Saddam Hussein's Execution


Jun 6, 2006
At 10:05PM (EST), Saddam Hussein was executed for crimes against humanity in Iraq. Fifty-six days after he was sentenced to death by an Iraqi Court.

Personally, I see this as good news. Yes, it will not bring peace to Iraq, but justice has been served. For all who were killed, maimed and lost loved ones to Saddam's brutality, in both Iraq and Iran. Those who were killed have been avenged now.

So... what does everyone else think?
I see no direct reason for anyone to be against his execution. He was an evil man and, if there actually is a hell, he's rotting in it. I think it's the best possible place for him.

It was allegedly recorded so the entire world could see that it really was Saddam who was killed. I'd like to see that tape - not through spitefulness or brutality on my part, but for proof and confirmation. I hope his executioner(s)'s identities were hidden, otherwise, they'd be prime-targets for Iraqi Terrorists/Hitmen.

Few people will be upset over this and even fewer will ever make themselves known.
I just can't explain it but there seems to be more than meets the eyes.

Truthfully, he was a very good leader in that Iraq was stable thought his method are questionable. Now, without a ruthless leader, which I believe Iraq needs, a bloody civil war might erupt.

But in all seriousness, Iraq should be repartitioned but then there might be war because Northern Iraq is rich in oil which are owned by the Kurds. The south is worse off.

But it also saddens me. I don't take joy in even someone like Saddam being executed.
I think the whole thing makes the US look foolish. Not too long ago, Iraq was our ally in the struggle with Iran. At that time who did the US put in control of Iraq? None other that Saddam. Now he has been executed for crimes against humanity, after the US had to go to war with Iraq and get him. It makes you wonder how well the US thought this one over.
I sit on the fence here. I mean, I do know that Saddam has done some terrible things but you can't help but wonder, like Lassic said. I mean I truly believe that Saddam didn't deserve life and executing him was the right course of action but it seems pretty fishy that he was the one that the states put in power in the first place. That and as said, it's gonna be one bloody civil war.

I can't say my hopes for a peaceful resolution is all that high.
Well, President Bush did say that he knows this will not cure all the problems in Iraq, but that it's an important milestone. For once, and I can't believe I'm actually going to say this, but I agree with him.

Of course Saddam's execution is not going to solve a lot. In all honesty, it could cause more problems in Irag, like mentioned, a civil war. But, it's important to let people know that there is justice in the world. A lot of people will take this execution seriously [how could you not?] and maybe have second thoughts about their actions.

I truly thought Saddam got what he deserved. He killed a lot of people, it was only fair that his life is taken along with that. What goes around, comes around, and Saddam is proof of that.

He was cold. He was cruel, and he deserved no less IMO. At his hanging, he didn't even plead for his life. He didn't apologize for his actions. He himself had accepted his own fate, and we should too.
Justice in the world? That is funny. If there was justice in the world, the U.S. would've been condemned and punished by the whole world for starting a war in Iraq that had no basis whatsoever. Secondly, nations such as the U.S. also cause a lot of humanitarian problems in Iraq with their depleted uranium munitions and armor plated tanks. There are a lot of people who have suffered from the after-effects of depleted uranium such as the radiation given off of it.

If there were justice in the world, then truly those who starts war for a profit should be hang alongside Saddam.

As for Saddam, he was just another scapegoat/pawn.
I am actually disapointed by Saddams death. I do not believe in democracy as it produces weak leaders but Tyranny and dictatorship produces strong leaders. Most of the time in both cases.

Saddam was a good leader who kept his country stable. True he was not particulaly nice to his subjects which proves he was not the most intelligent of dictators.

Benevolent Dictators make the greatest rulers.
I think the whole thing makes the US look foolish. Not too long ago, Iraq was our ally in the struggle with Iran. At that time who did the US put in control of Iraq? None other that Saddam. Now he has been executed for crimes against humanity, after the US had to go to war with Iraq and get him. It makes you wonder how well the US thought this one over.

I hope you're not suggesting that the U.S. put him in charge or Iraq in hopes of slaughter. What reason would they have for doing this? Why Saddam? What gives the U.S. the right to interfere like that? I don't think even Bush is silly enough to think that ahead, then send his own troops into Iraq, having them killed (and why Britain got involved in the first place is frickin' beyond me).
Well, I don't know anything on the topic, but leaders like him should not exist AS leaders. It wasn't ENTIRELY his fault for being President, but an execution did some good, so long as the people know WHO to execute instead of needlessly sacrificing innocents. And frankly, Bush deserves FAR worse treatment than an execution, if people are debating that alongside Saddam. And if he ends up getting execution, let it be slow and painful. As much as possible, actually.
At 10:05PM (EST), Saddam Hussein was executed for crimes against humanity in Iraq. Fifty-six days after he was sentenced to death by an Iraqi Court.

Personally, I see this as good news. Yes, it will not bring peace to Iraq, but justice has been served. For all who were killed, maimed and lost loved ones to Saddam's brutality, in both Iraq and Iran. Those who were killed have been avenged now.

So... what does everyone else think?

i've always wanted to give my say on this
first: yes, Saddam deserved death sentence, BUT the way was a real no no, NOBODY not even Saddam deserves such a horrible death, it's after drowning the most horrible death one can go through, not even a terrorist deserves that, he should have gotten either the chair or an injection... this death was too horrible, even for Saddam,
so in short, good he's dead? yes, the way of his execution, no...
ofc, he did more horrible things, but do we have to lower ourselves to his level and execute him the way he executed all others, many were actually shot or blown up... this is in fact a very painless death, his death is suffication(spelling?) the most painful and horrible death possible... i'm repeating myself here, not even he deserved that...

EDIT: as for Bush, he's a good president, in the ways of debating, but his discisions were a bit extreme, but most were taken to defend his country the best he could, Bush loves America, he wants to go to the end of the world to defend it, that's the main reason he wages/waged war on Iraq - on Saddam - because there were rumours of nuclear rockets pointed at America, it hasn't been proven to be true, but it hasn't been proven to be wrong either... for the same counts America wouldn't have been on the map anymore now...

nd yes, i'm an extremely open minded and forgiving person, that's why i see it as "not such a big deal"
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Personally, im not directly aginst his execution. But I find it to be a load of crap that he was executed. He could still be in power, oppressing, and murdering people today if it wasn't for the fact he refused to give into ever little demand the United States made... So while I think justice aginst him was right... the reasoning for it is sick.. and wrong...
Personally, im not directly aginst his execution. But I find it to be a load of crap that he was executed. He could still be in power, oppressing, and murdering people today if it wasn't for the fact he refused to give into ever little demand the United States made... So while I think justice aginst him was right... the reasoning for it is sick.. and wrong...

err... you think it's fine he murdered all those people and he shouldn't have been executed for it...

well, i guess that works...
wial i think thats a good thing and all i hate g bush for his lies fake tourrist trick and just to make it short.....his BULL S*** ! he had no right to go to a country he didnt belong to dis there coultre teach them that *the god you pray to is not right you MUST pray to God only!*......and thats why he's getting the boot! if your gonna help a nebering country do it with out killing inacent pp and takeng there stuff and calling it SH.....if there was any one in the world i could hate it would be him....and 9/ not sure if you guys know this but HE did that! pp found out there was NEVER a plane that crashed it was an empty american JET!!...and theres a movie with proof on it too the tape he didnt want out....darn am doing it AGAIN! any way i find it hard for the pp of IR to be jotius after what THE usa did and there own contry did to them...i wish it didnt have to be this way why do we have to fight......did you know that befor in afica in sted of having a usless war the 2 or more tribe would meet and they would chose 1 of there best dancers and they would have a dace out! your tribe would win all the other tribes pp fell out! now to me that sounds a lot better!
Does anyone else here realize that Saddam was the only bastard who could control the people in Iraq? Of course, it was a dictatorship, but he actually knew how to make his people do what needed to be done.
Now that Bush has invaded Iraq, look how many people have died.

G.W.goddamnBush didn't belong in that country in the first place. Now the United States is caught in a religious war because of our president. And America is the one country that makes a statement about freedom of religion, voice, and opinions. He's making us all look like power hungry hypocrites.
i know what your talking about and i think your right!!
No shit. Why do you think other countries make fun of us for this shit?