Riku - Hero or Villain?

What do you see Riku as?

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Too orsm for you.
Jul 5, 2006
We've all played the two games, I hope! If you have, then you'll notice that Riku has been both a hero and a villain for the latter part. But now, what do you prefer him as? A hero or villain? Discuss.
This thread was literally addressing me.

There's no dispute over whether or not Riku was actually a villain. He didn't intentionally bring the Heartless to Destiny Islands - he was just ambitious, and his ambition to reach over to another world opened the heart to his own, causing the Heartless to ravage that world. He was split up from Sora and Kairi and, caring for Kairi the most, he set out to find her, but ended up finding Sora first. Now, I can't read Japanese, but I've seen the clips from Final Mix, and I know that Riku ended up in Hollow Bastion when Sora ended up in Traverse Town, so we can assume that this is when Maleficent met Riku and started to corrupt him. After the meeting in Traverse Town, she used Donald and Goofy to further bring Riku to her.

It all spun off from there. In the end, though, he was never a villain. He was just a typical teenager in an otherwise unique game. He was possessed by Xehanort's Heartless, so that might be where some confusion lies.

He did more than Sora for the story, I'll tell you that.
This thread was literally addressing me.
Was it? If I wanted to address it directly at you, then I'd just ask you personally. I like a bit of both a hero and a villain in Riku. It's good to have options. :P
He acts all evilish in KH but later in KH2 he ends up saving the day and helps sora defeat Xemnas, I wont be suprised if he goes all evil again in KH3
I'll fight the urge to contradict that and leave you to your ... theory? xD
Was it? If I wanted to address it directly at you, then I'd just ask you personally. I like a bit of both a hero and a villain in Riku. It's good to have options. :P
It was indeed ;) You know what I'm like with this game and, furthermore, what I'm like with Riku.
I feel that more info on Riku's life, personality and emotions should have been made better known to us throughout the games, but he was a friend, leader, and warrior when he needed to be.

In the end, through all his mysterious actions and Sora trying to find him through the rubble, Riku stood strong and was there waiting for Sora to find out the truth. Riku's a hero in the KH series.
He wasn't evil at any part until Xehanort's heartless possessed him. Maleificent poisoned his mind by making him think Sora is against him. He was also jealous of sora so when he learned that he was the rightful master of the keyblade he must've been happy to know that he had a power that sora didn't have to begin with.
I agree with everyone else. Riku was a hero. In the first game he was manipulated by Malificent, and then possesed by Xeanorts heartless. In the second game, he makes it very clear that he is indeed a hero.
hero: he appeared to be on the villain side of things, but i think he was just misguided
Riku is a bad ass hero. ^_^
All through the game he was obviously tryin to do good, but he kinda lost his way, and yet he didn't.
At some point he knew what he was doin, whether his reasons were bad or good in one's eyes, he was only trying to do what he thought was right, and it worked out okay..... i guess. :huh:
i'd say he was a good guy rahter than a hero. he had to give himself over to the darkness but he was working the darkness in a good way, and for the protection of others.
I prefer him as a hero, although, I neither saw him as a hero nor a villain. I always saw as a good person who kinda got mixed up with the wrong crowd if you will. Anyway, in all, neither one... Just your average ambitious kid.
Riku is a kind of "anti-hero" a character that has elements of a hero, but is rather aloof about it. He's sort of like that ragabond teen that saves a kid from drowning, but doesn't stay to take the credit for it.

I'm just not very eloquent today, scusi.
One of those days. >_<
Riku is the Definition of the Dark Knight. All he wants to do is good, and he is willing to sacrifice his own soul to save the people he cares about. Riku was just young and thus easily manipulated, but his intentions were noble
He wasn't a villain on purpose.

Maleficent tricked him into thinking Sora didn't care about him anymore, and then he was overcome by Ansem.

Which is why he was evil.
