Multiple Platforms Rock Band


Dec 2, 2007
Has anyone else played this yet? I just got it and its pretty awesome. Playing the drums really feels like your playing the drum lol. The only thing that sucks is that i got a defective guitar and mic. Im waiting for the replacements to come in the mail. Has anyone else had problems??
My friend and I have this game and play it all the time. We did get a defective guitar and the bass pedal on our drums broke. but we fixed the pedal with some tape. We just need a new guitar.
I havent got this game yet but it seems like it has alot of problems. Im suprised there hasnt been and recalls yet. I looks like its a great game but i would get it if i had my friends over like everyday so that we could all play it. Ill just stay with Guitar Hero xD
My brother got a defective guitar with his Guitar Hero III bundle, but everything for Rock Band works perfectly.

The game is decent. I like the song selection. Playing the drums is a bit too difficult for my taste. Having to hit the pedal while playing is a severe pain in the ass. The singing portion is infuriating as well. It doesn't matter if you get the lyrics right. All that matters is your pitch for the most part.

Not a bad game, but it doesn't do a whole lot for me.
Rock band.

This is out in the U.S. right? How do the pachages come.Guitar only? Mic only? Drum kit only? Or do they all come together.
Also can you download tracks and do you have to download them as packages of tracks like Guitar heros did as packs of 3 or just download single songs to play along to?
Dazz, I merged your thread with the existing Rock band thread. No need for two threads on the same subject.
We got ours with a guitar, a drum set, and a microphone. I think it costed us like $150-170...

I've had mine sitting in the closet for a month now. =\
Since I have not been able to get the actual game with all the equipment, I have not that the joy of getting to play it.

I have played GH3 and it leaves quite a bit to be desired, also, in Rock Band, how many people do you really need to get it to work properly?

Can you solo, duo or does it only really shine when you have a full band of people?

I am looking forward to getting this at some point, but since I don't believe it's out here for another couple of months, I'll just have to sit and wait :(
Man I have a real problem with this game. There is a training option for the guitarists and the drummers, but there is no training option for the there?

Is there a way for me to just fart around and sing into the microphone without doing multiplayer mode?
The game is decent. I like the song selection. Playing the drums is a bit too difficult for my taste. Having to hit the pedal while playing is a severe pain in the ass.

Not a bad game, but it doesn't do a whole lot for me.

haha im guessing youve never played the real drum kit before? because playing with the bass pedal is on the first beat you learn, no offence
The real drum kit? As in actual drums and not the toy drum kit for Rock Band? Rock Band is the extent of my experience with drums. haha

I just had difficulty hitting the correct beat while also paying attention to when I needed to press down on the pedal. Not sure if everyone instantly becomes a pro at it, but I sure didn't.

Anywho, some awesome songs released for download. Got some Megadeth.
i had guitar hero 3 once for about 4 months then it got a defect with the buttons. Then i got another guitar and game which was free because they said guitar hero was mass producing them and a lot of people were having similar problems. So i got home and i started playing and the strum bar was screwed :mad: and then i gave up. I later bought rock band and it hasn't gave me any troubles .:highfive:
I enjoy this game a good bit when I play it, but that isn't often enough for my tastes. I like all of the instruments, I think the drums are the most fun, and I am the best as the guitar. I actually had Guitar Heroes I and II, so I've got plenty of guitar practice.

The thing is, though, most GH songs are picked for their distinctive guitar riffs, while RB songs are just fun songs. Sometimes the guitar parts are just long and repetitive. I still enjoy playing because I like the songs, but some of the songs are annoying on the guitar. Plus, I would prefer a tradition Guitar Hero controller rather than the Rock Band version. But that's just me. =\
I don't really like the way the notes are strung together for Rock Band. I'm so used to how the songs are actually strung together in GH; it just makes more sense the way they do it since, as Ness said, the songs are picked more for the riffs than for fun. I mean, RB may have a lot to offer in terms of what songs are available, but honestly, GH is better.
I really like Rock Band (2). It's a great game and the songlist is incredible. I'm just starting to play hard songs but I can't quite play them well enough to play every song on that difficulty. THere's usually always one section in a song where I get really close to failing out. >.> It's a ton of fun though.