[RP]Skies of Elleard

Shadow shrugged.

"I believe I shall have you work with me."

Shadow pointed at Skylar.

"The way your machines work is similar to my own, so I think it would be for the best. Meanwhile, I hope you don't mind if I stay here, Mr. Julius."

Shadow leaned back in his chair.

"I have no place else to go at the moment; being a wanderer gives you all the time in the world. Oh yes, I believe I haven't introduced myself. My name is Shadow."

No surname, no title. Hopefully, the others here wouldn't make the connection between his name and his past.

But they were smart too. Small hope, there.
"As for you my little mechanical doll, I'm afraid you don't have the biological capcity for my power source. Not yet anyway. Father mentioned something like this existed. To be quite honest it was my first project. And I failed spectacularly. Of course that was before the system I currently implant. Since then I've figured out how to fix it. You see, I can implant an engine that cycles your blood and forces additional metabolic reations with the correct combination of biochemicals. This effectively acts as the rest of your internal organs. However to keep it going you will need to supply yourself with some basic amenities. Water, salt, things like that."

Cuclainn's interest was perked when she heard the man's explanation. Currently, her power source needed to be changed once it ran out. It was a bother. However, the mechanic here (does she know your name yet?) seemed to have some form of device that allow energy replenishment through minerals and such. It was very attractive indeed.

{Impressed}. I see. Well, i do take food and water, just very little due to my constitution. This is indeed very impressive.

"What's more, Its a third the size of whats running now. That means I can put in a few battery cells that you can draw on if you need to. And past that, I can even turn them into emergency weapons if you want, but I would be cautious about using them in that manner."

Although her face did not show it, Cuclainn was becoming more and more impressed by the minute. Not only can she forget about constant surgery, but it was lighter and can even had back up. In addition, the constant injuries she had sustain had shown that her current weapons were a bit lacking.

{Contemplation} Hm... If you deem it possible, i guess you can add an emergency weapon...

That said, Cuclainn did not know what type of weapon that would be, or where it'd even go. Her hands were sort of full with her pistols in her gauntlet. So if anything, it'd have to be either mounted in the hole on her chest or on the waist. She'd have to just trust him. (What sort of weapon is it actually?)

"Your arms will be easy enough to fix though given the dimished facilities of your biological components I will advise against modifying those. This is all, of course, your decision."

Reflexively, Cuclainn moved her hands in testing motions. Thank god that they were easy to fix. She was rather attached to her hands and were weighted just perfectly. Everything moved just the way she liked it.

"And one more thing. Don't underestimate me because I'm young.

{Apologetic} I am sorry if i had insulted you. I had merely believed that the "Aspel" i seek was older since he had been of the same generation as Dr Shlifen. {Trustingly} I leave myself in your care. {Query} Oh, do you happen to know where i can find a skilled gunsmith?

OOC: The last question is so that i have an excuse to go to the capital. Please answer something made up that would lead me to the city.

With the good word of both people, Skylar headed out. It was best to take the direct route again, going over the cliff and back. He sent a nod to shadow, who's name he now knew...what an odd name...Was there something behind it? Like a story? Or...no matter, he had business to attend to. He left asap, giving no time for other words. He decided on walking out of the town rather quickly, but he wasn't running, Now that he was outside of the main gate, he once again used the air valves on his legs to run inhumanly fast.

He was not following the road, or it would take over an hour to get home, even with his legs. In just about 2 minutes he reached the cliff that separated the two towns. He didn't jump, instead he walked right off the cliff and landed in another alleyway. The landind was so hard, his joints had collapsed inward, but they were designed to do this, so he stood back up and pnce again began to quickly walk to his house...

When he arrived there, he grabbed a backpack and headed to his lab to get the materials. He brought anything he thought he might have needed, and threw the backpack onto his back. now repeating the same route as before to get back to the other town, so he knew he would be back there in no time.

Now with his armor plating missing, he also had to keep in mind his exposed components. All he really had to do was make sure he got no dirt in his arm, but he still wasn't used to being exposed, so he was paranoid. This also allowed room for his weapons to swing. Although they were rather secure, he still didn't like this. There was no way any damage would be received, but it still annoyed him. But it was worth saving the young boys life.

He had arrived back, slightly short of breath, but it was subtle. He took the backpack off of his back. He then spoke to Shadow, "All I need is space now, if you would place your arm on any bench here, I'll get to work...you said all you wanted was maintenance? Because I brought enough to do an entire over-haul and more..."

He then pulled out a device that looked almost like a battery, but there were some odd put screws and wiring, and what looked like artificial blood vessels. "I don't think it's the same method as his, but this device concentrates metabolic activity inside the battery and creates an output of energy. I can manage to save some space for this, this one converter here can power both my legs, so I trust it would do your one arm good." Skylar had purposely brought a bigger model than he had installed on himself for his limbs for the sheer fact that he thought it could be helpful...

OOC: My character is a decent gunsmith whom will be going to the capitol city, but not for a few posts, so I'll role with saying I showed up after your conversation, as none of the current characters know that I made my own weapons...
Stephen awoke with a jerk, as he sat up and looked at Raistlin, who was looking at the walls, probably the markings, he looked at darquewillow and saw the forcefield. "i should at least try" Stephen thought to himself "condemning an entire civilization for a few bad eggs isn't what my parents would want" he continued in thought before pushing himself to his feet clutching his arm which was throbbing with pain. he picked up his jacket and slung it on, picking up his handgun that was under it and sliding it into it's holster.

Walking over and Standing next to Raistlin he also looked at the wall, "well, I got nothing of this, seriously, i aint gettin shit, my ancient must be rusty" Stephen joked as he smirked and looked at Raistlin "I'm sorry for killing those furions, i guess they might be classed as your brothers and sisters" Stephen said in a more sincere tone.
Wilheim walked inwards towards the city,a gruff man walking in what appeared to be the high crust of Skylerkian society. Nonetheless he wanted to know what secrets behind the relic he acquired.

The first place he went to was the Local university, he was going to speak with the Professor of Anthropology, Professor Luther Hillenberand, to see if he can decipher the code and figure out what it means.

Though their were some people giving him looks among other things, but he payed them no mind. He was a mercenary, and though he was doing this it was only because he had nothing else better to do anyway.
OOC: Sorry for the godmodding, Tipsy, but I figured a post where you take your place on the table would be time-consuming and annoying and I highly doubt anything would actually come of it, relevance-wise. If you want I can fix it.


"I see you noticed my advert. I do indeed have a room for rent. We can discuss the terms when things are a touch less hectic, and..." Julius trailed off to glance at the 'Mechanical Doll.' "When more pressing needs are dealt with."

"Now then, young lady, if you would be so good as to follow me to my operating room. Take the final table if you will. I'll be with you as soon as I have checked the boy's vitals. And Skylar. If you would like I can allow you the other table if you so desire."

He led her to the operating room and showed her the aforementioned table. Leaving her momentarily, he checked on the unconscious boy's vitals. Everything seemed normal. The bloodstains on the dressings weren't growing so he had stopped bleeding. Unfortunately he would probably need to be restrained when he came to so he wouldn't rip open his wounds. Julius took the chance to bind him to the table with several straps, taking particular care of his new arm so he couldn't slash his way through.

Seeing the girl already at the table, Julius pulled the tool cart from the previous operation over to the sink where he placed the used ones in for later cleansing.

"Now then, how to get in..." he muttered under his breath as cleansed his hands in alcohol and dried them. He found his answer in the heart shaped plate on her torso that opened for access. As he peered in, he found a relatively old system that his father had had plans for. From what he remembered it was easily serviced and exchangable.

Looking at it closer he saw that it exclusively powered the mechanical components and the extremities. This was good; it meant no tricky timing to restore blood flow to the brain. "I expect you will feel a lack of anything below the neck after this so do be calm will you."

He disconnected the wired and, piece by piece, removed the old system and most of the connections. 'She was quite right. The lack of maintence really has taken a toll on it. I expect it could have lasted several years more.'

The reason he had chosen the third table was evident now, as Julius reach with his mechanical arms to bring several components from the nearby wall racks to the table. He slotted in the battery cells around the opening and inserted the base after, connecting the batteries to the base.

He also implanted a single lightning rod, his own invention. It effectively acted as a lightning gun but it worked off battery supply power to create a lightning bolt. And if it were maginified... Julius couldn't help but smile slightly at the resulting charred body.

He began connecting the new power supply to the old connection points, replacing the junctions as he did. Soon all that remained was connected the new system to the blood supply. He lifted out a smaller version of the graft gun from the tool cart.

Quickly he inserted two graft points in the artery leading to the heart and sealed the entry points with the gun. This one was more pinpoint as caused far less pain but since it was internal, Julius expected it to be greater.

He connected two tubes to these points, locked them in place with a quick graft, and opened the removable valves. As expected it worked perfectly. He watched the blood flow into the new generator and back out without a single squirt of blood.

Detaching the valves so they could not be tampered with, he close the heartplate back and moved on to her arms. Again, they too needed servicing, a healthy layer of blood and grime encrusted in several places. His mechanical hands scrubbed out all trash while his human hands replaced the components, starting with the right arm and then moving to the left.

Finally finished, he stood up and offered an hand to help her off the table. "As for your question," he said, "There is an excellent gunsmith by the name of Alaric Hyde. If you do go and see him, tell him Julius is still waiting on the modifications and that he has an appointment soon."

"Something else you should know. You now have a self defense mechanism behind your heartplate. Effectively it will channel the battery power into a lightning bolt. An good defense if someone decided to tamper with your internal mechanics. I would also advise switching that heartplate out with something to magnify electric bursts. If you want I can do that too."

"Now, I don't believe I know your name Milady." This he said with an almost roguish grin.
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OOC: Np. Let me g mod a bit and lets just say we did put the plate on. Save an extra post. I can get up, right?

"I expect you will feel a lack of anything below the neck after this so do be calm will you."

True to his words, Cuclainn could not feel anything from neck down when Julius began the operation. All she could use to tell whether he was doing anything or not is the sounds of motion and mechanical noises. It was definitely the most painless power source change surgery she had had, ever. Blankly, Cuclainn stared at the roof while Julius continued to tinker around her insides. Her mind went blank after a while before her pupils dilated into a semi-sleep. Only the voice of the doctor drew her back to reality.

"There is an excellent gunsmith by the name of Alaric Hyde. If you do go and see him, tell him Julius is still waiting on the modifications and that he has an appointment soon. Something else you should know. You now have a self defense mechanism behind your heartplate. Effectively it will channel the bttery power into a lightning bolt. An good defense if someone decided to tamper with your internal mechanics. I would also advise switching that heartplate out with something to magnify electric bursts. If you want I can do that too."

{Appreciative} Thank you for your information. I shall pass on the message when i get there. As for the plate, if it helps, then go ahead.

A few more minutes ticked by with the replacement of the heart plate and Julius finished up and sealed Cuclainn back up. Indeed, with the cleaning and the replacement, Cuclainn could feel the smooth movement in her arms that she had almost forgotten. The new power source will require a bit of testing around until she gets used to the new specifications, but all in all, it looked good.

"Now, I don't believe I know your name Milady."

{Friendly} My name is Cuclainn Ainsworth. Sorry for the late introduction. I work as a freelancer for a The Guild.

Seeing as though everything was finished, Cuclainn raised herself from the table and slid off. There was a slight feeling of disorientation, but she always felt this after a major surgery.

{Grateful} Excellent workmanship. It has not been so painless since i first needed parts. How much do i owe for the service Sir?

For such skilled hands, Cuclainn was willing to dig deep. The Guild was paying anyhow.
Wilheim finally arrived at the gates of the University. The University at the Capital City was by far, one of the more beautiful districts of the city, where young and innovative minds would advance the study of technology in the young Kingdom.

The mercenary walked his way through, looking at all the buildings. Unlike the people on the other district, the students were either walking to class or talking to their mates or friends.

Wilheim saw an old building, which read the Reihe School of History and Anthropology, walking in he saw the professor walking down the hallway.

"Hey Professor, I like to have a word with you."
The professor was a man in his 60's, and despite his advanced age and grey hair, he was walking perfectly erect, due to excersize as well as a few mechanical parts in his spinal cord. The Professor knew Wilheim from back in his days as a college student, before he joined the Military.

"Cheerio, old chap."
The professor spoke, "and what can I do for you today?"

Wilheim pulled out the relic. "I found it in a temple a few weeks back."

"Ah, let us go to my office, and see if I can...figure out some of the writing, I'm not sure about it though, we have not fully understood the language of the ancients yet."

"That's why I came to you."
Wilheim and the professor walked into the building.
OOC: G'modding permitted by Shadow...

Now that Skylar had known all Shadow wanted was maintenance, he asked him to place his hand on one of the bench that Julius had told him he could use. he threw his bag on the bench and examined what was holding the parts together. It was obvious parts were still made to separate, but regardless, Skylar saw some torx head bolts. He took out the complimenting screw driver and inserted it into the bolts with his left hand. Instead of the manual twisting that normally would be used, his wrist began to twist, removing each bolt the same way. the bolts were in there tight, which was to be expected. You didn't want your arm falling apart right when you needed it most.

It wasn't in too bad shape considering, but it wasn't good enough to slap back together and leave it be. A lot of components were slightly out of place, and some parts were even loose. He could also see the gun that the arm clearly was designed to turn into. Skylar had to remove some components to get to the others because of this gun, but he was also studying the arm at the same time.

Grabbing his various tools, he pieced together and properly tightened up every component he tinkered with. It wasn't too hard a job...He finished at about the same time the other mechanic finished the other person...he was a fast worker indeed.

Then to test it Skylar asked Shadow to move it in ever possible direction. Shadow did so to prove Skylar had done his job. "No charge sir, I make my living elsewhere." he then turned to face the other mechanic.

"Well, will you want me sitting somewhere specific for this, and will you be examining both my arm and legs? If so, I'll say now, both my legs are identical, but worth looking at."

OOC: Not my best work, but it'll do...also Gavin, feel free to G'mod me from here...
OOC: I couldn't do much before. Now, I have a new arm, and I'm bored, so I'm going to go beat some people up. And this time I will literally beat them up.

IC: After his arm was fixed up by Skylar, who Shadow didn't know the name of yet, Shadow stood, rotating his shoulder to make sure it still worked. It worked fine: better then it had in years, in fact. That was handy.

"Thank you. I'm going to go get a breath of air. I won't go far, Mr. Julius."

That said, Shadow stepped out of the door and breathed in, closing his eyes. He hadn't bothered to even move the eyepatch/cloth covering his left eye: they had no need to see it, let alone work on it. He would do that himself later: he was able to see equally in both eyes. When he opened his eyes, though, he frowned.

In front of him, in a semi-circle, were members of the gang he had beaten the hell out of earlier. Obviously it was bigger then he thought; none of them were from the men he had beat earlier. One advanced, a knife flashing out of his pocket.

"Time for you to pay you toll. You may have gotten our leader, but this time we know better: we don't need a gun to beat you."

Shadow couldn't help himself. He started to laugh. Laugh loudly, and it wasn't a fake one either. The gang members advanced a step each.

"The hell is wrong with you?"
"You idiots. You think I need one of your guns to shoot you?"

And that was when he had his right arm flip from a normal hand to a machine gun.

The gang members, alarmed that they confronted someone who was obviously not a normal human being, started backing away, except the petty leader, who rushed forward. This was going to be easy.

Shadow grabbed the arm that was about to stab him, and he threw the man behind him into the shop without even looking back. Meanwhile, the safety on his gun (hand?) clicked off, very audibly, and he let loose a torrent of hot metal that tore through the gang member's legs. He didn't want to kill them, not today. They all fell, screaming in pain.

Shadow turned back to the shop and walked back inside. In there was the normal people, and one very pissed off gangster with a broken nose.

"I KEEEELLL YOOUUU!" (Spriggs. Epic.)

This was screamed as the gangster shot forward in a desperate attempt to kill Shadow. Shadow frowned slightly as his left hand raised to move the eye-patch up; desperate men were not opponents he wanted to handle. As he side-stepped the stab, the gangster started to turn, only to scream in pain and fall to the ground, holding his shoulder. Before he could cover it, a neat hole, that was now starting to bleed profusely, was visible.

Shadow sighed. He had been hoping to not use his eye, especially not in front of witnesses. However, it was easier to aim, far easier, then his gun: he only had to look. Plus, desperate and homicidal men, no matter how weak they are otherwise, were not a type of being you would want to mess with.

Shadow drew the cloth back down, hiding his mechanical eye once again. Meanwhile, his right arm flipped back to a normal-looking hand, and the sleeve of his right arm fell down to cover what didn't seem flesh and blood. He turned to Skylar, ignoring the screams of pain beside him.

"My arm works a lot better now. Almost as well as it had before. Thank you again."
Dominic reentered his firing range within a few minutes, a wild look in his eyes as he wondered why he hadn't thought of this before. The Dewprism, an artifact that could grant a wish to anyone that touched it....It couldn't be that hard to find. More likely, the many who had searched for it previously and failed had suffered from unbearable incompetence, and he wasn't about to mirror their incapabilities. He barely noticed the two familiar range masters staring at him as he hurried over to the wall, grabbed a tan leather traveling case with a long strap off of a nearby hook, and began packing a few of his best guns and a bounty of ammunition into it.

One of the men cleared his throat hesitantly. “Uh, sir--?”

“No time to explain, I'm afraid,” Dominic replied hastily, sounding as unconcerned as he normally did. “Just going away for a little bit.” He found the twin of the Castellian revolver that was still in his coat, loaded it, and stuffed it into the opposite pocket.

The range servants exchanged glances, dumbfounded. Just then, Winslow the butler came jogging in, panting in his unfitness and clutching onto the door frame. "Sir,” he gasped, trying to catch his breath, “I've been looking for you everywhere! Are you aware that there's a massive, gaping hole in your parlor wall?!"

Dominic glanced up briefly, then returned his eyes to the four firearms and ammo that were now in his satchel, and started fastening it up. "Oh, yes,” he said flatly. “That's precisely why I'm leaving, actually. I simply don't have the patience for such practical jokes any longer."

The butler's eyes bulged, and he dropped his pudgy jaw. “L-leaving?! Where to?”

“Not sure, actually.”

“But--” Winslow couldn't think of a more cordial way to say what he was thinking, so he just blurted it out. “The staff, sir! W-what about their wages?”

“Oh, you can sell off the Torvil vases if you want to,” Dominic answered lightly, finishing up the packing and slinging the case over his shoulder. “I'd been thinking I might shoot those next anyway.”

The servant tried to stammer a response, but couldn't. Meanwhile, Dominic gave the room one final glance, then spotted a decorative marble statue in one corner that held two steel daggers with ornate hilts within its folded arms. He strode over to it, and removed both blades from their resting place at once, holding them up and examining them critically. “Hmm,” he mused aloud, “I'd been wondering where these were.” They seemed sharp enough for him to use, so he stuffed each into its own built-in sheath within his coat lining, one on either side, so that like the revolvers they were fairly accessible if he needed them in a hurry. He probably should've spent a little more time practicing with them, he thought, but they'd still get him by in a pinch.

Winslow finally thought of something bold to say, and said it. “Sir...whatever it is you're doing, if you so much as lose a finger, I--”

“Oh, I'll be fine, Winslow, don't worry,” Dominic assured him carelessly, heading for the door he'd come in through. “Despite your neverending concerns, I do actually know what I'm doing in most cases. And this is no different. But thank you, I'll keep your well wishes in mind.” He gazed affectionately around one of his favorite rooms once more, and sighed. "Take care of this place while I'm gone, will you?" He gave Winslow a resolute pat on the shoulder, then turned and sped off towards the other side of the house again, ignoring the shouts of “WHERE?!” that soon echoed behind him in the hallway.

He returned to the still-damaged parlor as quickly as possible, then passed through one of the other doors leading off from it, the one that led to his personal study. Making sure no one was watching, he slipped inside, closed the door behind him quietly, then went over to one of the walls, trying not to trip over any of the furnishings in the dim light that seeped in under the door. Once he got there, he slid aside an oil painting of a bridge in a garden, and started twisting the knob on the small safe that was hidden behind it. The door popped open, and revealed a cavity full of stacks of cash, bound in uniform increments. He thought for a minute, then reached in, pulled out one of them, and flipped through it quickly to see what was there.

One hundred thousand bani. That should get him through for a while. As long as no one found out that he had it, anyway. He divided a thousand of it between his more obvious coat pockets, to be used for any necessary daily transactions; then stuffed the rest into a hidden pocket that hung on the inside of the coat behind his back, flattening it out and trying to make it look as inconspicuous as possible. It was a thick enough garment that it wouldn't be noticed from the outside anyway, but he still wanted to be sure.

After returning the safe to its original state of invisibility, he readjusted his coat, as well as the pack on his back, and left the study just as silently as he had entered it. There was still no one around, so with one final glance around at his comfortable surroundings, he took a deep breath, and strode over towards the front door. He gave the huge hole in the wall a desultory glare, then turned the door's brass handle and went outside through it, determined to retain at least some dignity even if his house couldn't. He snapped the door shut behind him, and set off on his way without looking back, not wanting to know what view everyone currently had of his sanctuary.

He walked down the long cobblestone path through the gardens that led to his front gate, and made his way towards the city's university, the first stop on his list. It was easy to see the massive, eloquent buildings that comprised it from where he was, and he made short work of getting there, keeping in mind how incriminating it would look if anyone he was indebted to caught him sneaking around wearing a traveling case.

He slowed his pace once he arrived at the campus, and entered as nonchalantly as possible, trying to fit the profile of a mere student; he did still look young enough that he could pass for one. His unusual hair could potentially give him away, he knew, but he wasn't about to sacrifice his style for the sake of anonymity; and besides, anyone who saw him there and recognized him might get the impression that he was there to study, or purchase the place, either one of which would be beneficial to his reputation.

He walked past the different departments, trying not to make direct eye contact with anyone, and skimmed the signs on the building edifices as he walked past: NATURAL SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS, HISTORY, ANTHROPOLOGY...ah, there it was, the Library, just next to the Anthropology building. He smiled, and entered it, hoping he would find what he was looking for.

An older gentleman was behind the front counter, reorganizing a stack of returned books. Dominic eyed the wall of shelves behind him curiously, then approached the counter, putting on his best facade of innocence.

“Excuse me, sir,” he asked, trying to sound scholarly. “I'm doing a research project on geographical anomalies throughout the world, and, er, I was wondering what kinds of maps you might have available?”

The clerk, who didn't seem to recognize him, rubbed his chin in thought, oblivious to the young man's intentions. “Well,” he replied, going over to one of the shelves behind him and removing a dusty-looking scroll, “I've got a map of the different regions of Skylerk, if you want it.” He brought the parchment over to Dominic, and handed it to him. “You'd be hard-pressed to find one of Neristria though, I'm afraid,” he chuckled wryly, as Dominic took the map and unrolled it briefly, giving it a quick glancing over before rolling it up again.

Dominic chuckled in return, though the matter was not funny in the least. “Yes, well,” he said politely, “that's understandable. Thank you though,” he said, indicating the map he now held, “this will definitely help.” He turned towards the door, and started to head back outside with his prize.

“Alright then. Oh, and that's due back on the ninth, two weeks from today.”

Dominic froze; he'd been hoping to avoid that minor detail. Thinking quickly, he turned back towards the man, pulled a hundred bani out of his coat pocket, and placed it covertly on the counter. “Here. I'm sure that'll cover the replacement value.” He smirked genteelly as the man stared at it in awe, and strolled out of the library, his first mission accomplished.

Before he had wandered very far, he stopped, on his way back past the anthropology area, and unrolled the map, wanting to make sure it had detailed indications of the mileage between places on it. He truthfully had no idea where to look first, and he stood there for a while, staring at the parchment and trying to figure it out.
“They were probably better off dead. When Furions become outdated, or useless, we're typically killed anyway. If they had lived, they would only be used for combat, nothing else. In all reality, you probably did them a favor.” Raistlin said. “As for the walls, they don't say much. Most of them are so damaged and weathered that if they had once said something useful, it's long gone.”

Turning to face Stephen, he continued, “You're probably going to need some help getting your airship back. I'm willing to help, if need be.”
Stephen smiled as the Furion suggested he could hel to get the Strahl back "It's called the Strahl" Stephen announced smiling "and thats how you will refer to her. . . she is my baby" he added before releasing a chuckle.

Folding his arms, Stephen glanced at Raistlin, "thank you" Stephen muttered as he spun enough to see Darquewillow before spinning back to face the wall "you can drop the Shield, I ain't going to try anything, and even if i did, with what you have done to my arm i don't think i will be able to carry her out and put you down long enough to get away" Stephen informed Raistlin.

Stephen then turned to face Raistlin, "We Only have one problem, being a Mercenary like myself, my reputation is all that gets me work, and I'm successful because i have a 100% Job completion rate" Stephen Explained "which i would like to keep to be perfectly honest with you"
Raistlin could see that the man obviously cherished, and was quite proud of his Airship, the Strahl. “You can drop the shield, I ain't going to try anything, and even if I did, with what you have done to my arm, I don't think I will be able to carry her out and put you down long enough to get away.” Stephen said to Raistlin. The point quite taken, he dropped the shield over Darquewillow.

“My apologies for the arm, I can see how that was rather... Excessive of me.” Raistlin said, genially apologetic for perhaps the first time in his life. Raistlin listened as Stephen explained his perfect job completion rate.

“I understand what you mean... However, we're going to have to discuss it with Darque over there. We've only just met, I'm not sure she will trust even myself enough to go back to get the Strahl. It's all up to her.” Raistlin said, as he looked in her direction as she was sleeping peacefully.
"Cuclainn was it? The total is 4145 bani. 3451 for the engine and parts and 694 for the service." Julius led her back to the front to take care of the financial. He came to find his new tennant standing over a ruffian. Julius knew his type.

He grabbed the fallen with two hands, opened the door, and threw him outside with his friends. His sort had come in before asking for help. Julius always refused. They didnt deserve a new hand to steal with or leg to flee.

"Worthless gutter trash," he muttered.

"Now then, Skylar. I believe I'll take a look at both you arm and legs." He reached behind the conter and pulled out a sketch pad. "I hope you don't mind. Seeing as how you've already removed the crystal on your arm well start there. And while I look at that, do be so kind as to remove the crystal from your right leg." All this he said with his trademark smile.

He looked at Skylar's extended arm with his lenses down, using his mechanical arms to move the pieces as his human hands sketched out the inner working. He spent a good half-hour looking at it and by the end had sketches of the machine gun, the blade mechanism, and the homemade explosive launcher as well as the overall structure. Alongside these were assorted notes on his own designs.

Moving down to Skylar's leg he followed the same procedure as Skylar reattached the crystal to his arm. The air compression systems were of great importance to Julius. He had drawn several other sketches for non-lethal and lethal air cannons. It was an easy and effective way to fight.

"It would seem you have more proficiency in weapons than I do, Skylar. I shall be remembering you." He clapped the sketchbook shut. "Now then, I do believe I will be closing up shop soon. You have given me quite a bit to think about. Shadow you will remain so we can discuss the terms of your lease."
For the first time ever, Skylar was sitting back as someone took a look at his secrets...but they were all falling into good hands. Skylar trusted Julius. Doing as he was told, he had removed all crystalline plating and replaced them when he was finished.

Skylar was pleased to be complimented by Julius about his weaponry, "Yes, well I always was a little more for the guns and such." He said this with a smile on his face, but he also respected that the technicians shop was closing, and Skylar had his own matters to attend to. He had to get ready for a show today where he would show his limb attachments in the capitol city. As a result, he waved goodbye saying, "Someday we might see eachother soon!" He left this place and headed home

(Time jump)

When he arrived back home, he instantly returned to his lab and sat at one of the computers to look at something. He didn't have time to start anything, but he did have time to make sure his next bigger project was ready...He was calling it the Oceans Bird Project...It was an airship. He brought up a program and opened the file to reveal all his blueprint plans. This would take some time to build alone, but he would get it done none the less. Maybe while he was in the capitol city he would hire some extra hands.

Touching up only a few small details, Skylar then headed up to his living room, which was the closest room to his lab. He checked the time, and he knew he had more than enough time, but if he were to have started anything, he would be late, and it was better to be early so he headed out the door. Instead of taking the usual road, he took a right as soon as he left his door and opened up his garage. Another one of his creations sat there. Well, he couldn't take all the credit. He took what was a normal car and souped it up with his own knowledge. With this, he would get to the capitol city in minutes. He got in his car and sped off down the road. It's engine roared through the air. This was one of his favorite toys.

He would reach the capitol city in minutes.


It was late, the moon was up and the night was starlit, but Lewa was still outdoors in the forest near his home. He practically lived there. He enjoyed it here, it was always at peace. Animals only killed when they needed it, but it was also the prey playing their part in life. He loved to be there at night to see the various insects that often made this forest glow. The special part about where he lived were the forest insects. They all would glow at night, but they were so abundant here that the entire forest would glow green if you were deep enough inside. It was nothing visible on the outside of the forest.

Lewa was laying down under a very large tree, staring into the sky with his hands behind his head. Taking a deep breath, he relaxed in the night forest. It was beautiful and everything was so serene. Lewa loved to bathe in the sounds of the night, and to be here at such an hour was like being in heaven for a lifetime. A moth had floated by and landed on Lewa's elbow. He did not bug the insect, nor did he even flinch at it. Instead he glanced over with a smile.

It shortly flew off of him. Now, still laying, Lewa had began to doze off. He had the same dream every night...to just become one with nature. But he also knew that this could never happen. He had to play his role in society. Now a small frog had hopped it's way to Lewa's hip. Removing his hand from the back of his head, he picked up the frog. "Hello young one. Seems it like you are lost." He stood up and reached his and with the frog into the highest branch he could reach and released the frog, which quickly began to climb higher.

"Suppos'n I best be gettin' back." Lewa began to head home. He had been here plenty of nights, he knew exactly how to get home. Even while walking and passing through the trees and other plants, he still basked in the sounds and sights nature had offered him. The smile on his face showed everything he was feeling, as he never did try to hide anything he felt.

There was a clearing visible now, and this was where he would find his house. He walked into the house was best described as a log cabin, though it was set up interiorly like the average house, There was a fireplace set up with a dying fire that Lewa had thrown a log on as he came in the door. He sat down on his couch, sprawled out, and yawned. His smile was still just as clear as before. His house was perfect for someone like him because it let sound in but also stayed warm and provided a good shelter from the weather.

He let himself fall asleep laying back in his couch. No plans tomorrow, but he needed sleep...
Stephen smirked as Raistlin apologized about the damage to his arm. "hey, i was trying to kill you, nothing was excessive" Stephen informed him before turning to face Darquewillow "I have to get her back to the bar, to uphold my record, but after i have returned her all bets are off between me and the Barman" Stephen explained smiling.

The way this will work, if it does, he will send her Straight to the manor house's Slave Quarters, she will be escorted by a Squad of Skylerkian's, probably mercenary's and most definitely well armed" Stephen explained knowing how these slave traders worked, having worked for them before.

Stephen turned back to the wall, "being a mercenary, i know how alot of things work, i go where the money is, nothing like a good pouch of Bani to get the blood pumping. 100% completion rate means i can charge whatever i want, and nobody second guesses it" Stephen Explained "I have no idea what weaponry the other mercenaries use, most of the merc guilds use their own weapon's built by their own mechanics, just as i do, own guns, own ammo" Stephen smiled as he used his left hand to un-holster his white handgun with his left arm, spinning it round and catching it by the barrel and presenting it to Raistlin "you ever held a gun?" Stephen questioned.
OOC: A short one to get me outta Gavin's place and time skip to the capitol. I think i read it somewhere but 1 bani = 1 dollar right? And im sure there are mech hangers in the Capitol right?

"Cuclainn was it? The total is 4145 bani. 3451 for the engine and parts and 694 for the service."

{Happy} That is a reasonable price for such service. Here is the money for the service. I shall seek you the next time i have issues with my mechanical parts.

From the money she got from the last mission, Cuclainn fished out 4300 Bani for Julius. Good work always deserve extra. The additional 255 was a bonus. She could not give anymore due to it being actually Guild coffer, but she'll mark it off as expense.

{Polite} I shall be leaving now, Dr Aspel, as i have matters to attend to. I wish you good fortune till we meet the next time.

Cuclainn bowed slightly as she exited the door from the mechanics. Already, she could feel the smoothness back in her arms and a certain amount of lightness from the replacement. All in all, it was almost as if she was a new person again. However, there was no time to rest. She must head to the capitol and seek the gunsmith Dr Aspel had recommended. The gun was an important part of her job, so commissioning a new weapon was priority. Exiting the town and trekking back into Noblesse Oblige, Cuclainn kicked off again towards the capitol city. With control of all her limbs again, Cuclainn could push Oblige to its limit. Getting to the Capitol would be a breeze.


Time Skip


Noblesse Oblige slowed down as it approached the city. She didnt want to set off some defence mechanism and get blown just before she gets back to Guild HQ. Going through the proper procedures, Cuclainn eased Oblige into a hangar near the HQ and stepped out onto the streets. First things first, she'd have to drop off the money from the request, then get some more for her gun.
OOC: Just figured it would take two posts to get to the capitol city with Skylar's car, so now I am arriving

After about a half hour of driving, Skylar could just about see the Capitol City of Zyklon. It was a very busy day, like always. He had slowed his car down upon approaching the main gate. Skylar had to show his ID, and so he did, and the guards let him pass through. He decided not to waste any time and show up to the show early. He pulled up to a large dome shaped building. It was mainly blue, but it was massive. Of course, it fit right in to this city, being the capitol city of Skylerk. This was where all the finest technology could be found, but from what Skylar has seen from earlier in this day, Skylar knew there was more to the technology than the capitol city knew about.

Skylar walked into the main doors and saw an usher standing at the entrance. He would leave shortly after the show started, but he was taking the ID of people who were to be showing their armors and technologies. Showing his ID to this usher, the usher let him pass. Skylar only needed room to stand, since his technology being shown was his body. There had been some modifications since the last time he was here, and he made sure he let that be known. He took his post and began to stand there.

One of the staff members walked up to Skylar. It was a man that was rather tall and wore very proper clothes. His hair was a messy brown and was holding a clipboard. He walked up to Skylar, "Well Skylar, you're the second one here today." The man laughed as he spoke. "It's good to see you again." Skylar smiled back. "Same to you Kyo." "Now, can you give me the usual checks?" Skylar nodded and extended his arm forward and began moving all his parts around. He revealed every gun and joint movement. "Everything seems alright" The man with the clipboard said as he marked something on his paper. "Well, I've got work to do, you'll get your check after the show."

This was a once a year event that only had the best of the best technicians in the world come together and show the public their inventions and workings. There were only 3 out of 42 technicians that actually had mechanical parts attached to them, and Skylar was the only one that used those mechanical parts for the show. Everything that was to be showed would be standing on a small platform that raised them slightly. Because of this, Skylar was to be standing on this platform, moving and showing his arms workings. Other than the previous technician he had just met, Skylar was the only one to be able to make metabolic activity power a machine. This baffled a lot of people.

There was also the factor that Skylar was the only person there to have no major gears move parts, instead it mostly consisted of motors and small engines. His air compression systems in his legs were also part of the show. Every time he took a step, the motions of his foot compressed more air, so there was no need for any electrically powered air compressors.

He stood there waiting for the people to come in in a few minutes.

OOC: I was cut short by the orders barked at me by parents :dave:
Wilheim and Professor Hillenberand walked down a hallway until they reached a door fourth down on the left. The professor, fumbling at the keys before opening the door.

"Come in, old bean, come in."
The professor said, letting Wilheim in. The mercenary stood over the desk, which was full of pages of writing, apparently info on temples that people had visited, as well as maps of the world. Because the world was vast and mostly undiscovered, there were many holes in the world map.

As soon as the professor sat down. He took a piece of parchment paper and began writing down the letters of the ancient's alphabets from the tablet onto the piece of paper.

Wilheim said impatiently.



"Oh, it appears we have a guest..."
Hillenbrand said, pointing outside. Wilheim turned around and saw a man of high class appear by the door. He had just walked in a few moments ago, following Hillenbrand and Wilheim to the professor's office.

"What do you want?"
Wilheim asked.

OOC: Your move, Gamingway.