Riku & Kadaj


Chocobo Breeder
Dec 30, 2006
Glasgow, UK
I was just watching Advent Children there & noticed, Kadaj shares a striking resembalance to Riku. Do you think this was intentional or purely coincidental.

I think it may have been a sort of echo because they both seemed like power hungry & lost souls [Riku from KH1 anyway]
Kadaj, Yazoo and Loz are all remnants of Sephiroth but won't look exactly like him. Kadaj is supposed to represent Sephiroth's "cruel" side. I think that Kadaj looking anything like Riku is purely coincidental.
Kadaj, Yazoo and Loz are all remnants of Sephiroth but won't look exactly like him. Kadaj is supposed to represent Sephiroth's "cruel" side. I think that Kadaj looking anything like Riku is purely coincidental.
so wait.... if Kadaj is his cruel side then is Yazoo his god of hotness side and Loz his crybaby side? XD
I've always thought it was his stages of life. You know, starting off with his 'child' years manifesting themselves in Loz, then his disturbingly sadistic teens popping up in Kadaj, then his arguably calmer, more calculating span of time being Yazoo. Hey, it's just a theory.
I was just watching Advent Children there & noticed, Kadaj shares a striking resembalance to Riku. Do you think this was intentional or purely coincidental.
I have to disagree with you right there and say that Riku looks nothing like Kadaj in the slightest :P

I think it may have been a sort of echo because they both seemed like power hungry & lost souls [Riku from KH1 anyway]
"Power hungry"? Riku wasn't power hungry, he wanted to save Kairi, more than Sora did, anyway.
"Lost soul"? Riku wasn't a lost soul, he was trapped in darkness.

Aye aye, big surprise, I like Riku :P
I've always thought it was his stages of life. You know, starting off with his 'child' years manifesting themselves in Loz, then his disturbingly sadistic teens popping up in Kadaj, then his arguably calmer, more calculating span of time being Yazoo. Hey, it's just a theory.

This is what was stated in the Reunion Files

Kadaj: Sephiroth's Cruelness (evil and pretty maniacal, insane or touched in the head)

Yazoo: Sephiroth's Allure (very intelligent, mysterious and handsome)

Loz: Sephiroth's Masculinity (he's all brawn but no brains)

They had nothing to with his childhood at all. These are just 3 brothers that were composed of Jenova Cells and the did "manifest" from the Lifestream.

^ Kadaj


^ Riku and Riku ^

As you can see, no comparison whatsoever, other than the hair.
Riku's hair is a lot different than Kadaj's in my opinion. It seems the only characteristic that these two share is eye color. Even their pupils are different. While Kadaj's are slits, Riku's are not. I think it was just purely coincedental.
They look vaguely similar, except Riku doesn't have a weird chin/jaw. Did anyone notice, at times, Kadaj's chin.. and or..jaw (?) looks a bit ..stunted?
It's because of Tetsuya Nomura! He designed both characters for Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy VII if you really think about it. There's nothing more to it than that. They were designed by the same designer, who is Nomura, after all.