012: Duodecim RUBICANTE Texture Mod (Golbez)


Sep 23, 2012
I made this Rubicante Texture Mod for Golbez's 2:nd Alt. with SkyBladeClouds Dissidia modding Suite. The texture is based on the Lord of Fire, Rubicante, from Final Fantasy IV and FFIV: The After Years, If you couldn't tell. Might Update it later on but i am currently working on a different project.
Feel free to Download it,
But dont forget to Comment and Like and all that stuff, Enjoy!
>Download Link In YouTube Description<

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nice mod, but sadly I don't think we are allowed to post game mods on here D:
I know this is 8 years later, but does anyone happen to still have this texture mod of Golbez? It's so beautiful. ;_;
I know this is 8 years later, but does anyone happen to still have this texture mod of Golbez? It's so beautiful. ;_;

The texture link appears to still be in the description of the YouTube video, however I just clicked it and it doesn't appear to work anymore. Perhaps the uploader didn't renew it or it got moved.

They also don't appear to have uploaded anything on their YouTube account or here in a number of years, so I'm not sure if they are still 'internet active' with these accounts. Nevertheless, it might be worth popping a message to the creator's YouTube account (Frutte) and hope they see it and send you the link. It might be worth a shot.
The texture link appears to still be in the description of the YouTube video, however I just clicked it and it doesn't appear to work anymore. Perhaps the uploader didn't renew it or it got moved.

They also don't appear to have uploaded anything on their YouTube account or here in a number of years, so I'm not sure if they are still 'internet active' with these accounts. Nevertheless, it might be worth popping a message to the creator's YouTube account (Frutte) and hope they see it and send you the link. It might be worth a shot.
Hey! Thank you for replying, and yes though unfortunately, I can't seem to message this YouTube creator at all; there's no way to contact him either. While we're on the subject, do you happen to possess any mods for this game? Might as well ask, right? I'm in search of them for this gem of a game, as you can tell.
Hey! Thank you for replying, and yes though unfortunately, I can't seem to message this YouTube creator at all; there's no way to contact him either. While we're on the subject, do you happen to possess any mods for this game? Might as well ask, right? I'm in search of them for this gem of a game, as you can tell.
No problem. :)

I don't have any myself and I'm not sure if there are many posted on this site for this particular game.

However, I think you might like to scroll through these:

I can't vouch for their quality or for whatever might be in the links in each individual page, so that'll be up to you about the risk.

It does, however, have some Dissidia mods including 012 mods (it has tabs so you can differentiate them).

For example this thread:

Not sure if these will be of interest to you or not, but Paine created from Lightning and Rikku created from Prishe does sound pretty cool to me.
No problem. :)

I don't have any myself and I'm not sure if there are many posted on this site for this particular game.

However, I think you might like to scroll through these:

I can't vouch for their quality or for whatever might be in the links in each individual page, so that'll be up to you about the risk.

It does, however, have some Dissidia mods including 012 mods (it has tabs so you can differentiate them).

For example this thread:

Not sure if these will be of interest to you or not, but Paine created from Lightning and Rikku created from Prishe does sound pretty cool to me.
Hehe, thank you once again for your assistance and your reply! I already happen to possess nearly all of the mods that I could possibly get my hands on around forums and such - it is mainly these more obscured ones such as this Rubicante mod for Golbez that I am particularly in search of. It essentially requires a lot of backtracking and reverse searching on my part to generate leads, and also asking individuals such as yourself who may possess and are willing to share these mods as politely as possible, which even then I'm well aware is not a guarantee, but hey, at least I can say I tried right?

Haha, regardless, thank you so much for your help! The thought counts, for me at least <3.