RPB - Pathfinder - [open]


Dec 13, 2009
[Travnia Biography]


Execution day in Nordstone; a day of public satisfaction courtesy of the township. For the city of Nordstone the harsh climate lead to resentful residents and public executions were seen by all as a means to provide entertainment for the townsfolk and justice for all.

The newly formed city of Nordstone, only a few generations in age, was built on a plateau surrounded by enormous mountain peaks to the south. A wealthy mineral discovered within the mountains give rise to the development of mines and quarries, the largest being Nordstone. Settlement soon began to flourish around these mines and construction of the town grew rapidly from the riches of the mines. Huge white-stone buildings, medieval in architecture build to withstand the cold harsh elements were erected. Grand monuments were built resulting in the town becoming a city with a regional ironfist. Wide main streets situated the provisional stores, while narrower side streets held a rampant black market selling exotic weapons, prostitution and black magic. The streets were cobbled under the dusting from the snow, a statement of its wealth. Due to its elevation and current season the city is subject to unforgiving weather systems. Heavy snowstorms and fearsome subzero temperatures ravaged the city and in this season the skies were a constant dull grey.

Many former warriors lay down their arms when coming to Nordstone in search of wealth and prospect. In time, their nature, stressed working conditions and depressing climate led the townsfolk to become rugged and bitter. The mixed culture of battle hardened ex-warriors and well dressed tophat wearing scumbags had complimented each other well. The cities two thousand some population gathered on masse to the city square to watch the monthly executions; according to the mayors office two male rapists and a female thief.
The city square was overlooked by the mayors residence to the north; the most spectacular building in Nordstone. In front of the residence, on the northern walkway, a tall thick pillar held on top a large stone statue of a solitary raging wolf; the cities emblem. At the heart of the square lay a large concrete altar some 30 feet across, played host to the bound condemned. The city square was bustling as different races, warriors, tribesman, prospectors and residents heckled and traded items. A light blizzard had begun as the city clock tower read a few minutes before midday.

Among the vast crowd Travnia stood in view of the altar; silent in the midst of the roaring and bloodthirsty crowd. The clock tower struck midday as an executioner grabbed one of the rapists by the hair and dragged him to the front of the altar forcing him to kneel in front of the crowd. The hateful voices of the crowd rang out “kill that f*cker!” , “burn in hell you c*nt!”. A surge of anticipation took the crowd by the throat as the executioner raised his sword above him and with a powerful swing thrust the blade into the back of the rapists neck. A splatter of blood emerged from the wound as the executioner tugged his head ripping the skin and muscle. Again he hacked the neck; this time the head was severed. His lifeless body fell forward off the altar as his bloody head was held aloft for all to see. The crowd cheered in morbid joy, as Travnia began to walk through the mob back to the city streets.
His thoughts pondered an old saying - “what you reap is what you sow“, judgement would come for this f*cking sadistic population… but not today.

In the somewhat quieter streets the crowds heckles could still be heard, the snow had become heavier and temperatures fell dramatically; appropriate weather for a cold blooded city. Travnia walked back along the thoroughfare, his boots crunching the snow with every step. The self-absorbed scum preoccupied with the executions had caused no attention to be drawn to himself. His long black coat fluttered in the gentle wind as his hair began to soak from the falling flakes. His head tilted to the ground, peering through the long black strands covering his face. Quiet unyielding aggression was harboured behind his eyes ready to be unleashed. He had come to this godforsaken sh*thole to quell his deadlock of boredom and drought of challenge. Centuries had past since Travnia last spilt blood and giving this gathering bunch of sadistic fools, he had hoped for bravado or confrontation from at least one. Random slaughter held no meaning anymore, what was missing was true contest.

The candle lit streetlights flickered as the creeping winds edged closer, the pandered crowd began to disperse from the square as the remaining executions were carried out. With their primary interests resolved, Travnia took advantage of the situation to call out to all beings near and far. Raising his right hand to his face he covered his mouth for a brief few seconds, muttering quietly into the palm of his hand; his eyes closed. As he slowly drew his hand away from his mouth he blew the message contents from his hand and opened his eyes; sending out a challenge to any worthy . To those willing to listen a strong pull of desire would lead them to Nordstone and his location. Travnia awaited the coming response, seating himself on a cast stone bench his back pressed against the cold stone wall of some self-important grand building. His head bowed forward and hands placed on his opposing knees. His dark appearance was nothing unusual, as tophat-fatcat proprietors marched up and down the streets heckling. Discreetly lowering his right hand from his leg a scarlet aura swirled around his fingers as Travnia pulled matter together to form a small sand timer. Placing it by his feet the sand began to flow; when the timer ran out - no one was coming. Awaiting his answer he hoped that anything would bring meaning to this barren f*cking day.

[OOC: No rule restrictions apply. Challenge open to all]
((I'll join, if you don't mind. I'll be using Thamuz Delville for this battle. Also, for the record, I really like this first post...very well done and +rep for you.

One more thing, you don't have to censor yourself unless you're doing it for your own reasons. I don't mind if a post is a little gritty, and your use didn't seem in poor taste. Anyway.))


Thamuz Delville looked up from the charts and maps littered on his temporary desk to meet the salute of one of his finest lieutenants, Vapula. Vapula was the closest thing the Caliginous Order had to a berserker among their ranks, which made him quite a large, imposing presence. Thamuz knew that he was a soldier of the highest order, though, and trusted him as much as he trusted anyone else...which, admittedly, wasn't much.

"Yes?" Thamuz didn't really care for pleasantries, especially in the midst of a scouting mission in such a Filarhh-forsaken place as this. It was so damn cold.

"Sir, one of our outlying scouts reports a city some...3 miles north of our position." Thamuz raised an eyebrow and tilted his head to one side. Vapula was familiar with that look...Thamuz was saying "so what?" in his own way. "I brought it to your attention because...there isn't supposed to be a city there."

Thamuz's eyes traveled down to the desk as he shifted a few papers around. He finally found what he was looking for...the most recent map of the area they were scouting. The fact that these maps were several decades old were they very reason that Thamuz found himself in this horrible place. He traced a gloved finger over the approximate area that Vapula had indicated, and found that the area was indeed empty. How could a city have sprang up so fast? Ugh...no matter. It needs to be studied and added to the map manifest.

Thamuz stood and rolled up the map. "Thank you, Vapula. I'll ride that direction and have a look. If I don't return by nightfall, send someone after me." Vapula saluted and turned sharply on his heel to exit the tent. Thamuz sighed. "We're not mapmakers...we're soldiers," Thamuz muttered as he exited the tent to ride north.


As Thamuz slowly made his way north, he began to feel an odd...pulling, of sorts. The pull was, in a strange way, appealing to his base soldier instinct...the instinct to fight. Admittedly, Thamuz had not actually fought in quite a while. The Caliginous Order had been sent out on repeated scouting expeditions, since the Holy Empire was enjoying a relatively peaceful time. As a result, Thamuz found himself searching for nothing rather than leading his men into battle...and this irritated him. He wasn't much for magic or superstition, but if there was a chance that this strange feeling could lead to some excitement...there was no way he could ignore it. Thamuz leaned down and drove his horse faster in the direction of the "pull".

Within a few minutes of hard riding, he arrived at the city, precisely as Vapula had described it. He was being pulled into the city, so he quickly dismounted and entered the city. The feeling grew stronger and stronger, and Thamuz found himself being...well, dragged through the streets of this strange new place. Without warning, the feeling stopped abruptly and he stopped. Thamuz looked around, a little apprehensively, slowly starting to feel a little foolish.

Then...it happened. As Thamuz swept his eyes over his surroundings, he saw a tall man with long black hair sitting idly on the side of street...and he knew. He wasn't sure how...but he knew that this man had brought him here.

"You, with the long hair!" Thamuz called out. "Why did you bring me here?"
OOC: I see your Soldier, and I raise you, I female cat-soldier, my RP character, Carolina Canadensis

This takes place before Carolina becomes the leader of the Espada Brigade

IC: Carolina entered the main tent of her leader, Isabella Adefónsez. Isabella was a blond-hiared, blue-eyed woman in her mid-40's. She was very slim and beautiful beyond her years. Isabella was a veteran of the Ratian Wars and has used her experience to train her Espada's, including her latest recruit, Carolina Canadensis.

Isabella was looking through her maps and charts of the region in question, a small pleateau, being near the foot of a mountain range to the south. Carolina was the first to speak, in a Sapinish (Spanish) accent, she said, "What are your orders, Lady Isabella?"

Isabella said to her apprentice, "Carolina, we have sent exploradors (scouts) to a scout the area, they have returned to find a villa natal (native village) at the foot of the mountain range nearby. I want you to see what the village has to offer, and return to me here."

"Se hará (It will be done), Lady Isabella." Carolina got up bowed and started to walk out of the tent.

Isabella added, "And Carolina, be careful out there."

"I will not fail you, Lady Isabella" Carolina walked out of the tent, got her sword and shield placed on her side, got on a horse and headed southward

Carolina made her way southward towards the village, as she traveled she felt the urge of a challenge, a proving ground where there were no ranks or affiliations to hinder anyone.

Coming off her horse she walked closer into the village walking around and finding people who look almost medieval in nature, as if Carolina went backwards in time to the Middle Ages, the days of the Usean Crusades.

As she was walking she saw two men on the side of a street. Hiding behind one of the houses, she saw as the two men, one a soldier and the other an enigmatic individual, she wanted to listen in, as this may threaten the safety of the Kingdom of Sapin.
Travnia could feel it, the call had been answered. It had sunk its claws into the yearning desire of others and dragged them to Nordstone. Awaiting the arrival of the summoned, Travnia sat silently frozen in position, his head continued to be bowed down looking to the frozen landscape at his feet.
The sand timer grains stopped, before the timer was successfully complete. The grains ceased to flow being hung in motion inside the glass encasing. The time had come and confirmation was granted as a stern voice called him out.

"You, with the long hair! Why did you bring me here?"

Travnia raised his head and peered directly at the source of the voice. His glare was intense, his eyes fixed on the elderly man, reading all he could from his appearance. A desolate face looked back at him, experienced and committed. This was an battle hardened commander, that only a glance could reveal many had to put to his sword. His clan markings upon his battle dress where bold and noble, only one clan is so public in their markings - an Empire.

Travnia, slowly and methodically rose from the stone bench. The mood had changed, the realism had taken hold - the challenge had been accepted; regardless of this humans decision. Travnia’s black splendour was no longer reserved, through the falling snow and busy city life, Travnia’s yellow eyes were locked to the human relentlessly, speaken in deep low voice, the accent was distinctly foreign of these parts…

“You know why you are here….. You felt that burning desire…. Something you have been denied for to long…. Your purpose… your way.. has been lost…. I am your Pathfinder, as you are mine.”

The voice weaved amongst the volume of people between them, constructed in a way that only Thamuz would hear its sound. Travnia and Thamuz stood some twenty feet apart on opposite paved paths of a cobbled main street, between them were townspeople. Travnia felt the uprising of adrenaline pumping inside him, ready to be unleashed…. ready.. to be.. unleashed.

Victory or defeat was irrelevant, nothing would be settled here. What was strived for was personal for both combatants, the fulfilment of need. For Travnia, the need for valid contest, for Thamuz something only he would know. Travnia again spoke to Thamuz, as his eyes broke contact momentarily and surveyed the surrounding environment.

“This f*cking place…. These f*cking people…. All of it should burn. Your imperial markings dictate order. Your heart is pure and just. If you do not rise to my words, I will commit an act of Genocide on this dire meaningless place, everyone here will die…. do not.. doubt me…”

Travnia's yellow-eyed gaze again focussed on Thamuz, as he extended both his arms outwards from his body’s sides. His fingers arched in his hands as they began to shake, a dark crimson aura began to build around each of his hands, engulfing them. The violent charge of energy began to become more violent and concentrated as the aura solidified revealing Travnia’s primary weaponry - in both hands he held his fearsome dual sickles. His arms slowly fell to his sides again, armed with newly formed weapons.

The townspeople witnessed the devine act and began to back away fearful of what they had just seen. Mothers grabbed their children and ran for the safety of their homes. They could run, but not hide. Death was coming for some if not all, indiscriminate of who it chose; the harbinger was the Angel Of Death.

Travnia stood firm, the blizzard had remained constant, he peered through his black hair at Thamuz. It was moments away from happening… the tension was ripe. However the moment was spoiled as Travnia’s eyes veered leftward at the shadowy figure lurking across the thoroughfare. It was unclear if the Empire man Thamuz had brought with him reinforcements or if this was a solitary individual who also received Travnia’s call to war. For now they posed no threat, sheltering themselves from the unforgiving weather, monitoring the state of tension between Travnia and Thamuz that stopped short of open, violent conflict. Travnia looked back to Thamuz focussed and unwavering, ready for whatever this gaunt, battle hardened armoured war machine had to reveal….

[OOC: Thanks for that compliment Ness, I look forward to this battle. Schwarze, I have no problem in this battle being fought by more than two characters, however if Ness wants to keep this one on one I will arrange a battle for your character later, but I would like to cap this battle at 3 participants max to control continuity. Enjoy the post.]
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