ruby and emerald weapons

Edward Elric

Mar 19, 2007
i honestly think that ruby and emerald are easily the hardest bosses in the entire final fantasy series. they both have like a million HP and have such powerful attacks. thoughts?
i havent beaten them yet but i say emerald weapon with no underwater materia equipped
There not that hard...the emerald weapon is quite easy actually, yeah the Ruby weapon takes a lot more effort, though it is defeatble. I definantly wouldnt say they're the heardest bosses in the whole FF series, what about the Ultima Weapon in VIII? Or Ozma in IX or the Dark Aeons in X?
The are definately one of the harder monsters to kill; it does take insane ammounts of training to fight them confidently. However, the Dark Aeons and Ozma were by far the hardest monsters in the series. Ultima Weapon was piss in VIII (every boss in VIII was easy).
Desert Rose and the Ruby materia creature

They were hard but even without the underwater materia they are not impossible to beat.....takes a bit of time though if you dont have the protections
i honestly think that ruby and emerald are easily the hardest bosses in the entire final fantasy series. they both have like a million HP and have such powerful attacks. thoughts?
*starts laughing histarically*
man you got to be kidding if you get final attack phenix they are just as easy as the rest
note final attack and phenix both have to be mastered
I thoght Nemesis was cake, but it just took an average of 15 minutes to beat him, with Quick hits for 99,999 and all.

Ruby's not that bad really and I beat him on my second attempt, but Emerald is a bitch and is taking me forever to try and kill.
busta use final attack phenix both mastered and everytime you die everyone is revived
Come on, ruby and emerald arn't that hard. Just go crazy on them, and get your parties hp and damage up as high as you possibly can... I never lost to either of them, not once.
I would say that Ruby and Emerald, like Omega in VIII, Nemesis in X, etc. were easy to defeat -- using the right strategy.
The FF series doesn't really have any boss that has been supremely impossible to kill, as there is a strategy to each one. I would rank it:
1. Nemesis
2. Omega
3. Ruby
4. Emerald
5. Dark Aeons
I got raped the first time I tried Ruby, and have still never really made a dent in him. This was before I found a strategy to defeat him. I will not stop until I defeat him, and I need to level up the double cut so that I can smite the tentacles in one turn.
I actually think that Ozma waz one of the strongest ones because it was quick with attacks and in FFIX armour and abilities didn't provide you with protection from certain status effects; and even if they did they would be overuled at most times. Ozma would attack with Curse and then begin to combo you with attack after attack. It waz really about geting in there and just launching an all out offensive whilst you had a healer to replenish health. One lax decision and you're party were likely to fall to this mighty foe.
Ruby and emerald weapons are very easy when you know how
For ruby all you need is to master the counter materia, knights of round paired with hp absorb and equip a ribbon. Or you can try and use hades which s very useful. Make sure you kill off your 2 weakest characters otherwise ruby will use whirlpool and your character will go for the remainder of the battle.

For emerald use w-summon KOTR with mime and pair KOTR with hp-absorb. Make all other mime it and try not to use too much materia otherwise AIr tam storm will kill you.Don't bother with omnislash otherwise you will break the KOTR chain
Ruby and emerald weapons are very easy when you know how
For ruby all you need is to master the counter materia, knights of round paired with hp absorb and equip a ribbon. Or you can try and use hades which s very useful. Make sure you kill off your 2 weakest characters otherwise ruby will use whirlpool and your character will go for the remainder of the battle.

For emerald use w-summon KOTR with mime and pair KOTR with hp-absorb. Make all other mime it and try not to use too much materia otherwise AIr tam storm will kill you.Don't bother with omnislash otherwise you will break the KOTR chain
yea that is true but if you can't die how can you lose? the phinex with final attack on all charactors makes it to where everytime he kills one he gets hurt and you get full hp
^ you can only use that a certain amount of times depending on how many stars your phoenix and you final attack has
max is 5 i think
Its a lot harder with some of the more basic equipment, but i still came close. I have quad magic and final attack and those, but they're still level 1 sence i dont go out and max out materia a lot. And i dotn have knights of the round, because i could never breed the right chocobos :P

But, ruby is deffinatly harder than emerald. Emerald might be stronger, but its alot easier to damge. I mean, Demi hits 9999 every time, and with quad magic and mime thats like almost 80000 points of damage, and thats for 2 people. Last person just uses KotR and its an easy fight.

But Ruby has like, no weaknesses, and has good defence so its harder to get a good hit in all the time. Now, granted you could still KotR and mime it on him, it isnt a hard fight. But lets take out all the major Materia (Mime, Quad, Final, and KotR) Now what? Your screwed.

So yes, they are the hardest without maxing out everything the game has to offer.