S Soldier


Jun 12, 2006
The Code of the S SOLDIER
Take pride in Sephiroth
Open your heart to Darkness
Gluttony for Power
Lust for Strength
Anger at the Weak
Embodiment of Hatred
Greed for Knowledge
Thirst for Wisdom
Kill for his Glory
Life without Sephiroth is Pain
Loyalty to Sephiroth is everything​

The rise of the God Sephiroth and the S SOLDIER

Almost 1000 years after the Meteor crisis the Perfect SOLDIER arose once again to achieve his plans. Humanity no longer existed on that world so the Great Sephiroth decided to keep it for himself. Using his powers he reinfected the lifestream with J-Cells and took control of the planets life. Absorbing it into himself he was reborn as a God to rule over every soul.

As he set out to conquer more worlds he found no trace of the Humans he so despised, though he did find many forms of animal life some strange some familier. However despite his new found powers he was finding the process of traveling to new worlds and converting them to be far too time consuming. So he came to a decision, on the planet of his birth he created new Humans to serve him. However they would not be like the weak Humans who once infected this world. No these Humans would be the children of the God Sephiroth. Useing his knowledge of Project S otherwise known as the Jenova project, the experiment that had created him. Sephiroth used his own divine cells to create new more powerful Humans that could convert planets to Sephiroth's will, without Sephiroth's physical prescense. Though were his children go he would be there in spirit. This was Project SS.

He created them in the image of SOLDIER for SOLDIER they were. Sephiroth's SOLDIER able to convert any planet to Sephiroth's will they went into the cosmos to do their masters will. It was one of these S-SOLDIER that found the remenants of Humanity. Though they were infact not mere remenants. An interstela empire spanning countless galaxies with highly advanced technology now stood between Sephiroth and utter domination. This lead Sephiroth to the creation of his more powerfull S SOLDIER. Those who will fight for him and will crush those that stand in Lord Sephiroth's way.


This is the clan for members of Project SS only and we only accept SOLDIER class people. (if that class gets added.)
So if you are not in Project SS and not a SOLDIER then do not post here thank you.​

We strive to be the greatest clan so only join if you are dedicated to the RPG Inferno for we will be the greatest clan of all.
$A-Money please read the first post as it clearly states you have to be in Project SS to join this clan.

Vincent I can not invite you into S SOLDIER as you have all ready been invited to another clan so could you please check that out.
I denied the invite to the other clan. that probably lost me tons of gil tho.....
Chocobo25 would you please read the first post.

Tethar Atrum said:
$A-Money please read the first post as it clearly states you have to be in Project SS to join this clan.

Vincent I can not invite you into S SOLDIER as you have all ready been invited to another clan so could you please check that out.

No I havent