Rinoa Envy & Craving Theory (major spoilers allowed, included, etc)


Sep 15, 2010
I think many FF8 players have Rinoa envy & craving. They are envious of her and the fact she snatched away Squall and broke into his heart. They prefer to see him w/ Quitis (less cute) because they feel less threatened. Rinoa is a goddess and hard to measure up to so they feel pain in her being w/ Squall. Usually these haters are female.

But ah! There's another breed of Rinoa Envy & craving! They want Squall w/ Zell, Seifer, or both. Or maybe even Laguna (wtf!). They want Squall and would rather him w/ a man so that they don't feel threatened. He'd never choose them because he's into guys! See?! It's not because I'm not a fantastically cute goddess like Rinoa-chan! Usually these haters are female but some might be guys...

There's also Rinoa lovers who don't want her w/ anyone. These are usually male or lesbians. These are a more rare breed. I can appreciate the fact they recognize the cute goddess though. It's admirable but we need to let the goddess have happiness and she will find it w/ her knight Squall.

There's also some haters who "want" her w/ Seifer so he can abuse her. The Seifer "lovers" are actually just Rinoa haters who want to see her abused by Seifer so they pretend to actually like Seifer and Rinoa together as a couple. In reality they just hate her and adore Squall. Very selfish! I say this because it's impossible to actually prefer Seifer over Squall. You can tell me until you are blue in the face and I will not believe you. With a smile I will tell you that you do indeed prefer Squall. :P

There's lots of theories in the FF series about. Often many of them try to make the story deeper or darker than what it actually is because true art Is angsty. Why else would the majority of FF8 theories set out to make Rinoa a villain or separate her from Squall (Squall is dead theory)
But mine? Mine sets out to tell the truth of the matter.:rinoa:



Before it is said: Her being a damsel in distress is a good thing. It's cute. All guys would love a cute girl clinging to them rather than a man-woman. Plus she healed Squall's soul. Without her he would have turned into a bitter old lonely man who said whatever. It's hot seeing Squall all bitter and jaded when young but imagine him old and still being like that! Ew! That's reserved for the cute! Oldies can't pull off the gloomy "I need a girl to heal me" look. :3
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As I often say, my issue with Squinoa is how they progressed as a pairing. In the beginning, I'm actually for it, but then there are these big leaps and jumps in Squall's personality, especially during the time Rinoa is in a coma, I just kind of stare bewildered, confused at what happened.

I have no issues with damsels in distress - LOVE Cecil/Rosa, Zidane/Dagger and Tidus/Yuna, Shuyin/Lenne, and despite his obnoxiousness, Snow/Serah. But Squall/Rinoa just didn't do it for me.

And yeah, I admit it, I rather see Squall get pounded by Seifer, but only because those two have actual chemistry compared to almost everybody else in the whole friggin' game :mokken:
yay Rinoa X Squall all the way! I believe that the story went the way it was supposed to be told and that everyone ended up with who they were supposed to ^_^
Would this go in the "Mature Content" sub-forum?

Mine sets out to tell the truth of the matter
Truth is ambiguous and there is no set truth for everything.

Where did this come from? Rinoa is a very good female lead character.......but She should be with Sqaull not for any reason other than she is with him in the game is my thinking, l like therm as a couple very even in there relationship.

People are going to have there theories and thats there choice, FF couples are set by S-E and thats what l follow the designers intent.......I see no other match for Sqaull besides Rinoa?

Edit: I should add no 1 from FFVIII with Sqaull outside of FFVIII thats a different story..........Terra, Tifa.

Your very focused on this.......thats great!
It's very presumptuous to think that all Rinoa haters adopt that kind of stance because of envy/because they love Squall. I it could be just that her whininess/dependency on Squall/damsel in distress syndrome rubbed them the wrong way. You may think the damsel in distress thing is cute but not everyone is made of the same mould.

Oh don't get me wrong, I don't hate Rinoa, and I think the canon coupling totally works better than Squall/Quistis (or any other coupling for that matter). Quistis definitely deserves better than "go talk to the wall".

Another point, I beg to differ about all girls preferring Squall more than Seifer. Some girls just prefer bad guys :D

My main problem with Rinoa to begin with was that I hardly ever used her, and I disliked her because I thought she had some sort of weird witchy control over Squall (I'm not a major Squall lover either). To me, it was basically Squall being moody, Squall going to space and suddenly falling madly for Rinoa. Purely because I didn't use her, so I missed some cutscenes which I would have seen had I used her in my party. So a friend of mine said "give her a chance, use her in your team", so I did, saw those cutscenes I'd missed and realised that it wasn't just her being scary-witchy, it was just that I'd missed a huge chunk of the game I should have seen
I'll be honest, I always thought that Squall should have ended up with Quistis. She was the better girl. She was smart. And pretty. Rinoa was just...the typical sorority girl. Quistis was real. Plus she really cared about him. And Rinoa seemed like she made Squall do shit he didn't want to.

As I often say, my issue with Squinoa is how they progressed as a pairing. In the beginning, I'm actually for it, but then there are these big leaps and jumps in Squall's personality, especially during the time Rinoa is in a coma, I just kind of stare bewildered, confused at what happened.

I have no issues with damsels in distress - LOVE Cecil/Rosa, Zidane/Dagger and Tidus/Yuna, Shuyin/Lenne, and despite his obnoxiousness, Snow/Serah. But Squall/Rinoa just didn't do it for me.

And yeah, I admit it, I rather see Squall get pounded by Seifer, but only because those two have actual chemistry compared to almost everybody else in the whole friggin' game :mokken:
Really? I always seen Squall and Rinoa as THE romance in the series, 7 to 13.
To be honest I always been envious of Squall for having Rinoa. Just like I'm envious of Tidus for snatching Yuna, or Cloud for winning not one but two girls love. But I never disliked a character for that reason. In the midst of my envy I remember a very important thing about them.

They're not real....

Besides that I don't have much of an opinion on SquallxRinoa it's just one of those things I kinda nod at. Besides if I really want to fantasize myself with Rinoa I just name Squall after myself when I'm playing through the game. I was more interested in IrvinexSelphie though they seem cute together.

It was obvious from the start to me that Squall and Rinoa were going to get together. Seeing that Rinoa is the only other main character you can actually name asides from Squall. Oh that and the main male and female characters tend to usually get together from my experience.
Really? I always seen Squall and Rinoa as THE romance in the series, 7 to 13.

It's true FFVIII's main plot revolved around Squall/Rinoa's *coughs* romance, but just because Squall/Rinoa was an obvious plot devise, doesn't mean I should like them. As I said, I just didn't like how they came together as a pairing.
I love they way they worked out.
My second favourite couple behind Zidane/Garnet of course, i like all the romances in the series.. except..

Tidus and Yuna were one of the most stupid embarassing awkward couples in any story ever!
I loved they game and the idea of them together, but they just got it all wrong. (HA. HA. HA. HA. HA. HA. HA. HA.)
I love the first post :lew:
I see a lot of people say they think their relationship development was kind of inconsistent. But I saw it throughout the game, maybe the interest Squall showed in Rinoa was too subtle for others to pick up on or they missed scenes, but I feel like he did build up an attachment to her, he just wasn't honest about his feelings and tried to distance himself, but it was when Rinoa went into a coma he started regretting not opening up to her more.
The initial post of this topic is full of fanboysm sorry but it's the truth...

I don't get your points on being envyous of Rinoa they don't make sense to me. I mean i get that some people might not like her because she ended up with Squall instead of some other character, but really besides that i desagree.

And how does Seifer abuse Rinoa? Last time i checked the guy went to Timber to help her out as soon as he could, it was Rinoa on the other hand who quickly forgot about Seifer thinking that he was dead and began moving on Squall.

So yeah there are a lot of reasons to dislike Rinoa but i won't even bother to discuss them in this topic or i might be slaughtered, on the other hand you said it yourself that not matter what anyone else says you won't believe them so it's kind of pointless to debate it with you right?
Squall/ Rinoa may be the official pairing in the game. But I have to admit that Squall/ Zell is really cute. There's no envy or jealously between Rinoa though. Squall/ Zell just look adorable together as a pairing. Also opposites attract and that's what Squall and Zell are. They're opposites. But there's no hate with Rinoa and there's no jealously. It's possible to like Rinoa's character and fancy a pairing that's not official. Sometimes it's fun to pretend and imagine.
@ OP - I agree with a lot of things you have said. I've thought many of these things myself. xD
I love Rinoa and I just don't see how some many people can hate her. They say she is annoying/whiney or whatever, but she isn't. She is trying to run a whole rebel group by herself, and it just gets to her when no body will take her seriously. Other's say she is a bitch, which I don't understand AT ALL. But I digress, those people are entitled to their own opinions and I respent that.. as much as it pains me to do so. xP
I love the first post :lew:
I see a lot of people say they think their relationship development was kind of inconsistent. But I saw it throughout the game, maybe the interest Squall showed in Rinoa was too subtle for others to pick up on or they missed scenes, but I feel like he did build up an attachment to her, he just wasn't honest about his feelings and tried to distance himself, but it was when Rinoa went into a coma he started regretting not opening up to her more.

ITA. Rinoa also had a lot of persistence to keep chipping away at Squall's shell until she was able to get in. Before the coma was that corny data night with Rinoa and Squall bonding that helped lead up to the breaking point to mentioned above.

Yes, Rinoa was girly and pushy, but I preferred to chalk it up to trouble in translation and go for the 'gist' of the story. With any of these characters, you have to take what the creators give you and blend it with your own interpretation. I always draw my own conclusions about the deeper natures of the characters by their combat styles, and Rinoa's was great for her personality. She didn't look like much, she could be given to weakness, but she became intensely powerful with the right training and nurturing. So even though she came off as weak, she was more than what she seemed.

Squall was the same way. The storyline with Ellone showed his ability to love and be attached, juxtaposed against his distance with the other characters. Because Rinoa was able to see into his deeper self, however, she was able to break through.

Squall and Rinoa are my favorite Final Fantasy love story so far. Sure I envy Rinoa a bit. I played this one as a teenager, and part of me did want to BE Rinoa, a deceptively powerful girl who snags the silent, strong, hot and inaccessible guy.
I have to agree with Jimmy here..... but, I shall say how I feel about Rinoa and Squall being together as a couple.

I'm not jealous at all... of well Squall and Rinoa I mean, they're just video game characters. Even though you might get 'attached' to characters but, thats all they are. People aren't going to always agree but, you can't really stop that.

I honestly didn't really like either of them in the beginning of the game. Squall was anti-social and I personally didn't like that about him that or his attitude. Even though Rinoa led a rebel group, she still annoyed the hell outta me. I think someone said this as well but, she would always be on Squall's ass and would be whining until he said something which I find typically annoying. I think she's just.. too much drama.

As far as them two together... yeah sure, it's cute. But, they aren't my favorite. Of course every game needs a romance couple thing etc but, I just thought something was.. idunno out of place. I can't recall correctly but, did he not like her one day then all of a sudden care for her? It just felt weird to me but, nonetheless, they completed eachother. xD. (opposites attract!)