[S-U/D] Skies of Elleard

:lew: Good one Squee.

I'll think of maps if I have time, no promises though, it's been a while since I've made one, and GIMP is being a total bitch.

SoEpedia, the Map of Elleard anyone can edit. :tehe:
[Name] Number Seventeen [Xerian]

[Nationality] Neristrian [Renegade]

[Race] Furion

[Age] 16 [True age is a little over three years]

[Gender] Female

[Alignment] Neutral




[Personality] Seventeen is as unaware of the world around her as anyone can be. Only knowing the labs in which she was experimented upon and the faces of the men who tested their magics upon her each and every day, she is completely oblivious as to what awaits outside of her confines.

She is a timid, scared girl upon first meeting, used only to being spoken to with harsh words or touched with cold implements, Or even burning hot tools, during testing. Outside of that, she has had no interaction with others and knows not how to speak to others, nor does Seventeen have any sort of social etiquette.

Because of her confinement, Seventeen does not understand the differences between men and woman. She does not understand how to behave around women in particular as she has never had contact with another of her gender.

Whilst her mind and body are that of a sixteen year old, her knowledge of the world around her is closer to that of her birth age of three.

Despite all this, show her the kindness she has never before experienced and you will find yourself with a valuable ally. Although shy, she is a sarcastic and charming young woman once she feels comfortable around another. Where her personality has developed from, it can't be said, but maybe that just adds to her mysterious alure.

[History] "Born" Neristrian, Seventeen was a promising Furion much like her brethren. She showed exceptional magical prowess early on in her life, often revealed through reactions whilst under experimentation. Whether she was able to control her light magics at such an early age, one can never be sure, but either way, the potential she showed was immense and a welcome sight to her creators.

However, Seventeen's upbringing was far different to her brothers and sisters.

The first year of her life went by as normal when she was 'born' a little over three years ago. She was immediately put 'under the microscope' as they say and monitored extensively. Within months, those watching Seventeen were able to define that she had the elemental powers of Light, being able to create flashes of it or use it to hide herself remarkably well. She was never able to fully harness control of her magics in the early months, as one could expect from an infant. However, this inability to control her powers became worse over the next two years.

With Thirteen turning upon his creators, The Neristrian Government panicked. Surely it wouldn't be long before the aware Furion would seek them out? The only Furion they had at their disposal at the time... was Seventeen.

They immediately began infusing Seventeen with a myriad of magical serums, designed to force the female Furions DNA and cells to mature seven times faster than normal. Within a year, Seventeen was approximately eight years old. The process was going well.

The experimentations continued, but more and more magic was tested upon her until, six months into the third year, Seventeen snapped. Her light magic turned dark and she managed to eradicate three of the six men in the laboratory before they could successfully sedate her. Now the Government had another problem. Whilst Seventeen housed devastating magical power, she was completely unable to control it and the many grueling tests upon her... had caused the girl's mind to break.

Another six months later and Seventeen reached an age where she would be tested on the field. But the test did not end too well.

Able to gain control of her newly discovered power of Nature for a brief three minutes, her already fractured mind snapped further, causing her power to once again turn upon the men experimenting upon her form.

After sedating her, they took it upon themselves to punish her again and dubbed her as a failure to be exterminated. Yet they didn't expect her to be aware through the whole ordeal. As they left her, broken in her room, Seventeen turned her dragon-slitted, crimson eyes upon her captors. In a burst of unbridled, blood thirsty fury, she broke free of her confines, devastated the halls and left nothing in her wake except for the newly painted, scarlet walls.

Now she runs for her life, completely unaware of the world she is entering.

[Weapons] Heaven and Hell

A pair of simple Dao broadswords given to her by a young man named Iado to defend herself when she comes across him. As he is the first man to ever show her kindness, she takes these weapons and due to her Weapon Mastery ability, is able to master them in an instant. From the moment she recieves them, they become her most prized possessions.

Regeneration - as with all Furions, Seventeen is able to regenerate any damage inflicted upon her body.

Weapons Mastery - Seventeen is able to master any weapon she holds in her hands for a few minutes. Despite this ability, she prefers to use Heaven and Hell unless she is forced to use something else.

In Control
Light Elemental magic - Able to create and manipulate light. Create barriers and even bend the light around herself to turn herself 'invisible'. Able to heal others of minor wounds/speed up the process of another Furion's regeneration whilst taking away the edge of the pain.

Nature Magic - Able to coax nature of all kinds. Plants and animals alike.

Out of Control
Darkness Magic - pure destruction. When she loses control, her "light" magic becomes devoid of all purity and does nothing but destroy that which stands before her.
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The rp turned into "we can rebuild him, we have the technology" pretty fast :lew:
but seriously, i think it should be kept under control a skooch. It is steam punk, not 2000 yrs into the future. i stand corrected if im wrong, but a spinal graft? Is that like replacing his back or something? Thats a bit hectic dont you think?

but i guess in a world where people can be made, its not that bad i guess.
If it were me I would have put braced around the spine and then created a back plate the assist the natural spine in support and strength, but I would have kept the natural spine there :hmmm:
Your opinions may vary on that detail. I'm not too overly keen of seeing most of my anatomy replaced my machines, after seeing much on the subject, both in Real Life and in Fiction. Though it doesn't mean my character will get one...eventually.
I don't plan on taking any more of Skylars body... He only has one limb left and the rest of his body is in tip-top shape, it would be a shame to lose it...
The boy is hemorraging blood and you want to spend more time to set the bone so it can heal before bracing it?

In the essence of time, replacing it was the best viable option.

Sides, you asked Julius to save his life. That means it is in Julius' discretion what treatment he gets.
Like I just said in the sb...

He would probably have put the bracer around the spine in a fashion that held the spin in place so it could heal over time, but still make him be able to walk after the 'repairs'
Just the way my character does things, This is an open RP, so I was just sayin that's how I'd do it. Also, I only said that's how I would do it, my only concern was the spinal cord, but your character is (as we have already seen) a bit more advanced in artificial nervous systems.
i really cant actually talk, considerinh my character, so i retract my statement i made earlier. i realised i probably need Gavin's character do something similarly indepth when i show up. -.-"