resident evil: no mans land

hey Yuki, i had an idea, instead of throwing a creature at us at random, you could give us a name for it and what it looks like in this thread, that way at least we know what were going up against, you know for those of use who have played almost every RE game there is.
Well, I've never played a Resident Evil game before and, agree with Valefor, I would like to know what they look like etc.
ok then heres the thing that is currently mauling my ass... i should really have checked this thread first huh?



The Hunter always appears in a dark grayish-blue hooded sweatshirt and dark brown sweatpants. His hood is always pulled up and over his face, disguising his lack of eyes. The limbs of his outfit are battened down by duct tape, in a manner similar to Traceurs, practitioners of parkour.
Hunters are primarily identified by their distinctive growl, or the screams and snarls they emit upon sighting a survivor or pouncing or clawing. They are, however, the only Special Infected who do not make any noise while in a neutral pose.
Extent of Mutations

The Hunter is the least visibly mutated Special Infected, and still superficially resembles a human. His strain of the infection has, however, granted him an increase in lower body strength that, while not creating massive muscle growth as in the case of the Tank, has given him the ability to jump and pounce long distances and rapidly scale the sides of buildings with ease. Decreased pain response visible in all sufferers of the Infection also results in the Hunter not suffering from lactic acid buildup from his overexertion. The Hunter also lacks eyes. Whether this is due to its strain of the Infection or through an unrelated injury is not known.
The extent of damage to the Hunter's sight suggest his other senses are far more developed than those of typical Infected, allowing him to hunt with far greater efficiency. It is possible that the screeching noises he makes and the growling are his own echolocation method. He might also use scent to tell the Survivors apart from Infected. As with the other Special Infected, he is not distracted by such high frequency noises as pipe bombs or car alarms going off. Hunters also appear to be the only Infected with a self defense reflex: when shot at a distance and knowing it cannot pounce, the Hunter will sometimes jump away into safety.
dude, thats not a bad creature, but now it has a knife through the back of it's knee, should hamper it's ability to do one.
"its ability to do one" lol thats funny. and also thank you for following the turn-based scheme i implemented. did you check this thread to see who had to post before you?

ok thats one hunter down. there will be more appearing but not for a while. this is a brief break period for us to make a plan inside of. only 10 posts though because then some zombies will be coming.
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I'll be using the character I used in the Resident Evil Outbreak Rp. I've changed his name from Josh to Joe and will probably pick up in this RP where he left off last in the other rp!

Name: Joe Sanders


Height: 6ft 4in

Weight: 175

Affilitation: Citizen

Appearance: Joe is a semi goth in highschool so he dresses in alot of black. He is tall and has a light brown complexion. His hair is down to his shoulders and dyed blonde which gives him a peculiar appearance. He wears a backwards cap and wears a black jacket with a blue shirt. He wears gray jeans.

Personality: Joe is very serious as he likes to get to the point. He often thinks and always tries to clear a situation up as quickly as possible. He doesn't care about things he doesn't agree with and when he is ordered to follow rules he doesn't like, he makes his own. Joe can be seen as cruel is his actions as he only cares about keeping himself alive in order to carry out his own missions.

Weapons: Anything he can grab

Equipment: Medicine equipment(for his condition), backpack, anything else he can grab

Special combat abilities: Joe is great at tactical battles and uses this in combat. He the heat f the moment he can make an escape route or plan an assault. His brain has becom ehis biggest ally.

History: Joe moved to Raccon city with his parents a few months ago. He is a very sharp student in school and is a misunderstood genius. Since he tends not to fit in at school, other students label him as "goth" and a freak. He's very tactical due to playing many videogames. His smarts has given him many recognition in raccon city and has paved the way for his academic success.

Joe was born with a heart condition that has passed over the years. When he was little he used to pass out from heart attacks brought on by fear. Today he has learned to calm the condition and carries viles of emergency medication with him, even though he hasn't had a heart attack in years.

Joe had successfully escaped Racoon city at the beginning of infection but at the cost of many lives. He had found a stash of medication to keep him going for years to come and had gained much experience in fighting the undead. After the city was bombed bhe gave up hope looking for his parents and ran to a nearby city but the T-Virus then began to spread even further.

Joe since then has become a lone fighter to bring down the undead from the source. A month from now he ventured back into Raccon city to find an anti-virus in the umbrella labs at which his parents worked...
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I have changed his personality slightly because of the outbreak RP, other than that he should notice you.
I've noticed this RP has come to a minor halt.

I don't know what happened, but it's too early for me to start acting again.

That's just how I am, I wait 3-5 posts so people can catch up.

But seeing how rather tired I am, I'll make a post tomorrow.
next monster to be introduced is "The Smoker" it wont attack im just merely mentioning it in my next post so this is a heads up.

The Smoker.


the smokers main mutation is his tongue which can stretch to a length of 15 meters and wrap around a victim. its distinctive coughing noise is strangely just an exhale of toxic gases produced in its lungs that slowly poison its victims stopping them from fighting in order for the smoker to eat them alive with ease. This monster is not to be fought alone and will require a teammate or two in order to escape its clutches alive.
i use man as a general term for everyone, it pisses off my female friends IRL.

so no offence to you, and i noticed your gender next to your username
miss away my posting on the forum will be infrequent as i travel the dancing circuit most weeks lmao i apologise and will be here as often as possible :)

also a new monster...


i cannot source a picture from my current computer so i will have to just describe it if you want to see what it looks like then you will have to google it yourself sorry guys.

as the name suggests this zombie has mutated and is now pretty much the same size as a tank and has all the power of the hulk without the problem of changing back into a human or being green. a hulking mass of muscle this zombie only destroys it does not infect other people but it will kill them rather effectively
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