[S-U/D]The Writers of Fate

Just curious, since everyone that's been approved so far already posted, do we have to post in order from where we posted first? :hmmm: Or can we post at any time we feel is right ?
You can typically go at any time you want. Some people even double post if it's been a while. My internet has been shit, but I fixed it, so expect another post up from me sometime soon.
About time I returned. It's a public holiday for all. Lunar New Year, anyone?

@ Agent

We didn't actually wrap up the battle between our two Advent Human characters, did we?

I don't intend to bring in W yet at this point, if that's fine with you.


@ Everyone else

I've not read everyone's post thoroughly enough to know where all the other characters are. But if your character is lonely, and needs a soul to talk to, well, Shirayuki's on her way back. Just approach her anywhere. I'll just have her be 'passing by the place on the way back to the orphanage'.

If not, then just go about your business, I'll just send her back to the orphanage in my next post.
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No we didn't finish, I plan on posting in it at the end of the day. I've got catching up to do.
Quick note: Xandria knows 'The Organization' and this includes all of our names. We do not know that he/she knows, nor do any Xandrians know how he/she knows. He/she just does.
And I suppose it'll also be a secret as to who will be playing him/her in the future ? :hmmm:
Yes, he/she will remain a secret until you are informed otherwise.

FUCK YEAH, ACTUALLY FOUND A GOOD ROUGE LOOK-A-LIKE (bio updated with a photo)~ :woo:

Not entirely what I imagine Rouge looks like, but its actually pretty damn close . :griin:
Something tells me that steak is going to go to waste .
I was out of it yesterday, so forgetting that ladders were made of metal wasn't the only thing wrong with me . :wacky:

Oh, but don't worry. Rouge has her share of surprises too . :sneaky:
But wait...Electricity travels downward, for her to be electrocuted, wouldn't she need to be grounded? 8(
Not when it's being conducted through metal, I believe. I could be wrong though, I'm not too sure. Even if, it's kind of too late to go back and change it now. :wacky:
True :wacky: I was just saying. If I wanted to be realistic, I think there would be no RP
Name: Leit Serinar

Race: Xandrian

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Alignment: Neutral Good/ Chaotic Neutral

Personality: Leit Serinar is drastically different depending on how you catch him. If you were to encounter him in his ‘white state’ then you would find him to be easy to get along with, and friendly. He might even offer to buy you a drink or two. He is easygoing yet intelligent, never afraid to play a strategy game. You would be hard-pressed to find someone of equal skill. He never holds a grudge and more often than not has a smile on his face. He prefers to take care of violent matters by using his notebook to erase the entire event rather than get involved.

In his ‘black state’ Leit is never to be crossed. To get in his way often means signing your own death certificate. He will always hold a grudge, at least until he has written your name down along with how you die. To him, anything is something to write on; he is unafraid to use his blood magic. In this sense he is a sadomasochist, hurting himself to hurt others or just hurting others in general. This Leit is submerged in subtlety; cloaking his words in a velvet sheath. Unlike ‘white’ Leit, he relies more on instinct than intelligence though this is not to say he isn’t smart.

Appearance: Leit is of slightly above average height, being 5’ 11” and has an athletic body. Due to the circumstances of his birth, he has heterochromia; his left eye is red and the right is green. Depending on which one is dominant determines whether or not the other eye is marked or not with an odd white sigil in the pupil. ‘White’ Leit’s sigil is in his red eye and ‘dark’ Leit’s sigil is in his green eye. Due to the disturbance the sight often causes, he wears a black band around his forehead that also covers up the offending eye. When his personality flips the band switches eyes as well. A similar occurrence happens with his hair. His hair reflects whether he is in ‘white’ or ‘black’ state with matching color.

He dresses in black pants with a studded belt and black leather boots that go up just over his calf with three straps that are cinched around his leg. He also wears a white shirt that had a deep collar. Over top of all this, he wears a black trench coat that easily hides his twin blades and has two straps that flutter from the waistline for seemingly decorative purposes.

Weapon(s): Notebook- Pretty standard for the most part with unlined paper except that one cover is white and the other black. Each side had its own section and the color of the cover indicates who writes in it.

Twin Blades- Mounted on the back of his wrist and down his forearm, they shoot forth in less than a second from their sheaths. The sheaths are a sturdy metal that can also be used to block with. The blades are close to a foot long out of their sheaths and also have smaller blades that come out next to them (only a centimeter or two long) to catch other weapons. ‘Black’ Leit’s preferred weapon though ‘white’ Leit can wield them.

Ankh Staff- A sturdy metal staff, the end of which is shaped like an ankh. It makes an effective bludgeoning weapon as well as a walking staff. ‘White’ Leit’s preferred weapon though ‘black’ Leit can wield it.

Abilities: Mirror Wall- As a result of his Xandrian blood fighting against his human mother, he is now a combination of the twins. He flips between two different people, almost like an alternate personality. The change often happens without warning and in the span of a blink of the human eye. There are some circumstances that will switch though. Additionally, mirrors reflect the other side; it is only like this that ‘black’ and ‘white’ can converse however onlookers can only see whichever is present at the time. Otherwise, the alternate is more like a silent voice in his head.

Magic: Blood Magic- Commands control over blood and to a lesser extent, water. Blood outside the body can be controlled easily and with no concentration. While in the body it poses a more difficult challenge. ‘White’ Leit is loathe to use this but is unafraid to if he must. ‘Black’ Leit has no problem using it and only ever uses edged weapons to allow for more bloodshed. In either case, Leit can sense blood and if he chooses to, can see people by the flow of blood in their bodies, included any places where it leaks out.

Future Sight- Occasionally has glimpses of the future. If he focuses, then he can see an attack about 5 sec before it hits, giving him adequate time to dodge. ‘White’ Leit only.

Binding Gaze- If Leit focuses on an enemy’s limb, then a mark appears on it and as long as it remains, the limb cannot be used by the enemy. ‘Black’ Leit only. Requires sight of target.

Other skills: (Optional)
Leit Serinar can copy handwriting almost perfectly; the original writer would be hard-pressed themselves to determine which is their own.

He is also a gourmet chef though few, if any know this. His ‘white’ self usually creates sweet and savoury dishes. His ‘black’ self creates spicy dishes.

Brief history:

Originally born as twins, Leit Serinar is the offspring of a Xandrian man and a human woman. At first his parents were overjoyed at the conception but as time went on and it was determined that they were twins, his father began to worry. It was one thing to raise one child but two at the same time? Being a prominent business man in Toreen, he had enough responsibility. Not knowing both were Xandrian, he wrote the following words in his notebook and willed them to happen:

“My wife will give birth to only one child.”

The energies of his writing began to work on his wife but the Xandrian blood of his children fought against it. The laws of Xandrian writing prevented anything from happening to them but they could work on his wife, whom he had directed it at. And so it reached a standstill. How would the words and the blood compromise? His wife began to be torn apart by the conflicting energies in her womb. By the time of their birth she had barely enough strength to give birth.

Imagine his surprise when there was only one child born, albeit with stark white hair. Soon after, the chaotic energies left in her drained what was left of her life. He regretted the decision he had made but took care of the child anyway, thinking that his words had worked. Though he trading business falter some in the early months, he rebounded from it and came back stronger than ever.

Leit on the other hand became a rumor passed over lunch. Caregivers were turned away by the child with unnatural hair and mismatched eyes. In light of this, his father began working at home. The longer he spent though the more depressed he became. The grief he thought he had gotten over came back stronger than ever as he was forced to take care of his odd son. He ended up home-schooling his son, preparing him for his birthright as the head of his company. Leit was receptive and despite his oddities, he was very friendly. Over time the workers in the office got used to him and on the times when his father would bring him to the office, they would be more than happy to show him around and explain the details of the trading machine.

It was around the age of eight that Leit’s Xandrian writing developed. As is want for a child to do, they sometimes keep journals or what happens and what will happen. And they often want things to go right for their parents. Leit’s father typically never used his notebook for business unless it was a necessity but when he had one venture go well, too well for it to be normal, he suspected his odd son first. Finding exactly what he needed, he tested Leit again to make sure. Upon discovering his son was a Xandrian, it made some sense as to what happened with his birth.

Regardless, he began instructing Leit as to the uses of his writing, overseeing most of what he did. Satisfied of his progress and his seeming good intentions, he left Leit to himself. Imagine his surprise at coming home to find his thirteen year old son with his hair dyed black and slashing his wrists. No sooner had the knife been taken from him before his hair switched back to its normal white in an instant.

At first, his father dismissed it as him seeing things and rationalized it in a way only a father can. Still, he was worried and kept a close eye on his son. Nothing much happened though he did notice that his son developed the ability to control water; more proof he was a Xandrian. Slowly, the change began happening more and more frequently and the other Leit was far more malicious. As friendly as Leit normally was, that was how evil the other was. The other Leit also had the ability to control water but also the blood from the wounds he was so keen to inflict upon himself.

It became clear that both children had been Xandrian and that his words had forced the twins together as a compromise, but they were still themselves, Leit flipping between the two. The conflicting forces had forced two people into one; a merging of both rules. He began to think that he had created an abomination.

In the end, the thought that it was his fault took its toll on Leit’s father. He set up an assassination attempt on a councilman that would fail, the bullet missing and hitting elsewhere; the same place he intended to be.

Leit was left with the company and his father’s assets for an inheritance at the age of sixteen. Though he prefers to leave the managing of the company to the board of directors, he still keeps in touch, managing them from afar. For three years he has traveled, a chaotic force in the world. Since then, he has learned of the abilities hidden in each eye and had reached a point of trust with his other side.
This bio has already been approved by me, this post is just to confirm it. Welcome to my RP land.
Shweet, we have Gavin ~
Do you know where everyone is in the RP right now? Just curious. :ahmed: