Rinoa, Quistis, and Selphie

I voted for Selphie,but Quistis is also pretty (or rather,very) awesome so she would definitely come next. Rinoa is okay,but... I just prefer Selphie and Quistis much,much,much,much more.
Rinoa was my favourite, she totally changed squall and she could survive his whatevers! BTW she has a great personality and i always get here when i do any what FFVIII character are you?
I didn't really find any of them to be appealing but I suppose Selphie would be the more likable of the 3 due to her silly nature.
I'd have to go w/ Selphie. She's just so upbeat. Besides she has the most kickass Limitbreak in my opinion. Then I'd have to say Quistis. Granted she seems too depressing at times. But she'd top Rinoa any day. Hell anybody would!
eiko's a little funny girl of ff9, hmm did i get it right??
well for me...i choose....:-/................ selphie, coz shes funny

...but i like rinoa:) she's cute and aggressive with her lovelife... and

......i love quistis:D coz she's just...... some kind of a gal....

I had to vote for Rinoa, I think she has the most interesting background out of the three, and shes got the whole 'sorceress' thing going on which is cool.
She's a unique character in a lot of ways, but I like how she tries to do things on her own but secretly wishes she had help from her friends, which is what i'm like as well.
Rinoa, I just love her, but Selphie's cute too. There's a lot of hate for Rinoa. I don't know why, I thought she was honest, sometimes a little too much, but that was just who she was.
Selphie, shes funny, clumsy, and shes always happy! And when she isn't she would say something a 10 year old would say, like "oh poo."
Seeing my Avatar, it's obvious who I voted for, Rinoa. I think she is the most
uniquely beautiful RPG character I've seen so far and I agree with a few post
back, her playing hard to get, open honesty & attitude are more true to life.

Slephie came in second on my list, her klutziness and spunky attitude did provide
for good comic relief.
I would say Selphie, then Rinoa and Quistis last. I like Selphie's outgoing, fun-loving attitude. Rinoa is a nice and caring person. But Quistis just seemed a little too dull. I never really connected with her.
quistis hands down. she is an 18 yr old school teacher. who teaches school at 18 huh? very accomplished right there. and she is the only ff character i know to use a whip!!