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Now maybe someone would be interested in making a list of potential monsters, if anyone is interested. Also everyone helping, if it is alright can you give a name of a character you would like in the story so you can help Squall out, he says he needs names. Anyone wishing to join in is welcome.
lol umm True Squall, it's 16 bit 0.o
And I got like around a GIGANTIC collection of sprites for RPG maker 2003, used in my before stuff, around 2000 monsters, 500 characters, and much more, so I can do sprites!
I started making an interesting game a couple years or so ago with RPG Maker 2003. Gay kings, an old gangsta guy, a cat who's the bastard child of Satan, a princess named Efmie, a walking cactus, townspeople dancing to the macarena, a chicken boss whose theme music is the Chicken Dance, the Cheese Man Who Reeks... To bad I never finished it. I didn't even get very far into it at all actually.
you remind me of myself, Ive started about 4 RPG's, I only worked on about them on average of a week with the expeption of 1, which i worked on for 2 months
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