVIII disc 1 into the PS. When I played it again, I was only able to kill Ultimecia by luck. You're supposed to be able to kill her when she says her third line. I reached that part but by then she had blasted away all my spells and killed everyone except Squall. Eventually she did kill Squall, but I had a phoenix pinion and Phoenix suddenly popped out reviving me and damaging Ultimecia. God was I lucky....
Currently right now, Im on that train where you first get Rinoa. And there aint no way Im using the Magical Lamp right now to get Diablo. Prob will try for it once Im level 50 or something.

Diablos is extremely easy. All you have to do is cast blind on him. You won't die. His magic is just demi spells, so your HP might get as low a 1, but you won't die. Just use your limit breaks and he'll go down easy. I beat him at level 15, right after Cid gave me the lamp.
Diablos is extremely easy. All you have to do is cast blind on him. You won't die. His magic is just demi spells, so your HP might get as low a 1, but you won't die. Just use your limit breaks and he'll go down easy. I beat him at level 15, right after Cid gave me the lamp.

Really? Because I had the worst time with Diablos. Maybe, at the time, I didn't have blind; I can't remember, but I do remember the fact that he was extremely fast. It seemed like everytime one of my characters had a turn he KO'ed them. He'd use demi and then go in with those claws of his. Hell, I was in the mid twenties too, level wise, when I used the lamp. XD The next time I play I'll give that a try. :)
Really? Because I had the worst time with Diablos. Maybe, at the time, I didn't have blind; I can't remember, but I do remember the fact that he was extremely fast. It seemed like everytime one of my characters had a turn he KO'ed them. He'd use demi and then go in with those claws of his. Hell, I was in the mid twenties too, level wise, when I used the lamp. XD The next time I play I'll give that a try. :)

Yeah, I really only figured out the strategy due to what I heard from someone else. But, his claw attack is rendered useless when you cast blind on him. I believe there's a Blind draw-point during the Dollet mission, and I'm pretty sure you can draw them from T-Rexaurs. He is really easy once he's blinded, because when he uses demi, you can just wail away with Limit Breaks.

FF8 is so easy to God-mode. xD Only battles I had trouble with was Omega Weapon...and Marlboros. @_@
Diablos is extremely easy. All you have to do is cast blind on him. You won't die. His magic is just demi spells, so your HP might get as low a 1, but you won't die. Just use your limit breaks and he'll go down easy. I beat him at level 15, right after Cid gave me the lamp.

He really is easy. Diablo looks very intimating but he mostly casts demi spells and hits you sometimes. Of course using blind is a must when battling him but there is a small chance of his hits attacking you. He has did KO'ed my characters before but it's not a big deal.

Also you can stock blinds from Granaldo too. He's the wasp boss that you fight with Quistis and Squall.
My Friend was playing it up to disk 4, back in the day, and his mum was wanting to clean up, so she wanted to plug the hover in. so he was trying desperately to save, but his mum pulled the plug mid save, the file corrupted! HAHA oops! He didn't bother after that, but iv just started playing 8 again, looking forward to some of the movie scenes!:neomon:

That happened to me. I had beaten it already and i was trying to get everything in the game but there was a power outage when i was saving and my file got all messed up :(
i restarted a new file like 2 years ago and made it to disc 3. i haven't touched it since. my disc 4 is all scratched now, i need a new copy v_v
I recently started a new game on FF8 and with all the FF7 I have been playing I forgot how playable the game really is.
It's been close to 6 years since I first AND last played FFVIII, but I think it will still take me a few more years before I decide to go back and play it if I do. I mean sure it's a great game as all FF games seemed to be for me, but i don't feel like spending 30+ more hours doing something I've already done before.

I figure that one day I'll go back and replay all my FF games to relive the glory of them and refresh my memory on the plot and overall game, but I just don't have that time on my hands to do something I've already gone through once.