Sagitarrius Gem


ShinRa Guard
Dec 2, 2006
I have 3 Moon Rings and 3 Beastlord Horns but I'm having trouble locating the Sagitarrius Gems. I've killed tons of Hecteyes in the Henne Mines but have yet to come across one. Also, where are the Oilings in the Stillshrine of Miriam?
sometimes u need to try stealing and poaching aswell as get the Grimoires which are special things sold at the baazar which make drops a little diffrent!!!

Look at for Grimoires and how to obtain them.
Try stealing from Foobars in Nabreus Deadlands. You'll need to equip thief's cuffs but they dropped often for me.
Probably u can chain Hecteyes (I'm assuming that u'r saying that u have kill tons of them without chaining them).. Chaining Hecteyes might be risky since they can inflict status like confuse.. It's juz a pain in the arse.. Unless u have ribbon or bowline sash with ya.. Or else getting struck by ur own tournesol and zodiac spear means death.. In case u have been struck with confuse status, juz remove that party member weapon so that u can probably save ur life (Hopefully).. On top of that, they are probably strong since they are much of higher level than normal monsters.. And u can't reali ensure that u won't touch any other monsters to keep the chain alive.. Cuz u will probably start killing those irritating bats as they start to leech the hell out of ya.. Beside that, a rare game will also make it appearance after u kill a certain amount of Hecteyes.. To make things worst, the rare game can teleport to chase after u even when u exit the current screen into the next screen.. Well.. It's all up to ya..

Probably u can try out what narcalus recommended which I never try out before.. But the quantity of Foobars seems little.. Probably u can try chaining them too.. Juz need more effort to reset the area.. Be sure to remember that Foobars also can use Mytril Bubbles to cause confuse status on ur party..

I actuali get all the four Sagitarrius Gems needed for the Sagitarrius Bow from Oilings in the Stillshrine of Miriam.. First of all, Oilings are in the hidden area of Stillshrine of Miriam.. It's in the section "Ward of the Sword-King".. Once u reach the section "Ward of the Sword-King", turn ur camera until u see that purple Darkmare.. As u run towards that darkmare and u will pass by two Bloodgigas by the left and right (U can choose to ignore or kill them).. Ok u are near the hidden.. With ur camera still facing towards the Darkmare.. Approach until u can see the hp of Darkmare.. Now turn ur camera to face the right wall.. Run towards the wall and stick close to it.. And u can see a secret area opening up slowly..

A few things to note when entering that place.. Be sure to cast float for ur party cuz there will be traps around causing berserk and confuse statuses.. Unless u only wanted to chain the Oilings, but curiosity is human tendency.. Further up the stairs will lead to a rare game (Random)as well as a chest (One time chest only).. It's in the section "Cold Distance".. U can see it from the map.. An area floating in btwn of Cold Distance.. Probably u might wan to kill it to add it to ur bestiary collection first.. After which u can then concentrate on stealing (With Thief's Cuffs) the gems from Oilings.. It's fortunate that there are only Oilings there, so it's means u will be chaining them happily without much effort, and hopefully they will drop the gems for the bow.. Hope I have explain it well for u to understand.. Good luck!!
regarding hecteyes

First of all i agree with the description given by xiao, but can someone please tell me how to get to the hecteyes because ive been trying to obtain the silver liquid drop and that is the monster that ive been told it drops the most frequently from. Where in the mines is it? Is it some sort of secret area? is there a prerequisit? please any help is appreciated
if i remember right you do get the silver drops from hecteyes. . .but they don't drop very often. i fought many of them and have maybe 2.

talk to the medicine man in jahara, he'll open the way for you. the new path starts in a very obvious oval room by the teleport crystal. i just don't know the name of it.
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Thanks alot its very much appreciated

To confirm what xiao said i went to test out the oilings in the stillshrine of miriam. it took a few seconds to make the place appear, but the instructions are true. And i stole around 10 sagitarrius gems in about 10 minutes it worked great. Also if poached the oilings will give out yellow liquids for the most part but silver liquids are given out once in a while
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Quick Question: Where do you get the Beastlord Horns, I'm trying to get the bow too.
They drop off Humbaba in Mosphoran Highwaste, there are only 4 of them there though, so just leave two screens and they'll have respawned :)

Also, the sagittarius gems can be stolen off Slime in Zertinan Caverns, just incase someone else didnt write that, cause I'm too lazy to read all posts :P

if i remember right you do get the silver drops from hecteyes. . .but they don't drop very often. i fought many of them and have maybe 2.

talk to the medicine man in jahara, he'll open the way for you. the new path starts in a very obvious oval room by the teleport crystal. i just don't know the name of it.

Henna mines?
Well, only enter there if you're strong enough.
Most enemies in there are 60+.
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where exactly did u get the moonring?1 that is the only thing missing from me and guides dont exactly help because they it said there that there is a certain mob that drops the moon ring but i look for that mob but isnt there...

hehe i just got the moon ring from that ash wyrm thing but i still have one more ring to go... too bad he doesnt drop that much i dont know how many tries i did already just to complete this ring... too bad im not done yet!