Rinoa death scene

On my first playthrough I was like "blah" because Rinoa didn't leave too much of an impression on me. She didn't develop in the way I thought she would, so I wasn't that attached.

But the second time I played the game, a few years later, I thought, "...This scene is so moving!" Maybe I've just become more mature (or more soft-hearted), but that whole space segment of the game (from Squall's team's launch to Ragnarok's landing) is now one of my favorite parts of any Final Fantasy game. You could just see the way Squall was finally letting his true feelings show... Ah, I'm getting emotional just thinking about it.
I have more favourable characters, but when I saw her cling on for dear life, it would be a complete lie to say I didn't feel anything. She was the only person to get through to Squall, so I respect her. He's a rock-hard, heartless bastard, like Cloud, but also like Cloud, he develops and he falls for someone. He also fights Adel (As Cloud fought Sephiroth) for the sole purpose of avenging the heroine. (I mean "female hero", you silly drug fiends!) Anyways, when I played FF7 and 8 the first time, I didn't care for Aerith's/Rinoa's sorrowful scene, but as I aged, so did my heart.
The thought that she might die actually didn't cross my mind to be honest but I was really annoyed by that part of the game because I had to do it about 5 times because I could never do it or got confused on how to do it and it had a big amount of text before that which I couldn't speed up.
Bah! On my first play through I purposely let Rinoa die to see what would happen. I don't want to sound sadistic but Rinoa didn't seem like an important charcter to me. Sure, she was Squall's love interest but I actually preferred if he got it on with Quistis. Adding to that, I didnt use rinoa much and we always had to save her ass. So literally she was a pain in the ass and I wouldn't mind if she really did die.
why oh why didnt i let rinoa die why godam why
Because i hate her more then squall and i ABSOLUTELTY HATE SQUALL MORE THEN TIFA AND I HATE TIFA
oh godam why