Riku - Hero or Villain?

What do you see Riku as?

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Riku is a Hero consumed by the power of darkness.

He was a boy so desperate to go off Destiny Island he was ready to give up his friends. Then, he got consumed by darkness and kept wanting absolute power. But when he got defeated by Sora, he realised that the heart becomes stronger by protecting your friends. Then the bit of light left in him shined and manedged to push the darkness out of him.

He can still control his dark powers (KH: CoM).

And he helped Sora kill Xemnas (Mansex :D)
Wow, I am the first to vote Riku as a villain? Anyway, that's what I wouldn't mind Riku BEING. I would love for Riku to be the tragic hero-turned-villain. I'd like to fight him again if its possible in the later KH games... Let's just make him stronger than Sephiroth this time. :D
I do agree with many other people in this thread. Riku was a hero, he was just was wanting to get off destiny islands. Maleficant then controled his body and so he really didnt know what he was doing. Then when Sora helped him overcome maleficant then he became good again. He could still use his dark powers. In KH: CoM he can use his dark powers but he still fights all the bad people, which proves he turned good.
Riku, as stated before, is an anti-hero.
In KH1 he started off as a friend/rival, then became a rivalish villain for a bit, then full on villain when he was possessed, then at the very end, he showed his hero side.

In KH2, I realized that Riku was a hero, but he was secretive about it during the whole game. To me, Riku seems like a hero who doesn't want to be in the spotlight. He does what he thinks is right, but doesn't stick around to be thanked for it.

Just my opinion, anyway.
I voted Hero.

The only time he could have been considered a villain was when Xehanort's heartless possessed him.
I consider Riku to be a hero, even more so at one point than Sora. Sora hung around with Donald and Goofy, searching for their king more than his friends. When he found Riku, he stayed with Goofy and Donald. Kairi seemed to be more of an afterthought for him, whereas Riku dedicated everything to save her. At least, that's my opinion.