

Sep 29, 2006
Reading, Pennsylvania
Salvete, my fellow RPG lovers! I was brought here by someone, and decided to look around before I registered. I looked for about ten minutes before deciding this is the forum I've been waiting for. ;)

See, before today I have always wanted to join that well-run, smallish-community, decent looking forum, but could never find one that was active. Now my search is over. You may has seen me on RPGPalace, Anfiniti, IFSZ, or many over forums by the same username.

I'm here to stay, and Salvete again.

(Salvete means "Hello to 2 or more people" in Latin, btw. ;) )
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Why are you speaking Latin? There are no Romans here.

Come segue la lepre il cacciatore
Al freddo, al caldo, alla montagna, al lite;
Ne piu l'estima poi che prese vede,
Et sol dietro a chi fugge affretta il piede.
Why are you speaking Latin? There are no Romans here.

Come segue la lepre il cacciatore
Al freddo, al caldo, alla montagna, al lite;
Ne piu l'estima poi che prese vede,
Et sol dietro a chi fugge affretta il piede.

Because I took Latin for four years, and I love the language.

Plus I wanted a different title then the standard "Hello!" or "Hi!"
And I love ham sandwiches, I've been eating them for 14 years, but you don't see me forcing them into the mouths of Muslims.
And I love ham sandwiches, I've been eating them for 14 years, but you don't see me forcing them into the mouths of Muslims.

Was I forcing you to learn the Latin language? No. It was just a greeting, not me typing my entire post into Latin. Heck, I even told you what Salvete meant.

To use your example, you still eat ham sandwiches, right? Well I still learn and use the Latin language.
Heu, ita alium qui Latinam cognoscit habemus ne?

One year of Latin only for me, though.

I hope that was the correct interjection. It's been awhile since I've used it.
Glad to see I'm not the only one who knows Latin here.
Hello there, Vulcan, and welcome aboard! It's good to see you in here and I've heard about you on RPGPalace. Hope to see you around. Oh and I hope you'll speaking in English as I don't even understand a word about Latin. Hehe. :P

Hahaha yeah, seems that you're the first person to speak in Latin, Sephiroth, so I guess you can be my all time mentor. :lol:
Hello there, Vulcan, and welcome aboard! It's good to see you in here and I've heard about you on RPGPalace. Hope to see you around. Oh and I hope you'll speaking in English as I don't even understand a word about Latin. Hehe. :P

Hahaha yeah, seems that you're the first person to speak in Latin, Sephiroth, so I guess you can be my all time mentor. :lol:

I hope all that you heard was good. If not, please don't judge me by my experiences there; I did not like that board for the past few months. Oh, don't worry I will speak English. ;)

Oh, Sephiroth, if you wanted to say "Alas!", then that was the right interjection. :D
Was I forcing you to learn the Latin language? No. It was just a greeting, not me typing my entire post into Latin. Heck, I even told you what Salvete meant.

To use your example, you still eat ham sandwiches, right? Well I still learn and use the Latin language.
Only difference is, eating ham sandwiches has a purpose. Speaking Latin doesn't.
This might explain his love for fire and destruction and imploding buildings.
Only difference is, eating ham sandwiches has a purpose. Speaking Latin doesn't.

Then I don't want to see you type in the English language again, as 10% of all English words are direct Latin, with about 60% having some Latin in them.

Also, "...simply because even a rudimentary knowledge of Latin cuts down the labor and pains of learning almost any other subject by at least 50 percent..."

This might explain his love for fire and destruction and imploding buildings.

I don't "love fire and destruction and imploding buildings". I simpyl have a keen interest in fire. I find it magical. ;)
So your point is speaking Latin and speaking English are the same thing? Flimsy argument.

You find fire magical? Been playing too much Final Fantasy, eh?
So your point is speaking Latin and speaking English are the same thing? Flimsy argument.

You find fire magical? Been playing too much Final Fantasy, eh?

No, if you would read my post, you would know that my point was that understanding Latin gives you a better understanding of the English language.

Maybe "magical" was too descriptive for you. "Wonderful", or maybe "mysterious" are better terms for you to comprehend.
What's so wonderful or mysterious about fire?

Your main point wasn't that Latin helps you understand English, it's that you want me to stop typing in English because you for some reason implied it's as useless as Latin.
What's so wonderful or mysterious about fire?

Your main point wasn't that Latin helps you understand English, it's that you want me to stop typing in English because you for some reason implied it's as useless as Latin.

Mainly how it can be created, as it's just heated air, as it was man's first "invention", and such.

Then apparently you didn't read my post, if you thought that. Think of it like this. Why study Ancient Egyptian?
Sekhu, are you having a problem with the Latin language? If so, not to be rude or anything but you got a problem then.
Mainly how it can be created, as it's just heated air, as it was man's first "invention", and such.

Then apparently you didn't read my post, if you thought that. Think of it like this. Why study Ancient Egyptian?
To learn what it is exactly the Ancient Egyptians wrote on their many walls. They believed in eternal life through the longevity of the written word, so of course they were very profilic with their writings. But I don't go posting Egyptian phrases on forums just because I enjoy the language, do I?

Bonjour! <-- That's hello in French, haw haw haw, I be usin de innuhnets.

That crap is annoying and pointless. Unless it's your profession to decipher Latin scripts, I don't see any point in knowing the language or speaking it other than to make yourself appear more educated than you are.
To learn what it is exactly the Ancient Egyptians wrote on their many walls. They believed in eternal life through the longevity of the written word, so of course they were very profilic with their writings. But I don't go posting Egyptian phrases on forums just because I enjoy the language, do I?

Bonjour! <-- That's hello in French, haw haw haw, I be usin de innuhnets.

That crap is annoying and pointless. Unless it's your profession to decipher Latin scripts, I don't see any point in knowing the language or speaking it other than to make yourself appear more educated than you are.

So says the person with the Egyptian user name...

...but oh well. I took Latin because I thought I would have liked to know another language, and the other choices were too dull and required one to actually speak the language. While the Latin class, all we did 4th year was translate rather exciting stories. :)
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Everybody's name is a front for their likes and hobby. You are Vulcan because you are a dangerous pyromaniac, Cool Teen is a very popular teenager, etc. But I'm not forcing the Egyptian language on you and squirming with a smug grin on my face at the fact that I know something a lot of people don't, and Cool Teen obviously has not afflicted you with coolness.