Ruination of music

I'm kind of confused of what point you're trying to make exactly with the iPod ,Squee. I know there's already been a long debate over that but, regarldess of what the iPod does or doesn't promote, why is people playing music loud such a bad thing? If they want to mess their hearing up that's their problem, I know that I've certainly not been stupid enough to do that.
Well as a person that has an Ipod, I can say a few things about this subject.


Honestly I think the earbuds that have come out today are actually more helpful for the hearing than before. Now a days I don't have to turn the music so high up to block people out, instead the earbuds block out most folks without even any music flowing through them. So for me, a moderate level suffices.

I don't understand the logic hinceforth about this point, so I'll move onto the next.

Ipod's m4a/M4p/Mp4 system:

So people have argued that because people are able to get singles off the net, that it takes away from overall music. In my opinion I think this is very false in fact. I'm not willing to pay for an entire album by M.C. Hammer when all I want to hear is "You can't touch this".

If anything this should inspire people to be more original. I mean just see the quality of music in the past 20 years. It has gone to.. absolutely amazing to.. wtf? I know the lack of creativity is out there, but dang. Trust me I give most cd's a chance and filter through all their songs, but most I don't actually download anymore because of how terrible the lyrics are or how bad the sound behind the lyrics are.

So I can't make a case for these folks, because honestly if anything, this should make people give more considerate thought into what they write before just putting it on the air.